Edison High School Map - Edison, New Jersey, USA

Edison High School

Edison High School is a four-year comprehensive public high school located in , in , in the U.S. state of . The school serves students of many diverse cultures, and is part of the Edison Township Public Schools.
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Edison High School Map
Edison High School

Notable Places in the Area

, formerly Middlesex County College, is a public community college with its main campus in . is situated 1¼ miles southeast of Edison High School.

Railway station
Edison is a commuter railroad station in the of Edison Township, , , . is situated 1¼ miles west of Edison High School.

is a Catholic cathedral located in , . is situated 2½ miles northeast of Edison High School.

Localities in the Area

is a township in in central New Jersey.

is a township in in central New Jersey.

is an unincorporated community located within in , in the…

Edison High School

40.51455° or 40° 30' 52" north
-74.38708° or 74° 23' 14" west
118 feet (36 metres)
Open Location Code
Geo­Names ID
Wiki­data ID
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Edison High School Satellite Map

Edison High School Satellite Map
© OpenStreetMap, Mapbox and Maxar

Also Known As

  • Belarusian: школа імя Эдысана
  • Chinese: 愛迪生高中
  • Chinese: 爱迪生高中
  • Czech: Edisonská střední škola
  • French: Edison High School
  • Irish: Ardscoil Edison
  • Swedish: Edison High School

Other Places Named Edison High School

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About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps. Text is available under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license, excluding photos, directions and the map. Description text is based on the Wikipdia page Edison High School. Photo: Sujit kumar, CC BY-SA 4.0.