Edie McClurg (Creator) - TV Tropes

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Creator / Edie McClurg

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Edith Marie McClurg (born July 23, 1945 in Kansas City, Missouri) is an American actress. She is best known for Ferris Bueller's Day Off; Planes, Trains and Automobiles, and Carrie (1976).

She has never been married and has no children. In 2019, her family filed for a conservatorship of Edie. They alleged that she could not live alone and was suffering from dementia. It was reported that her conservator would be her cousin, fellow actress Angelique Cabral and a conservatorship was granted in 2022, after it was alleged that a man had befriended Edie, moved in with her, promised to marry her, sexually assaulted her and attempted to kidnap her.


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    Film roles 

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