Last word - English definition, grammar, pronunciation, synonyms and examples | Glosbe

Last word in English dictionary

  • last word

    Meanings and definitions of "Last word"

    • (idiomatic, often preceded by "the" and followed by "in") The finest, highest, or ultimate representative of some class of objects.
    • (idiomatic) Concluding remarks or comments
    • (plural) the final statement uttered by a person before death.
    • (idiomatic) A final decision, or the right to make such a decision.
    • noun
      {{lb|en|idiomatic|often preceded by the
      and followed by in}} The finest, highest, or ultimate representative of some class of objects.
    • noun
      Concluding remark; final observation, advice, or instructions.
    • noun
      (often pluralized)
      The final statement uttered by a person before death.
    • noun
      A final decision, or the right to make such a decision.
    • often pluralized; last words uttered before death
    • definitive (authoritative) edition
    • noun
      an authoritative statement; "my doctor has the last word on the medicines I take"
    • noun
      elegance by virtue of being fashionable
    • noun
      the final statement in a verbal argument; "she always gets the last word"

    Synonyms of "Last word" in English dictionary

    authority, chichi, chic are the top synonyms of "Last word" in English thesaurus.

    Grammar and declension of Last word

    • last word ( plural  last words)
    • last word (plural last words)
  • Last word

Sample sentences with "Last word"

That was Kumiko's last word.
But, He`s last words was
Just got in the last word.
"""One last word, Frasne,"" he said."
She pronounced those last words in a tone of half-comic gravity.
I want to stress the last word of that sentence, OK, in case its monumental significance escapes you.
As she uttered these last words, this unique woman passed away, leaving behind her unending sorrow.
He laid his hand on my head as he uttered the last words.
His last words were to encourage us to hold firm.
30 June, morning. – These may be the last words I ever write in this diary.
I croaked, determined that these would be the absolute last words I’d utter.
Oh, I bet his last words were about me
A few more last words and Andrey, a glass of vodka at starting.
If the condemned has any last words, let him speak them now.
It's your son's last words, and he wrote them to you.
The least they could do, you know, print their last words, don' t you think?
She seemed not to have heard his last words. “Well, never mind!” he thought again.
Well, you know, Claudia Joy really is the last word on this sort of thing.
But I won’t let the Devil have the last word.
Even the Pope directed his last words to a woman.
and as she passed him, he turned slightly towards her repeating the last words:
“This is my last word, Lance Corporal Knopf!
His last words to the Supreme Court were...
‘Those were her last words in my life ...
Right, bring the psychiatrist in to hear the dead guy's last words.