Ecuadorian translation in Spanish | English-Spanish dictionary | Reverso
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Ecuadorian translation | English-Spanish dictionary

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Ecuadorian people

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los ecuatorianos

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, Ecuadorian         
a       adj   ecuatoriano
b       n   ecuatoriano (-a)      m/f  
Translation English - Spanish Collins Dictionary  
Context"Ecuadorian": examples and translations in context
After a long period, the Ecuadorian people's struggle budded. Luego de un largo período, la lucha del pueblo ecuatoriano reverdeció.
The Ecuadorian is the great world reference of ethnic music. El ecuatoriano es la gran referencia mundial de la música étnica.
Man of the Ecuadorian coast that is usually devoted to agriculture. Hombre de la costa ecuatoriana que se dedica usualmente a la agricultura.
This subject is too broad and highly sensitive for the Ecuadorian society. Este es un tema demasiado amplio y sumamente sensible para la sociedad ecuatoriana .
Poses undoubtedly one of the best climates in the Ecuadorian coast. Poses sin duda uno de los mejores climas de la costa Ecuatoriana.
The Ecuadorian product is positioned in terms of quality and taste. El producto ecuatoriano está posicionado en términos de calidad y sabor.
See how “Ecuadorian” is translated from English to Spanish with more examples in context
