DUNG | traducir al español - Cambridge Dictionary

Traducción de dung – Diccionario Inglés-Español


noun [ U ]

(Traducción de dung del Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Traducción de dung | Diccionario PASSWORD Inglés-Español

the waste matter passed out of an animal’s body, especially when used as manure.

(Traducción de dung del Diccionario PASSWORD Inglés-Español © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

Ejemplos de dung

Other mechanisms, including resource partitioning are likely to play a greater role in maintaining the diversity of dung beetle assemblages in the region.
This species is a conspicuous north temperate dung-breeding fly that is common on and around livestock dung, especially in spring months.
A second set of three independent experiments was performed to assess the effect of endectocide treatment on dung degradation.
They swallow the seeds of the majority of these and disperse them by depositing them intact in dung.
They did not have brass pots, so they used mostly unglazed pottery which cannot stand 'any fire fiercer than the smouldering one given by dung'.
The fly larvae also feed on dung constituents and both adults and larvae may therefore be exposed to residues of synthetic pyrethroids.
One of its constituent parts is the animal dung that contains only material that has passed through the animal digestive system.
For germination trials, seeds were collected from fresh elephant dung (passed) and fresh fruits (unpassed) and planted in seedling cups filled with soil.
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Traducciones de dung

en chino (tradicional)
en chino (simplificado)
en portugués
en más idiomas
en turco
en francés
in Dutch
en checo
en danés
en indonesio
en tailandés
en vietnamita
en polaco
in Swedish
en malayo
en alemán
en noruego
in Ukrainian
en ruso
büyük baş hayvan dışkısı, gübre, kemre…
møg, naturgødning…
pupuk kandang…
gnój, obornik, odchody…
dynga, gödsel…
tahi binatang…
der Mist…
gjødsel, møkk…
гній, добриво…
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