

What is Eircode?

Eircode is the national postcode system in Ireland.

An Eircode is a unique 7-character code consisting of letters and numbers. Each Eircode consists of a 3-character routing key to identify the area and a 4-character unique identifier for each address. A typical Eircode might read A65 F4E2.

All residential and business addresses have , which in some cases can be the name of an individual, particularly for small businesses or sole traders.

Residential addresses include every address where post is delivered. Each house on a street, each flat in an apartment block, each unit in a duplex unit and each house in a rural townland has an Eircode.

In a halting site with numbered bays, each bay has been given an Eircode. The Eircode belongs to that bay and not to the caravan. If a halting site has an office that receives mail, the office address will get an Eircode.

How do I use an Eircode?

The Eircode should be placed at the end of the normal address, just below the county.

For international post to an Irish address, the Eircode should go between the county and country details.

It is not mandatory to use the Eircode. However, many businesses ask you for your Eircode, especially for delivering goods or services to your address.

How to find an Eircode

You can find or check any Eircode using the Eircode Finder. You can search using the address or by locating it on a map on the Eircode Finder page. On a smartphone you can also use the Get Directions option to navigate to an address.

Personal data

There is no personal data on the Eircode database or Eircode Finder. It does include business names, which in some cases can be the name of an individual, particularly for small businesses or sole traders.

How often is the Eircode Finder updated?

The Eircode Finder is based on information received from An Post GeoDirectory..

Each quarter, Eircode receives an update with any new properties. Any new address are assigned an Eircode. An Eircode letter is sent to the occupier of that address.

I can’t find my Eircode

If you can’t find your Eircode, you should contact Eircode customer services.

If your address is a new property and it is not listed on the current Eircode Finder, it will likely be in the next version of the Eircode Finder (updated quarterly).

My postal address is wrong on the Eircode Finder

Eircode can’t change the postal address information on the Eircode Finder unless An Post GeoDirectory tells them to.

If your address is wrong in the Eircode Finder, you should continue using the address you normally use and simply add the Eircode. If your postal address is incorrect, you can contact to An Post Customer Services to have your postal address reviewed.

More information

For further information contact:


Block C
Maynooth Business Campus
W23 F854

Tel: 0818 300 005 or (01) 901 2232
Page edited: 24 April 2023