Address Finder - Jersey Post

Address & postcode finder

Looking for a Jersey address? You can find any full address using our address and postcode finder.

Our address and postcode finder is the quickest and easiest way to search and check addresses in Jersey. Having the complete, correct postal address and postcode will help your item to reach its destination as quickly as possible.

Please type as much detail as possible of the address (e.g. house name, road name, postcode) that you know, into the box below.


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Yes you can! Use our online postage tool to buy and print your postage label, then simply affix it to your item and drop it in to one of our Post Offices, or if its fits a Post Box. Remember, if you're sending Goods or Merchandise you also need to attach the relevant customs form.

Yes, you can apply to change your property name. Contact our Customer Care team on (01534) 616616 or They will be able to process the name change as long as there isn't an existing property with that name in the same parish/postcode area.

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