Myspace, does anyone still go there? |

Myspace, does anyone still go there?

Discussion in 'Off Topic [BG]' started by capnsandwich, Mar 27, 2010.

  1. I'm wondering if I should take some time and beef up my myspace music page but from what I understand, no one really looks at those much anymore. Everyone's doing more facebook stuff than anything else. I have a facebook too but my myspace page is just sitting there rotting in the corner.

    Does anyone still frequent myspace anymore?
  2. The great thing about myspace is that now that Facebook has taken everyone's personal pages Myspace has basically become a massive network for musicians and bands. I don't have a personal page but my band still has a page, and it's the first place I go to find and hear new bands.
  3. That's what i was thinking too, since facebook really doesn't have a play list or a music player like myspace has. I'm just wondering if it would be worth my time to spruce up my myspace page if no one gets on there.
  4. I think it's worth while, but generally I personally don't pay much attention to how the page looks, more the music on the page. Depends what purpose you would be sprucing it up for... but I guess a quick spit shine never hurt anyone :D
  5. Craigmartini


    Feb 15, 2009
    Endorsing Artist: EMG pickups, Harke
    I still use mine all the time. I use it as my home page since I am not capable of designing and upkeep of a regular website. On myspace, I can upload songs and videos easily.

    BTW I just added you. :)

  6. I mean, I see all these big huge banners at the top of some of these band's pages and then I see mine and mine's just plain jane looking. I have a cool background and all but some of these pages look like they were done by someone who knows what they're doing. I know just enough to get by.

    But yeah, I agree it's more about what music you have on there than what it looks like. I just want it to look a little more professional than average, that's all. I just wish I knew what I was doing enough to do it.
  7. Joe Gress

    Joe Gress Guest

    Dec 22, 2005
    Pueblo, CO
    About the only thing I use myspace for the music player, and being able to hear a band I have never heard of before.
  8. Nice, thanks for the add. I'll have some better music up there when some of these projects I'm on get mixed and mastered. The stuff that's on there now is just some unmixed recordings that I had on my hard drive. I've got some awesome stuff with some awesome musicians coming out here in the next couple months.
  9. Marley's Ghost

    Marley's Ghost Supporting Member

    Feb 9, 2002
    Tampa, FL
    I still get messages from bands looking for a bass player. But otherwise it seems to be the elephant graveyard.
  10. Hey Craigmartini, not to boost your ego or anything but I'm listening to the stuff on your page and you're freakin' good bro. I'm diggin' the crap out of your stuff.
  11. nope dumped MS long time ago

    I'm on FB ....right now actually ...damn Farmville...:scowl:
  12. Joe Gress

    Joe Gress Guest

    Dec 22, 2005
    Pueblo, CO
  13. I get Farmville requests all the time. What is that crap?
  14. Radical Edward

    Radical Edward Guest

    Feb 22, 2010
    Grand Rapids, MI
    I used to play King of the World, which is HIGHLY addicting, and Farmville, Restaurant City, and a few others. Now I've stopped playing all of those. There's too many glitches and it gets old. I've done pretty much everything in them, ( Except KoTW, which is ridiculously impossible), and now I just play "Zoo World" from time to time and "Scrabble".
    As far as Myspace goes, I do the same, I don't really go on there anymore, and just log in to see peoples band pages. Meh.
  15. Facebook does have a player available. It's not particularly attractive, though. I have a widget from Reverbnation on the side of my music page. I keep my Myspace music page around because it is where people go first to check out new bands.
  16. Hmmmm.....Do tell me more about this. How does one go about getting this?
  17. TortillaChip520


    Jun 3, 2008
    I just got a FB, so i still go on myspace whenever on fb. But hardly anybody's on myspace anymore.
  18. Rich L

    Rich L

    May 17, 2006
    Ft Myers, FL
    Don't go on there as often as I used to, but it is a good resource to check out new bands, etc...and meet up w/ fellow TB'ers :bassist:
  19. On your music page underneath your photo, click Edit Page. Scroll down to Applications and there should be a Music Player available to add. The upload process is a little time consuming the first time. It required me to upload an image of my drivers license to keep on record. Something to do with having it on file in case there are any copyright disputes. The Reverbnation one is an application called My Band. It has a lot more capabilities such as gig info, downloads, etc. Here's a link to my page to see it. The Reverbnation widget is under the Boxes tab and the Facebook player should be on the front page.
  20. Sweet man. Thanks, I'll mess with it tomorrow. I gots to get to bed.