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Peridot, nicknamed Squaridot for her square hair, is an Era 2 Homeworld Gem and a boss in Save the Light. GemCrust has drawn his interpretation of what she might look like.


Squaridot has an olive-green complexion (lighter than the Crystal Gems' Peridot) and chartreuse-yellow hair in the shape of a rectangular prism. A white visor covers the top half of her face, and her triangular gemstone replaces her left eye.

Squaridot wears a green and black Homeworld uniform with a bulky upper torso and spherical shoulder pads. Her stomach and knees bear Yellow Diamond's insignia. She is equipped with limb enhancers on her arms and legs, indicating that she is an Era 2 Peridot.


According to Rebecca Sugar, Squaridot has a similar mindset to Peridot's from before she was stranded on Earth and joined the Crystal Gems.[1]

To elaborate, Squaridot is wholly devoted to her mission on Earth, and sees anything that gets in her way as an obstacle to be crushed. Much like Peridot, she believes that Steven represents an entire species that shares his name; she never seems to recant this belief. Finally, she is deeply loyal to her superiors, and seems to hold Yellow Diamond in the highest regard possible; as she fantasized of being praised by her as the most wonderful thing she could ever hope for.

Further reinforcing her similarities to pre-stranded Peridot is her pride in running a smooth and efficient operation. Whenever something happens to interfere with her plans, she exhibits a mixture of panic and frustration, leading her to display erratic behavior in combat. When she and Peridot got into an argument over their conflicting ideals, their bickering devolved into a volley of shouted insults, highlighting their mutual stubborn streak and temper issues.

Like Peridot, Squaridot also prefers to rely on the weapons provided to her by Homeworld to make up for her lack of innate powers as an Era 2 gem. In her case, she falls back on the assault pod she was piloting in her boss fight, and only pulls out the weapons of her limb enhancers when fed up with Peridot's insults.

Finally, Squaridot's beliefs run deeply close to those once held by Peridot, in that she deems organic life inherently inferior and believes that any gem that fails to adhere to Homeworld's rigid caste system is hopelessly defective. She mocked Peridot for losing her limb enhancers, and steadfastly refused to listen to the latter's insistence that there was nothing wrong with abandoning Homeworld's beliefs.


Peridot presumably possesses the standard abilities and traits of an Era 2 Peridot, including agelessness, regeneration, and superhuman durability.


  • Limb Enhancers: Mechanical body extensions that compensate for Squaridot's assumed lack of natural powers.


Peridot real

Olive-green peridot.

Gemstone Information

  • Peridot is a gem-quality variety of olivine. It belongs to the forsterite-fayalite mineral series. Peridot is an idiochromatic gem, meaning its color comes from the basic chemical composition of the mineral itself and not from minor traces of impurities.
    • Olivine, of which peridot is a type, is a common mineral in mafic and ultramafic rocks, and it is often found in lavas and in peridotite xenoliths of the mantle, which lavas carry to the surface; but gem quality peridot only occurs in a fraction of these settings. Peridots can also be found in meteorites.
    • Olivine, in general, is a very abundant mineral, but gem quality peridot is rather rare. This is due to the mineral's chemical instability on the Earth's surface. Olivine is usually found as small grains and tends to exist in a heavily weathered state, unsuitable for decorative use. Large crystals of forsterite, the variety most often used to cut peridot gems, are rare; as a result olivine is considered to be precious.
  • Peridot is the official birthstone for the month of August as adopted by the American National Association of Jewelers in 1912. It is also the stone for the Zodiac sign of Libra. Peridot is assigned to the planet Saturn. It may be given as a gem on the sixteenth wedding anniversary.
  • Peridot is one of the few gemstones that occur in only one color, an olive-green. The intensity and tint of the green, however, depends on how much iron is contained in the crystal structure, so the color of individual peridot gems can vary from yellow—to olive—to brownish-green. Its vivid green color does not change under artificial light.
    • Chemically, peridot is a magnesium iron silicate, and its intensity of color depends on the amount of iron it contains. There may also be traces of nickel and chromium present.
    • The best-colored peridot has an iron percentage of less than 15% and typically includes some trace elements of nickel and chromium, which contribute to its color. The most valued color is a dark olive-green.
  • Peridot is the gem variety of olivine and ranges between 6.5 and 7 on the Mohs scale of hardness. It is not particularly sensitive to acid, but it does have a brittle tenacity.
  • The name "Peridot" is believed to have originated from the Arabic word faridat, meaning "gem", or, as the Oxford English Dictionary suggests, it came from classical Latin pæderot - a kind of opal.
    • The ancient Romans called it 'evening emerald' since its color did not darken at night, but could still be appreciated by candlelight and the light of a campfire.
  • Peridot is a healing gemstone often associated with peace, compassion, and harmony of relationships. Its powers are thought to promote growth and renewal while alleviating negative emotions such as guilt, resentment, and apathy.
    • It is a gem especially connected with ancient Egypt, and some historians believe that the famous emeralds of Cleopatra were actually peridot gems.
  • Peridot olivine is mined in Arkansas, Arizona on the San Carlos Reservation, Hawaii, Nevada, and New Mexico at Kilbourne Hole, in the US; and in Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, Kenya, Mexico, Myanmar (Burma), Norway, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania.
  • The name chrysolite was formerly applied not only to peridot but also many similarly colored stones.
  • Even though peridots existed in ancient history, at one point they vanished until some were found 30 years ago in Pakistan.


Image Description
Squaridot Gemstone
Peridot's gemstone is located where her left eye would otherwise be. It has facets around the edge, but they are hidden behind her skin, making it appear smooth surfaced. Her gem also lacks a ring.



  1. ToonZone News: "She added that the new battle boss Squaridot came about because many Peridots exist, and obviously, the Peridot we know has changed and grown a lot since she was first introduced to the show. Squaridot has not changed whatsoever from pre-Earth Peridot, and Sugar said it was fun revisiting the old Peridot mindset who hasn’t learned anything at all."
ve Homeworld Gems

Holly Blue navbox 1 PolyhedroidAgateNavBox


Amethyst(shouldergem)NavBox Amethyst(leggem)NavBox Amethyst(foreheadgem)NaxBox Amethyst(backgem)NavBox Amethyst(navalgem)2NavBox

Amethyst(eyegem)NavBox Amethyst(canonshouldergem)NavBox Amethyst(backrighthandgem)NavBox Amethyst(cheekgem)NavBox Amethyst(navelgem)NavBox


Amethyst cracked Navbox


Bismuth(triangulargem)NavBox Bismuth(armgem)NavBox


1532639914030 Carnelian(lefthandgem)NavBox RedDiamondsCarnelianNavBox CarnelianOldNavBox


Citrine(chestgem)NavBox Citrine(leggem)NavBox Citrine(eyegem)NavBox


BlueDiamondNavBox WhiteDiamondNav by RylerGamerDBS Yellow Diamond NavBox StevenNavbox16 Red Diamond Gem


PinkD Infobox Stereo VioletDiamondNavBox


Euclase (back) Navbox Euclase (head) Navbox Euclase (waist) Navbox


Heliodor (eyeball) Navbox Heliodor (navel) Navbox Heliodor (nose) Navbox


Ice(navelgem)NavBox Ice(doc)NavBox Ice(eyeball)NavBox Ice(homeworldnavelgem)NavBox Ice(homeworldarmgem)NavBox Ice(backhandgem)NavBox Ice(homeworldforeheadgem)NavBox

Ice(homeworldbackgem)NavBox Ice(homeworldnosegem)NavBox Ice(homeworldhipgem)NavBox Ice(unknowngem)NavBox WD's Ice navbox Ice (high class) NavBox


JasperNavbox3 Jasper (back gem) Gem Jasper (hand gem) Gem Jasper (Gemcrust nose gem) Gem Jasper (overcooked) Gem SkinnyJasperNavBox BumblebeeJasperNavbox

Lapis Lazulis

Lapis Lazuli (chest gem) Gem LapisLazuli(chestgem)NavBox LapisMeanNav LapisNiceNav


Onyx(navelgem)NavBox Onyx(shouldergem)NavBox


BlueP Navbox Stereo Yellow Pearl navbox PPearl Navbox Stereo Red Pearl Gem AmethystsPearlNavBox IcesPearlNavBox

EisenkieselsPearlNavBox Zincites Pearl Gem Olivines Pearl Gem BoleitesPearlNavBox Pearl (overcooked) Gem

Pearl(back gem)NavBox Pearl(foreheadgem)NavBox Pearl(nosegem)NavBox Pearl(backhead)NavBox Pearl (High Class Ice) NavBox




Peridot (nose gem) Gem Era 1 Peri Navbox


Pyrope (navel gem) navbox Pyrope (backhandgem) NavBox Pyrope (chestgem) NavBox Pyrope(righteyegem)NavBox

Rose Quartzes

Rose Quartz (thigh gem) Gem Rose Quartz (chest gem) navbox RoseQuartz(overcooked)NavBox SuperfRoseNav RoseQuartz(backhandgem)NavBox HipRoseNav ShyRoseNav RoseQuartz(righthandgem)NavBox RoseQuartz(foreheadgem)NavBox RoseQuartz(homeworldrighthandgem)NavBox


Army Gem Ruby (back hand gem) Gem Doc Gem Eyeball Gem Leggy Gem Navy Gem Ruby (right shoulder gem) Ruby(rubysona)NavBox Ruby(handgem)NavBox Ruby(backgem)NavBox Ruby(RedDiamond)NavBox Ruby(Homeworldforeheadgem)NavBox


PinkSapphireNavBox PinkSapphire(unknowngem)NavBox PinkSapphire(cheekgem)NavBox Yellow Sapphire Gem Green Sapphire Gem

Sapphire(handgem)NavBox Sapphire(navelgem)NavBox Sapphire(sapphiresona)NavBox Sapphire (eye gem) Gem Sapphire(sternumgem)NavBox Sapphire(armgem)NavBox

Purple Sapphire Gems PurpleSapphire(chestgem)NavBox PurpleSapphire(palmgem)NavBox BlackSapphireNavBox WhiteSapphireNavBox



Other Quartzes

EisenkieselNavBox BlueQuartzNavBox LemonQuartzNavBox Ice Quartz Navbox

Other Gems

1546560069457 Mali Navbox PadmaragaNavBox MarshallsussmaniteNavBox

ZinciteNavBox OlivineNavBox BoleiteNavBox CovelliteNavBox Demantoid Gem

SilverNavBox GoldNavBox Rock navbox NephriteNavBox Zirkelite Navbox

Non-GemCrust Gemsonas

BlackPearlNavBox Topaznav ScoleciteNavBox Snowquartznav Crystal Quartz Gem MahoganyNavBox

ve Gems

Holly Blue navbox CG HBA Navbox PolyhedroidAgateNavBox Red Banded Agate NavBox


AmethystNavBox Amethyst(shouldergem)NavBox Amethyst(leggem)NavBox Amethyst(foreheadgem)NaxBox Amethyst(backgem)NavBox Amethyst(navalgem)2NavBox

Amethyst(crackednavalgem)NavBox Amethyst(eyegem)NavBox Amethyst(canonshouldergem)NavBox Amethyst(backrighthandgem)NavBox Amethyst(cheekgem)NavBox Amethyst(navelgem)NavBox Defective Navel Amethyst navbox


Aquamarine Navbox Aquamarine (forehead gem) Navbox


Bismuth(triangulargem)NavBox Bismuth(armgem)NavBox BismuthNavBox


CarnelianSUNavBox Carnelian(lefthandgem)NavBox RedDiamondsCarnelianNavBox CarnelianOldNavBox


Ceo Gem CEO (chest) Navbox CEO (eye) Navbox CEO (head) Navbox


Citrine(chestgem)NavBox Citrine(leggem)NavBox Citrine(eyegem)NavBox


Red Diamond Gem BlueDiamondNavBox User WD Navbox Yellow Diamond NavBox Steven Gem VioletDiamondNavBox


PinkLogo RoseQuartzNavBox


EuclaseNavBox Euclase (back) Navbox Euclase (head) Navbox Euclase (waist) Navbox Euclase CG Navbox


HeliodorNavBox Heliodor (eyeball) Navbox Heliodor (navel) Navbox Heliodor (nose) Navbox


IceNavbox Ice(navelgem)NavBox Ice(doc)NavBox Ice(eyeball)NavBox Ice(homeworldnavelgem)NavBox Ice(homeworldarmgem)NavBox Ice(backhandgem)NavBox

Ice(homeworldforeheadgem)NavBox Ice(homeworldbackgem)NavBox Ice(homeworldnosegem)NavBox Ice(homeworldhipgem)NavBox Ice(unknowngem)NavBox Ice (right palm) navbox WD's Ice navbox


Ice(nosegem)NavBox Ice(backgem)NavBox Iceball navbox Ice(rightbackhandgem)NavBox Ice(hipgem)NavBox Ice(foreheadgem)NavBox Ice(leggem)navbox


Jasper (back gem) Gem Jasper (hand gem) Gem Jasper (Gemcrust nose gem) Gem Jasper (overcooked) Gem SkinnyJasperNavBox BumblebeeJasperNavbox


Jasper Gem

Lapis Lazulis

LapisLazuliNavBox Lapis Lazuli (chest gem) Gem Giant Lapis Lazuli Gemstone LapisLazuli(chestgem)NavBox CG Lapis navbox


Onyx(navelgem)NavBox Onyx(shouldergem)NavBox


PearlNavBox BluePearlNavBox YellowPearlNavBox Red Pearl Gem PinkPearlNavBox AmethystsPearlNavBox IcesPearlNavBox

EisenkieselsPearlNavBox Zincites Pearl Gem Olivines Pearl Gem BoleitesPearlNavBox Pearl (overcooked) Gem Pearl(defective)NavBox Pearl(back gem)NavBox

Pearl(foreheadgem)NavBox Pearl(nosegem)NavBox Pearl(backhead)NavBox


Peridot Gem Peridot (chest gem) Gem Peridot (nose gem) Gem Era 1 Peri Navbox Peridot (chest) navbox Peridot (forehead gem) Navbox


Pyrope (navel gem) navbox Pyrope (backhandgem) NavBox Pyrope (chestgem) NavBox Pyrope(righteyegem)NavBox

Pyrope Navbox

Rose Quartzes

Rose Quartz (thigh gem) Gem Rose Quartz (chest gem) navbox


RoseQuartz(overcooked)NavBox RoseQuartz(shoudergem)NavBox RoseQuartz(backhandgem)NavBox RoseQuartz(righthandgem)NavBox

RoseQuartz(foreheadgem)NavBox RoseQuartz(homeworldrighthandgem)NavBox


RubyNavBox Army Gem Ruby (back hand gem) Gem Doc Gem Eyeball Gem

Leggy Gem Navy Gem Ruby (right shoulder gem) Ruby(rubysona)NavBox Ruby (undercooked) Gem

Ruby(handgem)NavBox Ruby(backgem)NavBox Ruby(RedDiamond)NavBox Ruby(Homeworldforeheadgem)NavBox Ruby(CrystalGemforeheadgem)NavBox


SapphireNavBox PinkSapphireNavBox PinkSapphire(unknowngem)NavBox PinkSapphire(cheekgem)NavBox OrangeSapphireNavBox Yellow Sapphire Gem

Yellow Sapphire (head gem) NavBox Green Sapphire Gem Sapphire(handgem)NavBox Sapphire(navelgem)NavBox Sapphire(sapphiresona)NavBox Sapphire (eye gem) Gem

Sapphire(sternumgem)NavBox Sapphire(armgem)NavBox Purple Sapphire Gems PurpleSapphire(chestgem)NavBox PurpleSapphire(palmgem)NavBox BlackSapphireNavBox

WhiteSapphireNavBox Padparadsha Sapphire (head gem) Navbox Sapphire (Off Color) navbox


Zircon (Defense) NavBox Zircon (Prosecuting) NavBox Red Zircon (navel gem) Navbox Red Zircon (chest gem) Navbox

Other Quartzes

AuraSpiritQuartzNavBox EisenkieselNavBox BlueQuartzNavBox LemonQuartzNavBox Ice Quartz Navbox Prase Navbox

Other Gems

Mali Navbox PadmaragaNavBox MarshallsussmaniteNavBox ZinciteNavBox OlivineNavBox BoleiteNavBox

CovelliteNavBox Demantoid Gem SilverNavBox GoldNavBox Rock navbox

NephriteNavBox Tourmaline Navbox Obsidian Navbox Moonstone Navbox Electrum Nav

RutNav Zirkelite Navbox Blue Topaz Navbox

Non-GemCrust Gemsonas

Topaznav ScoleciteNavBox Snowquartznav Moonstonenav Crystal Quartz Gem RhodochrositeNavBox

MahoganyNavBox BlackPearlNavBox Lapis Lazuli (navel) NavBox Ruby(foreheadgem)NavBox Black Diamond Navbox
