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Minnesota White Pages

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Use Addresses’ massive database to search for anyone living in the state of Minnesota. Addresses provides some of the most accurate information available. Our information is updated frequently using public records; this includes:

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Notable People from MinnesotaNotable Work/Position
Prince Rogers Nelson - (Prince)Musician, singer, songwriter, considered to be one of the best guitarists in rock history
Judy GarlandActress, singer, dancer, first woman to win an Album of the Year Grammy, best known as “Dorothy” in the Wizard of Oz
Charles M. SchulzCartoonist and creator of celebrated Peanuts comic strip
Garrison KeillorHumorist, radio personality, author, creator of A Prairie Home Companion public radio program
Lindsey VonnAlpine skier who has won 4 Women’s World Cup championships, 3 Olympic medals
Walter Mondale42nd Vice President of the United States, Minnesota U.S. Senator, Democratic nominee for U.S. President in 1984
John MaddenNational Football League Coach for the Oakland Raiders, television sports analyst
Jessica LangeActress who achieved the “Triple Crown of Acting” by winning an Academy Award, an Emmy Award, and a Tony Award

Searching for Someone in Minnesota

Minnesota is the 22nd most populated state in the U.S. The total population of Minnesota is 5.58 million residents with over 2 million households. The average household size is 2.49 members (based on 2017 census data). To refine your search for someone in Minnesota, consider the age, gender, and demographic of your subject to ensure you’re on the right track.

The predominant race in Minnesota is white, making up 79.9% of the state’s population. The median age is 37.9, with 50.2% of the total population female and 49.8% male. The most populated city is Minneapolis with 425,403 people.

The economy of Minnesota employs 2.84 million people. The median income is $68,388. Leading economic sectors in Minnesota include bioscience, manufacturing, agriculture, wind power, and data center hosting.

Top 3 SchoolsCity# of GraduatesGraduation RateAcceptance RateMost Popular Degrees
Univ. of Maryland-Univ. CollegeAdelphi12,02526%100%Info Sciences, Biology, Econ.
Univ. of Maryland-Coll. ParkCollege Park1,46285%48%Biology, Computer Engineering
Johns Hopkins UniversityBaltimore8,43793%13%Public Health, Bio Engineering

Minnesota Real Estate

Use Addresses to find information about a residence you’re interested in. Whether you’re planning on living at that address, or intend to rent or buy from the owner, you can find out more information about your next-door neighbors, current or pending!

Home values in Minnesota have gone up 5.4% in the past year and are anticipated to rise 2.6% in 2019. The median home value is $235,700. The median price per square foot at $187. The median rent price is $1,600. The median listing price for homes statewide is $284,900 but median price of homes that sold is $237,000.

The city with the highest home value is Plymouth, with a median home value of $335,400.

CityAvg. Home ValueAvg. Household Income
Maple Grove$272,500$43,833

Minnesota Facts

Official Name: Minnesota

Name Meaning: The name Minnesota is derived from the indigenous Dakota Sioux word “Mni” for water. “Sota” is translated to mean “land where the water is so clear it reflects the sky.” The state is named for the Minnesota River, which runs 332 miles long.

Nickname: The Land of 10,000 Lakes

Constitution Ratified: 1858

Statehood: May 11, 1858 (32nd State)

Capital: Saint Paul

Total Number of Counties: 87

Largest City: Minneapolis

Largest County (by population): Hennepin County

Population (as of 2018): 5,611,179

History: The state of Minnesota was home to indigenous Native American tribes before the arrival of European explorers. The Dakota Sioux were the largest tribe in the area. The French were the first explorers to arrive; they claimed most of the land as part of their Louisiana territory holdings. The United States bought the land in 1803 as part of the Louisiana Purchase. After many territorial reorganizations, Minnesota as it exists today was admitted into the Union in 1858.

Fast Facts:

  • The Mall of America in Bloomington is the largest mall in the United States. It is the size of 78 football fields and houses over 500 stores.
  • The canned pork meat Spam was created in 1937 by the Hormel Foods Corporation in Austin.
  • Minnesota, nicknamed the “Land of 10,000 Lakes”, has more shoreline than California and Hawaii combined.
  • The Hubert H. Humphrey Metrodome in Minneapolis is the only facility in the country to host a Super Bowl, a World Series, and a NCAA Final Four Basketball Championship. The climate-controlled stadium closed in 2013.
  • The stapler was invented in the city of Spring Valley.
  • The quote from then-Vice President Theodore Roosevelt to “speak softly and carry a big stick” was first uttered at the Minnesota State Fair in 1901. He was elected president two weeks later.
  • The twin cities of Minneapolis and Saint Paul are home to the country’s largest Somali and Hmong populations.
  • Pro-wrestler turned politician Jesse “The Body” Ventura was the governor of the Minnesota from 1999 to 2003.

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