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 (wûr′ē, wŭr′ē)
v. wor·ried, wor·ry·ing, wor·ries
1. To feel uneasy or concerned about something; be troubled. See Synonyms at brood.
a. To seize something with the teeth and bite or tear repeatedly: a squirrel worrying at a nut.
b. To touch or handle something nervously or persistently: worry at a hangnail.
c. To attempt to deal with something in a persistent or dogged manner: worried along at the problem.
1. To cause to feel anxious, distressed, or troubled. See Synonyms at trouble.
a. To seize with the teeth and bite or tug at repeatedly: a dog worrying a bone.
b. To touch or handle nervously or persistently: worrying the loose tooth.
c. To attack roughly and repeatedly; harass: worrying the enemy ships.
d. To bother or annoy, as with petty complaints.
e. To attempt to deal with in a persistent or repeated manner: Analysts have worried the problem for a decade.
3. To chase and nip at or attack: a dog worrying steers.
n. pl. wor·ries
1. The act of worrying or the condition of being worried; persistent mental uneasiness: "Having come to a decision, the lad felt a sense of relief from the worry that had haunted him for many sleepless nights" (Edgar Rice Burroughs).
2. A source of nagging concern or uneasiness.
not to worry Informal
There is nothing to worry about; there is no need to be concerned: "But not to worry: it all ... falls into place in the book's second half, where the language is plainer" (Hallowell Bowser).

[Middle English werien, worien, to strangle, from Old English wyrgan; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]

wor′ri·er n.
Word History: The ancestor of worry, the Old English verb wyrgan, meant "to strangle." Its Middle English descendant, worien, kept this sense and developed the new sense "to grasp by the throat with the teeth and lacerate" or "to kill or injure by biting and shaking." This is the way wolves might attack sheep, for example. In the 1500s worry began to be used in the sense "to harass, as by rough treatment or attack" or "to assault verbally," and in the 1600s the word took on the sense "to bother, distress, or persecute." It was a small step from this sense to the main modern senses "to cause to feel anxious or distressed" and "to feel troubled or uneasy," first recorded in the 1800s.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, -ries, -rying or -ried
1. to be or cause to be anxious or uneasy, esp about something uncertain or potentially dangerous
2. (tr) to disturb the peace of mind of; bother: don't worry me with trivialities.
3. (intr; often foll by along or through) to proceed despite difficulties
4. (often foll by: away) to struggle or work: to worry away at a problem.
5. (Zoology) (tr) (of a dog, wolf, etc) to lacerate or kill by biting, shaking, etc
6. (Zoology) (when: intr, foll by at) to bite, tear, or gnaw (at) with the teeth: a dog worrying a bone.
7. (tr) to move as specified, esp by repeated pushes: they worried the log into the river.
8. (tr) to touch or poke repeatedly and idly
9. (Pathology) obsolete to choke or cause to choke
10. not to worry informal you need not worry
n, pl -ries
11. a state or feeling of anxiety
12. a person or thing that causes anxiety
13. an act of worrying
14. no worries informal an expression used to express agreement or to convey that something is proceeding or has proceeded satisfactorily; no problem
[Old English wyrgan; related to Old Frisian wergia to kill, Old High German wurgen (German (er)würgen to strangle), Old Norse virgill, urga rope]
ˈworrying adj
ˈworryingly adv
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈwɜr i, ˈwʌr i)

v. -ried, -ry•ing, v.i.
1. to feel uneasy or anxious; torment oneself with or suffer from disturbing thoughts; fret.
2. to move with effort: an old car worrying uphill.
3. to make uneasy or anxious; cause anxiety, apprehension, or care.
4. to disturb with annoyances; plague.
5. to seize, esp. by the throat, with the teeth and shake or mangle, as one animal does another.
6. to harass by repeated biting, snapping, etc.
7. to examine, adjust, or handle continually or repeatedly.
8. a worried condition or feeling; uneasiness or anxiety.
9. a cause of uneasiness or anxiety; trouble.
10. the act of worrying.
[before 900; Middle English weryen, werwen to strangle, harass, Old English wyrgan to strangle, c. Old High German wurgan]
wor′ri•er, n.
syn: See concern.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • cark - The noun means "solicitude or sympathetic feeling"; the verb means to fret anxiously or to cause distress or worry.
  • distrait, distraught - Distrait means "absent-minded as a result of apprehension, worry, etc."—while distraught means "agitated" and "bewildered, distracted."
  • ish kabbible - Meaning "I should worry," it is of unknown origin, but is perhaps derived from Yiddish nisht gefidlt, popularized (and perhaps coined) by comedienne Fanny Brice.
  • kedogenous - "Brought about by worry or anxiety."
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: worried
Gerund: worrying

I worry
you worry
he/she/it worries
we worry
you worry
they worry
I worried
you worried
he/she/it worried
we worried
you worried
they worried
Present Continuous
I am worrying
you are worrying
he/she/it is worrying
we are worrying
you are worrying
they are worrying
Present Perfect
I have worried
you have worried
he/she/it has worried
we have worried
you have worried
they have worried
Past Continuous
I was worrying
you were worrying
he/she/it was worrying
we were worrying
you were worrying
they were worrying
Past Perfect
I had worried
you had worried
he/she/it had worried
we had worried
you had worried
they had worried
I will worry
you will worry
he/she/it will worry
we will worry
you will worry
they will worry
Future Perfect
I will have worried
you will have worried
he/she/it will have worried
we will have worried
you will have worried
they will have worried
Future Continuous
I will be worrying
you will be worrying
he/she/it will be worrying
we will be worrying
you will be worrying
they will be worrying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been worrying
you have been worrying
he/she/it has been worrying
we have been worrying
you have been worrying
they have been worrying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been worrying
you will have been worrying
he/she/it will have been worrying
we will have been worrying
you will have been worrying
they will have been worrying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been worrying
you had been worrying
he/she/it had been worrying
we had been worrying
you had been worrying
they had been worrying
I would worry
you would worry
he/she/it would worry
we would worry
you would worry
they would worry
Past Conditional
I would have worried
you would have worried
he/she/it would have worried
we would have worried
you would have worried
they would have worried
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.worry - something or someone that causes anxietyworry - something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness; "New York traffic is a constant concern"; "it's a major worry"
negative stimulus - a stimulus with undesirable consequences
bugaboo - a source of concern; "the old bugaboo of inflation still bothers them"
burden, encumbrance, onus, incumbrance, load - an onerous or difficult concern; "the burden of responsibility"; "that's a load off my mind"
business - a rightful concern or responsibility; "it's none of your business"; "mind your own business"
2.worry - a strong feeling of anxietyworry - a strong feeling of anxiety; "his worry over the prospect of being fired"; "it is not work but worry that kills"; "he wanted to die and end his troubles"
anxiety - a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
Verb1.worry - be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy; "I worry about my job"
vex, worry - disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"
fret - be agitated or irritated; "don't fret over these small details"
fear - be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive"
fret, fuss, niggle - worry unnecessarily or excessively; "don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now"
obsess - be preoccupied with something; "She is obsessing over her weight"
2.worry - be concerned with; "I worry about my grades"
brood, dwell - think moodily or anxiously about something
mind - be concerned with or about something or somebody
3.worry - disturb the peace of mind ofworry - disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress; "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"
misgive - suggest fear or doubt; "Her heart misgave her that she had acted inexcusably"
cark, disorder, disquiet, perturb, unhinge, distract, trouble - disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed; "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"
eat on, eat - worry or cause anxiety in a persistent way; "What's eating you?"
nag - worry persistently; "nagging concerns and doubts"
worry - be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy; "I worry about my job"
reassure, assure - cause to feel sure; give reassurance to; "The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe"
4.worry - be on the mind of; "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"
5.worry - lacerate by biting; "the dog worried his bone"
incise - make an incision into by carving or cutting
6.worry - touch or rub constantly; "The old man worried his beads"
rub - move over something with pressure; "rub my hands"; "rub oil into her skin"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. be anxious, be concerned, be worried, obsess, brood, fret, agonize, feel uneasy, get in a lather (informal), get in a sweat (informal), get in a tizzy (informal), get overwrought I worry about my daughter constantly.
be anxious be unconcerned, be unperturbed, be apathetic
2. trouble, upset, harry, bother, disturb, distress, annoy, plague, irritate, tease, unsettle, torment, harass, hassle (informal), badger, hector, disquiet, pester, vex, perturb, tantalize, importune, make anxious `Why didn't you tell us?' `I didn't want to worry you.'
trouble comfort, calm, soothe, console, solace
3. attack, bite, kill, tear, go for, harry, savage, harass, lacerate, gnaw at The dog was shot dead by a farmer for worrying sheep.
2. problem, care, trouble, trial, bother, plague, pest, torment, irritation, hassle (informal), annoyance, vexation Robert's health had always been a worry to his wife.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To cause anxious uneasiness in:
2. To disturb by repeated attacks:
3. To focus the attention on something moodily and at length:
Informal: stew.
2. A cause of distress or anxiety:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
هَم، قَلَق، مَصْدَر قَلَقيُزْعِج، يُلْهي، يُشْغِل الباليَقْلَقُيُقْلِق، يَقْلَقيُمَزِّق بأسْنانِه
dělat starostistaroststrachovat seznepokojovat
bekymre (sig)bekymre sigbekymringforstyrrerive
brinuti se
aggodalomaggódikizgatja magátmarcangol
áhyggjuefniangra, skapraunahrifsa meî kjaftinum og hrista tilvalda áhyggjum; vera áhyggjufullur
robiť starostivyrušovať
skrbskrbetivznemirjati sezaskrbljenost
ängslanbekymmerorooroaoroa sig
canını sıkmakendişeendişe etmekendişelen mekısırıp çekiştirmek
lo lắng


A. N
1. (= thing to worry about) → preocupación f
he hasn't any worriesno tiene ninguna preocupación
his worries were completely unfoundedestaba preocupado sin razón
he may have damaged his spine, which is a worrypuede que se haya dañado la columna, lo que es causa or motivo de preocupación
my son has always been a worry to memi hijo siempre me ha causado preocupaciones
it's a great worry to us alles una gran preocupación para todos nosotros, nos preocupa mucho a todos
financial worriesproblemas mpl económicos, problemas mpl de dinero
that's the least of my worrieseso es lo que menos me preocupa, eso es lo de menos
2. (= anxiety) → preocupación f, inquietud f
she has caused me a great deal or a lot of worryme ha tenido muy preocupado or inquieto, me ha dado muchas preocupaciones
to make o.s. sick with worrypreocuparse muchísimo
to be frantic or out of one's mind or sick with worryestar preocupadísimo
source of worrymotivo m de preocupación
1. (= cause concern to) → preocupar
what's worrying you?¿qué es lo que te preocupa?
that phone call has been worrying me all dayesa llamada de teléfono me ha tenido preocupado todo el día
that doesn't worry me in the leasteso no me preocupa en absoluto
to worry o.s. about sthpreocuparse por algo
don't worry your head!¡no le des muchas vueltas!, ¡no te calientes la cabeza!
to worry o.s. over sthpreocuparse por algo
to worry o.s. sick about sthpreocuparse muchísimo por algo
2. (= bother) → molestar
the cold doesn't worry meel frío no me molesta
that doesn't worry me in the leasteso me trae absolutamente sin cuidado
I don't want to worry you with my problems butno te quiero cargar or molestar con mis problemas pero ...
don't worry yourself with the detailsno te preocupes por los detalles
3. (= fear) they worry that extremists might gain controltemen que los extremistas se hagan con el control, los preocupa que los extremistas se hagan con el control
4. (= play with, harry) [dog] [+ bone] → mordisquear, juguetear con; [+ sheep] → acosar
5. (= fiddle with) [+ object] → juguetear con; [+ problem] → dar vueltas a
he kept worrying the loose tooth with his tongueno dejaba de toquetearse con la lengua el diente que tenía flojo
1. (= be anxious) → preocuparse
he worries a lotse preocupa mucho
don't worry!¡no te preocupes!
I'll punish him if I catch him, don't you worry!¡si lo pillo lo castigaré, que no te quepa duda!
to worry about sth/sbpreocuparse por algo/algn
there's nothing to worry aboutno hay por qué preocuparse
that's nothing to worry aboutno hay que preocuparse por eso
don't worry about meno te preocupes por mí
I've got quite enough to worry about without thattengo ya bastantes problemas para preocuparme por eso
she worries about her healthle preocupa su salud
not to worry!¡no pasa nada!, ¡no te preocupes!
to worry over sth/sbpreocuparse por algo/algn
2. (= bother) → molestarse
don't worry, I'll do itno te molestes, yo lo haré
to worry at sth [dog] → mordisquear algo, juguetear con algo; [person] (= fiddle with) → juguetear con algo
to worry at a problemdar vueltas a un problema
D. CPD worry beads NPL sarta de cuentas con la que se juguetea para calmar los nervios
worry lines NPL arrugas en la frente debidas a la preocupación
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= anxiety) → inquiétude f
He was sick with worry → Il était malade d'inquiétude.
to be a source of worry → être source d'inquiétude
(= problem) → souci m
His wife said she had no worries about his health → Sa femme a dit qu'elle n'avait aucune inquiétude sur sa santé.
that's the least of my worries → c'est le cadet de mes soucis
(Australian, New Zealand) no worries (= you're welcome) → il n'y a pas de quoi (= there's nothing to worry about) → il n'y a pas de souci
No worries mate, she'll be right → Il n'y a pas de souci mon gars, ça va aller.
(= make anxious) → inquiéter
a speech which worried many people → un discours qui en a inquiété plus d'un
(= bother) → préoccuper
Don't worry! → Ne t'inquiète pas!
to worry about sth → se faire du souci pour qch
to worry about sb → se faire du souci pour qn
to worry over sth → s'inquiéter de qch
not to worry (= never mind) → tant pis
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nSorge f; the worry of bringing up a familydie Sorgen, die eine Familie mit sich bringt; it’s a great worry to us allwir machen uns alle große Sorgen darüber; I know it’s a worry for youich weiß, es macht dir Sorgen; what’s your main worry?was drückt dich?; that’s the least of my worriesdas macht mir noch am wenigsten Sorgen; no worries! (inf)kein Problem!
(= cause concern)beunruhigen, Sorgen machen (+dat); it worries mees macht mir Sorgen; you worry me sometimesmanchmal machst du mir wirklich Sorgen; it’s no use just worrying, do somethinges hat keinen Zweck, sich nur den Kopf zu zerbrechen, tu endlich was; to worry oneself sick or silly/to death (about or over something) (inf)sich krank machen/sich umbringen vor Sorge (um or wegen etw) (inf)
(= bother)stören; to worry somebody with somethingjdn mit etw stören; don’t worry me with trivialitieskomm mir nicht mit Kleinigkeiten; to worry somebody to do somethingjdn plagen, etw zu tun
(dog etc) sheepnachstellen (+dat); (= bite)reißen; bone(herum)nagen an (+dat)
visich sorgen, sich (dat)Sorgen or Gedanken machen (about, over um, wegen); he worries a loter macht sich immer so viel Sorgen; don’t worry!, not to worry!keine Angst or Sorge!; don’t worry, I’ll do itlass mal, das mach ich schon; he said not to worryer sagte, wir sollten uns keine Sorgen machen; don’t worry about letting me knowes macht nichts, wenn du mich nicht benachrichtigen kannst; don’t you worry about that, I’ll do itmach dir darum keine Sorgen, das mach ich; you should worry! (inf)du hast (vielleicht) Sorgen!


worry line
n (on face) → Sorgenfalte f
n (inf) jd, der sich ständig unnötige Sorgen macht
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. npreoccupazione f
what's your worry? → cosa ti preoccupa?
to cause sb a lot of worry → creare un sacco di preoccupazioni a qn
that's the least of my worries → questa è l'ultima cosa di cui mi preoccupo
2. vt
a. (cause concern) → preoccupare
to worry o.s. sick (about or over sth) → preoccuparsi da morire (per qc)
don't worry yourself or your head about it → non fartene un pensiero
b. (bother) → disturbare, importunare
c. (subj, dog, bone) → azzannare; (sheep) → inseguire e attaccare
3. vi to worry about or over sth/sbpreoccuparsi di qc/per qn
worry at vi + prep
a. (gnaw) → rosicchiare
b. (try to deal with) to worry at sthscervellarsi su qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈwari) , ((American) ˈwə:ri) verb
1. to (cause to) feel anxious. His dangerous driving worries me; His mother is worried about his education; There's no need to worry just because he's late.
2. to annoy; to distract. Don't worry me just now – I'm busy!
3. to shake or tear with the teeth etc as a dog does its prey etc.
(a cause of) anxiety. That boy is a constant (source of) worry to his mother!; Try to forget your worries.
ˈworried adjective
(negative unworried). a worried look.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَقْلَقُ strachovat se bekymre (sig) sorgen (sich) ανησυχώ preocuparse olla huolissaan s’inquiéter brinuti se preoccuparsi 心配する 걱정하다 zorgen maken (zich) engste (seg) zmartwić się afligir-se беспокоиться oroa sig วิตกกังวล endişe etmek lo lắng 烦恼
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n (pl -ries) preocupación f, inquietud f; vi (pret & pp -ried) preocuparse; You worry too much..Se preocupa demasiado.
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
It might not be much harm on parade, except to worry and fatigue them; but how would it be in a bayonet charge against the enemy, when they want the free use of every muscle, and all their strength thrown forward?
But still they didn't seem to make enough money to pay all the bills--and still the Doctor wouldn't worry. When the parrot came to him and told him that the fishmonger wouldn't give them any more fish, he said,
"Of course I'm awful glad that father has come back and that ma won't have to wash any more," he said with a sigh, "but there are two things that kind of worry me.
"If you will promise not to worry a bit about me, I'll go to the Land of Oz this very afternoon.
"It isn't the thing itself I worry about," Sir Alfred said thoughtfully,--"they'll never decode that message.
But shortly after this a Wolf actually did come out from the forest, and began to worry the sheep, and the boy of course cried out "Wolf, Wolf," still louder than before.
They had a great deal of trouble and worry with him too; but he throve and grew very quickly, and before he was a year old he could run about and talk.
'Don't worry about that,' replied the girl, 'for I've thought it all over, and have settled on a plan which will make us each able to bear with the other!
Then she tripped back to them with sparkling eyes and smiling cheeks, having regained her usual happy mood and forgotten all her worry about being lost.
For a moment she was silent; then she said very low, her head bowed over her work: "I shall never worry if you're happy."
It would have spared me all this worry. But who ever thought of sparing their grandmother worry?"
I didn't tell you at the time--it might have made you angry, and you had enough to worry you--but I wrote a letter to Mrs.