waste disposal

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waste disposal

Removing and destroying or storing damaged, used or other unwanted domestic, agricultural or industrial products and substances. Disposal includes burning, burial at landfill sites or at sea, and recycling.
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waste disposal

nsmaltimento dei rifiuti
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
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According to the residents, since the establishment of the Wein Town waste disposal site in 2006, there has been continuous dumping of municipal waste, human remains and medical waste, including waste generated during the Ebola outbreak thereby, causing unprecedented air pollution and contamination of ground water.As a result, inhabitants from and around Wein Town community including babies have been breathing polluted air and drinking contaminated water.
WiseGuyReports.com adds "Hazardous Waste Disposal Market 2018 Global Analysis, Growth, Trends and Opportunities Research Report Forecasting to 2023" reports to its database
Senior Manager Landfill Site gave a presentation on LWMC's waste disposal strategy at landfill site.
Henceforth, he said the permissible system of waste disposal was that residents use refuse collection drums and register with refuse collectors assigned to their areas.
Titled 'Oman Tistahel' or 'Oman Deserves It' it also seeks to control improper waste disposal by individuals at tourist destinations and beaches.
Minister of Housing and Local Government Zuraida Kamaruddin said this would make for a cleaner process of solid waste disposal which would also save on land use as it would not require opening up new rubbish disposal sites in the future.
As the proceedings of a suo motu notice regarding disposal of hospital waste began, amicus curiae Dr Samia Altaf submitted a report and apprised the court that hospital waste disposal system was working poorly.
* Consolidating and regionalizing rural waste disposal facilities.
The DEC inactive hazardous waste disposal site program is the state's way of identifying, investigating and cleaning up sites where the disposal of hazardous waste may present a threat to public health and/or the environment.
There is also widespread ignorance on this whole subject of responsible waste disposal as the tons of rubbish thrown every year from cars, trucks and lorries indicates.
Potential licensees in the waste disposal and recycling products industry are currently being targeted as candidates to eventually commercialize the Robinson Waste Disposal/Recycling System on a worldwide basis.

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