varlet - definition of varlet in English from the Oxford dictionary

Definition of varlet in English:


Pronunciation: /ˈvɑːlɪt/


1 historical a man or boy acting as an attendant or servant.
Example sentences
  • Even among those who rank, at least by economic criteria, as middle-class, the most proximate precedent for their dress style is that of medieval varlets.
attendant, retainer;
domestic help, domestic worker, domestic, help, cleaner, cleaning woman/lady, helper;
lackey, flunkey, minion;
maid, housemaid, maidservant, lady's maid, handmaid, parlour maid, scullery maid, serving maid, girl, maid-of-all-work;
footman, page, page boy, valet, butler, man, gentleman's gentleman, batman, manservant, houseman, houseboy, boy;
housekeeper, steward, major domo;
coachman, postilion, equerry;
menial, drudge, hireling, slave, galley slave;
North American  hired help;
in Spanish-speaking countries mozo;
Indian  bearer, chokra, amah, bai
datedBritish  charwoman, charlady, char, boots
South African , mainly historical jong
informalBritish  Mrs Mop, daily woman, daily, skivvy
British at university scout, bedder, gyp
archaic seneschal, abigail, servitor, scullion, tweeny, serving man, serving woman, serving wench, turnspit, varlet, vassal, serf
rare famulus
2 archaic a dishonest or unprincipled man.
Example sentences
  • What varlet hath done such a blight upon our fair Empire?
rogue, rascal, scoundrel, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, unprincipled person, rake, profligate, degenerate, debauchee, libertine;
troublemaker, mischief-maker, wrongdoer, evil-doer, transgressor, sinner;
French roué, vaurien
informal scallywag, bad egg
informalNorth American  scofflaw, hellion
British informal, dated rotter, bounder
dated cad, ne'er-do-well
archaic miscreant, blackguard, knave, rapscallion, varlet, wastrel, rakehell, scapegrace



Pronunciation: /ˈvɑːlɪtri/
Example sentences
  • I will go and fright the varletry with my presence, and secure, I trust, a horse for Your Majesty, and one for myself.
  • The modern magazine reader is a member of the new bourgeois varletry, the monied class that makes the old nouveau riche look like aristocracy.


late Middle English: from Old French, variant of  valet 'attendant' (see valet). The sense 'rogue' dates from the mid 16th century.

  • valet from Late Middle English:

    Rich men who could afford to employ a valet to look after their clothes had to be careful that he was also not a varlet (mid 16th century), ‘an unprincipled man’, as the words are essentially the same. French valet ‘attendant’ and its early variant varlet are related to vassal (Late Middle English), from medieval Latin vassallus ‘retainer’, which derived from a Celtic word. The first valets were 15th-century footmen who acted as attendants on a horseman.

Words that rhyme with varlet

scarlet, Scarlett, starlet, starlit

For editors and proofreaders

Line breaks: var¦let