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1. One who assumes responsibility for another person or a group during a period of instruction, apprenticeship, or probation.
2. One who vouches for the suitability of a candidate for admission, as to an organization.
3. A legislator who proposes and urges adoption of a bill.
4. Christianity One who presents a candidate for baptism or confirmation; a godparent.
5. One that finances a project, event, or organization directed by another person or group, such as a business enterprise that pays for radio or television programming in return for advertising time.
tr.v. spon·sored, spon·sor·ing, spon·sors
To act as a sponsor for.

[Late Latin spōnsor, sponsor in baptism, from Latin, surety, from spōnsus, past participle of spondēre, to pledge; see spend- in Indo-European roots.]

spon·so′ri·al (-sôr′ē-əl) adj.
spon′sor·ship′ n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (a person or group that provides funds for an activity, esp)
a. a commercial organization that pays all or part of the cost of putting on a concert, sporting event, etc
b. a person who donates money to a charity when the person requesting the donation has performed a specified activity as part of an organized fund-raising effort
2. (Broadcasting) chiefly US and Canadian a person or business firm that pays the costs of a radio or television programme in return for advertising time
3. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a legislator who presents and supports a bill, motion, etc
4. (Ecclesiastical Terms)
a. an authorized witness who makes the required promises on behalf of a person to be baptized and thereafter assumes responsibility for his or her Christian upbringing
b. a person who presents a candidate for confirmation
5. chiefly US a person who undertakes responsibility for the actions, statements, obligations, etc, of another, as during a period of apprenticeship; guarantor
(tr) to act as a sponsor for
[C17: from Latin, from spondēre to promise solemnly]
sponsorial adj
ˈsponsorˌship n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈspɒn sər)

1. a person who vouches for, is responsible for, or supports a person or thing.
2. a person, firm, organization, etc., that supports the cost of a radio or television program by buying time for advertising or promotion during the broadcast.
3. a person or group that provides or pledges money for an undertaking or event: the corporate sponsors of a race.
4. a person who makes a pledge or promise on behalf of another.
5. a person who answers for an infant at baptism, making the required professions and assuming responsibility for the child's religious upbringing; godparent.
6. to act as sponsor for.
[1645–55; < Latin spōnsor guarantor =spond(ēre) to pledge + -tor -tor]
spon•so′ri•al (-ˈsɔr i əl, -ˈsoʊr-) adj.
spon′sor•ship`, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Military member or civilian employee with dependents.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


Past participle: sponsored
Gerund: sponsoring

I sponsor
you sponsor
he/she/it sponsors
we sponsor
you sponsor
they sponsor
I sponsored
you sponsored
he/she/it sponsored
we sponsored
you sponsored
they sponsored
Present Continuous
I am sponsoring
you are sponsoring
he/she/it is sponsoring
we are sponsoring
you are sponsoring
they are sponsoring
Present Perfect
I have sponsored
you have sponsored
he/she/it has sponsored
we have sponsored
you have sponsored
they have sponsored
Past Continuous
I was sponsoring
you were sponsoring
he/she/it was sponsoring
we were sponsoring
you were sponsoring
they were sponsoring
Past Perfect
I had sponsored
you had sponsored
he/she/it had sponsored
we had sponsored
you had sponsored
they had sponsored
I will sponsor
you will sponsor
he/she/it will sponsor
we will sponsor
you will sponsor
they will sponsor
Future Perfect
I will have sponsored
you will have sponsored
he/she/it will have sponsored
we will have sponsored
you will have sponsored
they will have sponsored
Future Continuous
I will be sponsoring
you will be sponsoring
he/she/it will be sponsoring
we will be sponsoring
you will be sponsoring
they will be sponsoring
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been sponsoring
you have been sponsoring
he/she/it has been sponsoring
we have been sponsoring
you have been sponsoring
they have been sponsoring
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been sponsoring
you will have been sponsoring
he/she/it will have been sponsoring
we will have been sponsoring
you will have been sponsoring
they will have been sponsoring
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been sponsoring
you had been sponsoring
he/she/it had been sponsoring
we had been sponsoring
you had been sponsoring
they had been sponsoring
I would sponsor
you would sponsor
he/she/it would sponsor
we would sponsor
you would sponsor
they would sponsor
Past Conditional
I would have sponsored
you would have sponsored
he/she/it would have sponsored
we would have sponsored
you would have sponsored
they would have sponsored
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.sponsor - someone who supports or champions somethingsponsor - someone who supports or champions something
benefactor, helper - a person who helps people or institutions (especially with financial help)
backer, angel - invests in a theatrical production
godfather - someone having a relation analogous to that of a male sponsor to his godchild
godparent - a person who sponsors someone (the godchild) at baptism
guarantor, warranter, warrantor, surety - one who provides a warrant or guarantee to another
patroness, patronne - a woman who is a patron or the wife of a patron
pillar of strength, tower of strength - a person who can be relied on to give a great deal of support and comfort
2.sponsor - an advocate who presents a person (as for an award or a degree or an introduction etc.)
advocate, advocator, exponent, proponent - a person who pleads for a cause or propounds an idea
Verb1.sponsor - assume sponsorship of
support - support materially or financially; "he does not support his natural children"; "The scholarship supported me when I was in college"
cosponsor - sponsor together with another sponsor
2.sponsor - assume responsibility for or leadership of; "The senator announced that he would sponsor the health care plan"
back up, support - give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up"
3.sponsor - do one's shopping at; do business with; be a customer or client of
back up, support - give moral or psychological support, aid, or courage to; "She supported him during the illness"; "Her children always backed her up"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. back, fund, finance, promote, subsidize, patronize, put up the money for, act as a guarantor for, lend your name to They are sponsoring a major pop art exhibition.
1. backer, patron, promoter, angel (informal), guarantor the new sponsors of the League Cup
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. One who assumes financial responsibility for another:
Informal: angel.
2. A person who supports or champions an activity, cause, or institution, for example:
Informal: angel.
To act as a patron to:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
رَاععَرّاب، كَفيل، ضامِن، راعٍيَتَبَنّى ، يَرْعىيَرْعَىيَكْفَل، يَضْمَن ، يَعِد بالدَّفْع
sponzorsponzorovatbýt sponzoremfinancovat
bakhjarl, stuîningsmaîurbakhjarl; fjármagnarilofa fjárstuîningi
pažadėti paremtiremti finansiškai
byť sponzoromsponzor
gmotno podpretipokrovitelj
finanse etmeksponsorsponsorluk yapmakfinansörmasraflarını karşılamak
nhà tài trợtài trợ


A. N
1. (= provider of funds) (Sport, Rad, TV) → patrocinador(a) m/f, sponsor mf
2. (for participant in charity event) → patrocinador(a) m/f
3. (for loan) → fiador(a) m/f, avalista mf
4. [of membership] your application must be signed by two sponsorssu solicitud tiene que estar firmada por dos socios
5. (= godparent) (male) → padrino m; (female) → madrina f
6. [of bill, motion] → proponente mf
1. (= fund) [+ event] → patrocinar, auspiciar; [+ studies, research] → financiar; [+ participant in charity event] respaldar or avalar mediante un donativo a favor de una obra benéfica
sponsored walk/swim marcha/prueba de natación emprendida a cambio de donaciones a una obra benéfica
2. (= support) → respaldar, apoyar
they have been accused of sponsoring terrorismse los ha acusado de respaldar or apoyar al terrorismo
3. [+ bill, motion] → proponer
4. [+ loan] → fiar, avalar
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[sporting event, exhibition, festival] → sponsor m; [athlete] → sponsor m; [artist] → mécène m
(for new member of a club, male)parrain m; (female)marraine f
(British) (to raise funds for charity)sponsor m
[TV programme] → sponsor m
(= godfather) → parrain m (= godmother) → marraine f
[+ sporting event, exhibition, festival] → parrainer, sponsoriser; [+ student] → financer les études de; [+ athlete] → sponsoriser, parrainer; [+ artist] → sponsoriser, parrainer, être le mécène de
The festival was sponsored by → Le festival a été parrainé par ..., Le festival a été sponsorisé par ...
[+ new club member] → parrainer
[+ person] (for charity fund-raising)donner de l'argent à
I sponsored him at 3p a mile
BUT Je me suis engagé à lui donner 3p par mile.
[+ TV programme] → sponsoriser
(POLITICS) [+ bill, proposal] → présenter
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Förderer m, → Förderin f; (for membership) → Bürge m, → Bürgin f; (for event) → Schirmherr(in) m(f); (Rad, TV, Sport etc) → Geldgeber(in) m(f), → Sponsor(in) m(f); (for fund-raising) → Spender(in) m(f); (Parl, of bill) → Befürworter(in) m(f); to stand sponsor for somebodyjdn fördern, für jdn bürgen
(= godparent)Pate m, → Patin f; to stand sponsor for a childPate/Patin eines Kindes sein
unterstützen; (financially) → fördern, unterstützen, sponsern; eventsponsern, die Schirmherrschaft übernehmen (+gen); future memberbürgen für; membership, billbefürworten, empfehlen; (Rad, TV) programmesponsern; (Sport) eventsponsern; he sponsored him (at) 5p a mile (Brit) → er verpflichtete sich, ihm 5 Pence pro Meile zu geben
(as godparent) → die Patenschaft (+gen)übernehmen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n (of enterprise, bill, for fund raising) → promotore/trice; (for loan) → garante m/f; (of member) → socio/a garante (Radio, TV, Sport) → sponsor m inv; (godparent) → padrino/madrina
2. vt (enterprise) → promuovere, patrocinare; (borrower, member of club) → garantire (Pol) (Parliamentary bill) → presentare (Radio, TV, Sport) → sponsorizzare; (as godparents) → tenere a battesimo
I sponsored him at 20p a mile (in fund-raising race) → mi sono impegnato a donare 20 penny per ogni miglio
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈsponsə) verb
1. to take on the financial responsibility for (a person, project etc), often as a form of advertising or for charity. The firm sponsors several golf tournaments.
2. to promise (a person) that one will pay a certain sum of money to a charity etc if that person completes a set task (eg a walk, swim etc).
a person, firm etc that acts in this way.
ˈsponsorship noun
(the money given as) the act of sponsoring.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


رَاع, يَرْعَى sponzor, sponzorovat sponsor, sponsorere sponsern, Sponsor επιχορηγώ, χορηγός patrocinador, patrocinar sponsori, sponsoroida parrainer, sponsor pokrovitelj, sponzorirati sponsor, sponsorizzare 後援者, 後援者となる 후원자, 후원하다 sponsor, sponsoren sponse, sponsor sponsor, sponsorować patrocinador, patrocinar спонсировать, спонсор sponsor, sponsra ผู้อุปถัมภ์, อุปถัมภ์ finanse etmek, sponsor nhà tài trợ, tài trợ 赞助, 赞助人
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n (AA, etc.) patrocinador -ra mf
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"A person of very high standing in our Brotherhood has made application for you to be received into our Order before the usual term and has proposed to me to be your sponsor. I consider it a sacred duty to fulfill that person's wishes.
They have wronged me too, you know, as your sponsor and guarantee, and it would have served for my revenge as well.
Wilberforce, and for a time was a credit to his political sponsor, and decidedly a serious young man.
Andrews had become his sponsor. Because of Andrews he was tolerated.
It was very soon discovered that whoever cast an indignity on Topsy was sure to meet with some inconvenient accident shortly after;--either a pair of ear-rings or some cherished trinket would be missing, or an article of dress would be suddenly found utterly ruined, or the person would stumble accidently into a pail of hot water, or a libation of dirty slop would unaccountably deluge them from above when in full gala dress;-and on all these occasions, when investigation was made, there was nobody found to stand sponsor for the indignity.
She was preparing for her ninth lying-in; and after bewailing the circumstance, and imploring their countenance as sponsors to the expected child, she could not conceal how important she felt they might be to the future maintenance of the eight already in being.
I believe the name 'Hop-Frog' was not that given to the dwarf by his sponsors at baptism, but it was conferred upon him, by general consent of the several ministers, on account of his inability to walk as other men do.
To which the novice (being to that end instructed by his attendant sponsors) replied 'I do!'
"Then seven sponsors shall we have," quoth Will Stutely, and hunting among all the band, he chose the seven stoutest men of them all.
But Time had mowed down their sponsors, and Henry the Eighth had melted down their mugs; and they now hung, nameless and mugless, in the church- tower.
The last time the association had a competition sponsor was in 2011-2013 season when Senn Foods sponsored BAA national championships.