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be agreeable to; give pleasure: please the audience; like or wish: do what you please
Not to be confused with:
pleas – appeals, entreaties: pleas for clemency; excuses; pretexts; a defendant’s answers to legal charges
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


v. pleased, pleas·ing, pleas·es
1. To give enjoyment, pleasure, or satisfaction to; make glad or contented.
2. To be the will or desire of: May it please the court to admit this firearm as evidence.
1. To give satisfaction or pleasure; be agreeable: waiters who try hard to please.
2. To have the will or desire; wish: Do as you please. Sit down, if you please.
1. If it is your desire or pleasure; if you please. Used in polite requests: Please stand back. Pay attention, please.
2. Yes. Used in polite affirmative replies to offers: May I help you? Please.

[Middle English plesen, from Old French plaisir; see pleasant.]

pleas′er n.
Synonyms: please, delight, gladden, gratify
These verbs mean to give pleasure to: was pleased by their success; a gift that would delight any child; praise that gladdens the spirit; progress that gratified all concerned.
Antonym: displease
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. to give satisfaction, pleasure, or contentment to (a person); make or cause (a person) to be glad
2. to be the will of or have the will (to): if it pleases you; the court pleases.
3. if you please if you will or wish, sometimes used in ironic exclamation
4. pleased with happy because of
5. please oneself to do as one likes
6. (sentence modifier) used in making polite requests and in pleading, asking for a favour, etc: please don't tell the police where I am.
7. yes please a polite formula for accepting an offer, invitation, etc
[C14 plese, from Old French plaisir, from Latin placēre to please, satisfy]
ˈpleasable adj
pleased adj
pleasedly adv
ˈpleaser n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



adv., v. pleased, pleas•ing. adv.
1. (used as a polite addition to requests, commands, etc.) if you would be so obliging; kindly: Please come here.
2. to give pleasure or gratification to: to please the public.
3. to be the pleasure or will of: May it please your Majesty.
4. to like, wish, or feel inclined: Go where you please.
5. to give pleasure or satisfaction; be agreeable: manners that please.
if you please,
a. if it be your pleasure; if you like or wish.
b. (used as an exclamation expressing astonishment, indignation, etc.)
[1275–1325; Middle English plaisen < Middle French plaisir « Latin placēre to please, seem good (see placid)]
pleas′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • amuse-bouche, amuse-guele - Amuse-bouche and amuse-guele both mean literally "something to please the mouth," and both refer to an appetizer or pre-meal tidbit.
  • like - Comes from Germanic likam, "appearance, body, form"; the verb came from likojam, which, as like, originally meant "please."
  • love - From Old English lufu, connected with Sanskrit lubh, "to desire," and Latin lubere, "to please."
  • please - Descends from Latin placere, "please."
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: pleased
Gerund: pleasing

I please
you please
he/she/it pleases
we please
you please
they please
I pleased
you pleased
he/she/it pleased
we pleased
you pleased
they pleased
Present Continuous
I am pleasing
you are pleasing
he/she/it is pleasing
we are pleasing
you are pleasing
they are pleasing
Present Perfect
I have pleased
you have pleased
he/she/it has pleased
we have pleased
you have pleased
they have pleased
Past Continuous
I was pleasing
you were pleasing
he/she/it was pleasing
we were pleasing
you were pleasing
they were pleasing
Past Perfect
I had pleased
you had pleased
he/she/it had pleased
we had pleased
you had pleased
they had pleased
I will please
you will please
he/she/it will please
we will please
you will please
they will please
Future Perfect
I will have pleased
you will have pleased
he/she/it will have pleased
we will have pleased
you will have pleased
they will have pleased
Future Continuous
I will be pleasing
you will be pleasing
he/she/it will be pleasing
we will be pleasing
you will be pleasing
they will be pleasing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been pleasing
you have been pleasing
he/she/it has been pleasing
we have been pleasing
you have been pleasing
they have been pleasing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been pleasing
you will have been pleasing
he/she/it will have been pleasing
we will have been pleasing
you will have been pleasing
they will have been pleasing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been pleasing
you had been pleasing
he/she/it had been pleasing
we had been pleasing
you had been pleasing
they had been pleasing
I would please
you would please
he/she/it would please
we would please
you would please
they would please
Past Conditional
I would have pleased
you would have pleased
he/she/it would have pleased
we would have pleased
you would have pleased
they would have pleased
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.please - give pleasure to or be pleasing to; "These colors please the senses"; "a pleasing sensation"
endear - make attractive or lovable; "This behavior endeared her to me"
please - give satisfaction; "The waiters around her aim to please"
gratify, satisfy - make happy or satisfied
displease - give displeasure to
2.please - be the will of or have the will (to); "he could do many things if he pleased"
like, wish, care - prefer or wish to do something; "Do you care to try this dish?"; "Would you like to come along to the movies?"
3.please - give satisfaction; "The waiters around her aim to please"
delight, please - give pleasure to or be pleasing to; "These colors please the senses"; "a pleasing sensation"
gratify, satisfy - make happy or satisfied
Adv.1.please - used in polite request; "please pay attention"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. delight, entertain, humour, amuse, suit, content, satisfy, charm, cheer, indulge, tickle, gratify, gladden, give pleasure to, tickle someone pink (informal), PLS (S.M.S.) This comment pleased her immensely.
delight anger, depress, provoke, disgust, annoy, offend, grieve, incense, sadden, vex, displease, dissatisfy
2. want, like, choose, wish, will, prefer, desire, opt, be inclined, see fit, PLS (S.M.S.) Women should be able to dress as they please.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To give great or keen pleasure to:
Archaic: joy.
2. To be satisfactory to:
3. To have the desire or inclination to:
Idioms: have a mind, see fit.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
من فَضْلَكيَخْتار، يُحِب، يُريد
prosímvyhovětzlíbit sechtítpotěšit
miellyttääolkaa hyväviihdyttää
plaireS.V.P.s’il te plaîts’il vous plaîts'il vous plaît
kérem...!örömet okoztetszik
minta tolong
gera svo velgleîjaòóknast
amabo te
prašauprašombūkit malonusdaryk kaip norimalonėsit
làm ơn


A. EXCL please!¡por favor!; (as protest) → ¡por Dios!
(yes,) pleasesí, gracias
can you pass the salt, pleaseme pasas la sal, por favor
please don't cry!¡no llores, (te lo pido) por favor!
please don't interfere, Borishaz el favor de no meterte, Boris, no te metas, Boris, por favor
please be seated (said by interviewer, doctor, etc) → siéntese; (said over intercom, in plane, theatre, etc) → les rogamos tomen asiento
please accept this bookle ruego acepte este libro
oh, please! not that song again!¡oh no! ¡esa canción otra vez no por favor!
"may I?" - "please do"-¿puedo? -¡por supuesto! or -¡cómo no!
"please do not smoke"se ruega no fumar
1. (= like, prefer) → querer
he does whatever he pleaseshace lo que quiere or lo que le place
she can live where she pleasespuede vivir donde quiera or donde le plazca
as you pleasecomo quieras
do as you pleasehaz lo que quieras, haz lo que te dé la gana
she came over casually as you please and picked up my diaryse acercó con toda la tranquilidad del mundo y cogió mi agenda
gentlemen, if you please! (frm) → señores, por favor, señores, si son tan amables
he wanted ten, if you please!quería llevarse diez, ¡a quién se le ocurre!, quería llevarse diez, ¡qué cara!
we'll have none of that language if you please!¡mucho cuidadito con usar ese lenguaje!
2. (= cause satisfaction)
we aim to pleasenuestro objetivo es complacer
to be anxious or eager to pleasetener muchas ansias de quedar bien
a gift that is sure to pleaseun regalo que siempre gusta, un regalo que de seguro gustará
1. (= give pleasure to) → agradar, complacer; (= satisfy) → complacer
I did it just to please youlo hice únicamente para agradarte or complacerte
you can't please all of the people all of the timeno se puede complacer a todo el mundo todo el tiempo
music that pleases the earuna música grata al oído
she is easily pleasedse contenta con cualquier cosa
he is hard to pleasees difícil de contentar or complacer
there's no pleasing himno hay manera de contentarlo
please yourself!¡haz lo que quieras!, ¡haz lo que te dé la gana!
2. (frm) (= be the will of) may it please Your Majestysea ésta la voluntad de su Majestad
D. N she just took it without so much as a please or a thank youlo cogió sin ni siquiera dignarse a pedirlo por favor ni a dar las gracias
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


advs'il te (or vous) plaît
Can I have the bill please? → Pourrais-je avoir l'addition, s'il vous plaît?
Two coffees, please → Deux cafés, s'il vous plaît.
Please write back soon → Réponds vite, s'il te plaît.
Please, sir, can we have some more? → S'il vous plaît Monsieur, est-ce qu'on peut en ravoir?
Please switch off the lights before leaving → Vous êtes priés d'éteindre les lumières avant de partir.
Please report to reception on arrival → Vous êtes priés de vous présenter à la réception à l'arrivée.
yes, please → oui, s'il vous plaît
A cup of tea? - Yes, please → Une tasse de thé? - Oui, s'il vous plaît.
Please don't cry! → S'il te plaît, ne pleure pas!
(= make happy) → faire plaisir à
I was tidying my room to please Mum → Je rangeais ma chambre pour faire plaisir à maman.
It pleased them to help → Cela leur a fait plaisir d'aider.
(= satisfy) → satisfaire
You're an impossible man to please → Tu es un homme impossible à satisfaire.
to please o.s. → faire comme on veut
The public can please themselves → Le public peut faire comme il veut.
please yourself! → (faites) comme vous voulez!
(= think fit) do as you please → faites comme il vous plaira
he does whatever he pleases → il n'en fait qu'à sa guise
she can live where she pleases → elle peut vivre où elle veut
if you please (= please) → s'il vous plaît; (used ironically)
they want £500 if you please → ils veulent 500 livres, rien que ça
(= give pleasure) → faire plaisir
to be eager to please → ne demander qu'à faire plaisir
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


interjbitte; (yes,) please (acceptance) → (ja,) bitte; (enthusiastic) → oh ja, gerne; please pass the salt, pass the salt, pleasewürden Sie mir bitte das Salz reichen?; may I? — please do!darf ich? — bitte sehr!
if you please (form, in request) → wenn ich darum bitten darf; do it now, if you please (angrily) → aber sofort, wenn es recht ist or wenn ich bitten darf!; and then, if you please, he tried …und dann, stell dir vor, versuchte er …; (just) as you pleaseganz wie du willst, wie es Ihnen beliebt (form); bold as you please, he entered the roomfrech wie Oskar kam er ins Zimmer (inf); to do as one pleasesmachen or tun, was man will, machen or tun, was einem gefällt
(= cause satisfaction)gefallen; eager to pleasedarum bemüht, alles richtig zu machen; (servant) → darum bemüht, jeden Wunsch zu erfüllen; a gift that is sure to pleaseein Geschenk, das sicher gefällt; we aim to pleasewir wollen, dass Sie zufrieden sind
(= give pleasure to)eine Freude machen (+dat); (= satisfy)zufriedenstellen; (= do as sb wants)gefallen (+dat), → gefällig sein (+dat); the gift/idea pleased himdas Geschenk/die Idee hat ihm gefallen; just to please younur dir zuliebe; it pleases me to see him so happyes freut mich, dass er so glücklich ist; well do it then if it pleases youtus doch, wenn es dir Spaß macht; you can’t please everybodyman kann es nicht allen recht machen; there’s no pleasing himer ist nie zufrieden; he is easily pleased or easy to pleaseer ist leicht zufriedenzustellen; to be hard to pleaseschwer zufriedenzustellen sein ? pleased
(iro, form: = be the will of) → belieben (+dat) (iro, form); it pleased him to order that …er beliebte anzuordnen, dass … (form); may it please Your Honour (Jur) → mit Erlaubnis des Herrn Vorsitzenden; if it pleases Godwenn es Gott gefällt; please God he will recovergebe Gott, dass er wieder gesund wird; he will return safely, please God!er wird wohlbehalten zurückkehren, das gebe Gott!
vr to please oneselftun, was einem gefällt; please yourself!wie Sie wollen!; you can please yourself about where you sites ist Ihnen überlassen, wo Sie sitzen; he has only himself to pleaseer braucht auf keinen Menschen irgendwelche Rücksichten zu nehmen
nBitte nt; without so much as a pleaseohne auch nur, bitte zu sagen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. exclper piacere, per favore
(yes,) please → sì, grazie
come in, please → entrate, prego
please pass the salt, pass the salt please → per piacere or per favore, mi passi il sale?
my bill, please → il conto, per piacere
please don't cry! → ti prego, non piangere!
2. vi
a. if you please (frm) (in request) → per piacere, per favore
he wanted ten, if you please! (iro) → ne voleva dieci, figurati!
he does as he pleases → fa come gli pare
b. (cause satisfaction) → far piacere, piacere
anxious or eager to please → desideroso/a di piacere
a gift that is sure to please → un dono sicuramente gradito
3. vt (give pleasure to) → far piacere a; (satisfy) → accontentare
I did it to please you → l'ho fatto per farti piacere
there's no pleasing him → non c'è verso di accontentarlo
to please o.s. → far come si vuole
please yourself! → come vuoi!, come ti pare!
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(pliːz) verb
1. to do what is wanted by (a person); to give pleasure or satisfaction to. You can't please everyone all the time; It pleases me to read poetry.
2. to choose, want, like. He does as he pleases.
a word added to an order or request in order to be polite. Please open the window; Close the door, please; Will you please come with me?
pleased adjective
happy; satisfied. Aren't you pleased about moving house?; She was pleased with the dress.
ˈpleasing adjective
giving pleasure; attractive. a pleasing view.
ˈpleasingly adverb
if you please
please. Come this way, if you please.
please yourself
do what you choose. I don't think you should go, but please yourself.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


int. por favor;
come in ___!¡entre, entra por favor!;
v. gustar, agradar, satisfacer; tener placer, tener gusto en.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
The little person made a bob-curtsey--"Oh, yes, if you please'm; my name is Mrs.
"Oh no, if you please'm; that's a little scarlet waist-coat belonging to Cock Robin!"
"Remember, if you please, that it is my leg you are abusing."
"We are bound for the Emerald City now," said the Tin Woodman; "so, if it pleases you to do so, you are welcome to travel in our company."
Be here to take him to-morrow, if you please. Good night!'
`Oh, PLEASE mind what you're doing!' cried Alice, jumping up and down in an agony of terror.
"You send the money," said Teresa, "and I'll dress him up for you as fine as you please."
Oh, Aunt Polly, please, mayn't I do your hair like I did Mrs.
He did not distinguish what sort of love his might be, big or little, passionate or passionless, lasting or passing (he kept a ballet girl himself, though he was the father of a family, so he was lenient in these matters), but he knew that this love affair was viewed with displeasure by those whom it was necessary to please, and therefore he did not approve of his brother's conduct.
"You confuse me," replied Athos, with his gentlemanly air; "let us talk of something else, if you please. Ah, s'blood, how you have hurt me!
If that is what you mean, please be good enough to take my life."
Elizabeth listened in silence, but was not convinced; their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please in general; and with more quickness of observation and less pliancy of temper than her sister, and with a judgement too unassailed by any attention to herself, she was very little disposed to approve them.

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