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Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

OCCUPIER. One who is in the enjoyment of a thing.
     2. He may be the occupier by virtue of a lawful contract, either express or implied, or without any contract. The occupier is, in general, bound to make the necessary repairs to premises he occupies the cleansing and repairing of drains and sewers, therefore, is prima facie the duty of him who occupies the premises. 3 Q. B. R. 449; S. C. 43 Eng. C. L. R. 814.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
* Chronicling the makings of the Occupy movement, McKee shows how nonprofits like Creative Time, artist networks like Art and Revolution, magazines like Tidal, and exhibitions like Democracy in America (2008) made Occupy possible.
Blackman also claimed his accuser assaulted him and another woman at the Occupy campsite when she found out he was in a relationship with her.
Another Occupy Eugene member, Terry Purvis, said people will be able to access basic medical services at the tent - from wound care to obtaining a diagnosis of a lingering health problem.
Using these criteria, one may position Occupy Wall Street and its local efforts as a large social movement.
Jason Eldridge of Occupy Worcester was at Clark last night to support the campus effort and try to persuade students to join the Occupy Worcester movement.
The name Occupy refers to the group's intention to occupy the area in which it is protesting for an undetermined amount of time.
"The Federal Reserve of Richmond, Virginia had its own private security surveilling Occupy Tampa and Tampa Veterans for Peace and passing privately-collected information on activists
The Occupy Wall Street movement is a response by the people because government has become of, by, and for the 1 percent.
Occupy's legacy seemed destined to be that of a well-intentioned group of young people with an aimless, disorganized message and few viable solutions.
According to local media, the march was "in solidarity with Occupy Oakland and against corruption."
The Bronx Children's Psychiatric Center will occupy the entire third floor of the 107,000 s/f building.
In six days, Israel had quadrupled its size and came to occupy the remainder of Palestine (Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza) as well as lands from neighboring Arab states (the Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula).