Quiz & Worksheet - Types of Motion | Study.com

Motion: Linear, Simple Harmonic, Circular & Projectile - Quiz & Worksheet


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What is motion?

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1. In which of the following kinds of motion can an object have a constant speed and still be accelerating?

2. In which of the following kinds of motion are the displacement, velocity and acceleration graphs sinusoidal in shape?

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About This Quiz & Worksheet

How is motion defined? What are examples of different types of motion? You will need to have an understanding of these kinds of facts in order to do well on this quiz and worksheet combo.

Quiz & Worksheet Goals

The questions found on this assessment will require you to:

  • Define 'motion'
  • Name the type of motion in which an object has constant speed but is still accelerating
  • Describe the motion in which displacement, acceleration and velocity graphs are sinusoidal
  • Understand which type of motion is exemplified by a baseball being hit by a bat
  • Know which type of motion a car driving on a straight road would be an example of

Skills Practiced

  • Defining key concepts - ensure that you can accurately define 'motion'
  • Information recall - access the knowledge you've gained regarding which type of motion is described by an object in which the speed remains constant even though the object is accelerating
  • Knowledge application - use your knowledge to recognize examples of different types of motion

Additional Learning

Move on to the lesson titled Motion: Linear, Simple Harmonic, Circular & Projectile if you wish to learn more about this topic. Details you will find in this lesson include:

  • Which terms are used to describe motion in physics
  • What other term is used to describe linear motion
  • How projectile motion is graphed