LANDING STAGE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of landing stage in English

(Definition of landing stage from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of landing stage

landing stage
Flowchart of stair climbing landing stage.
The first was that access to the landing stage for the purpose of promenading would be interfered with.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
The oldest archaeological traces underlying the area, remainders of a landing stage found close to today's sterlnggatan, shows it was first settled in the late 13th and early 14th centuries.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
Cosmao began an intense bombardment while the infantry forced their way onto the landing stage, losing three gunboats and two rowing boats full of soldiers as they did so.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
First, it said that new and smaller ferries could operate satisfactorily from existing landing stages.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
Steamer landing stages and a large pavilion at the end of the pier had also been constructed.
This example is from Wikipedia and may be reused under a CC BY-SA license.
The purpose of the landing stage is to prevent the front wheels to hit the step at the top.
Landing stage of autonomous climbing.
There is the passenger terminal, which has a landing stage on the river and an adjacent station.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
What is the present state of the landing stage?
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
It is possible that a landing stage to facilitate the discharging of fishing boats might be a further advantage.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
Specialised landing places normally consist of a concrete landing stage.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
The problem is that the landing stage is in a state of increasing disrepair.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
The total cost of constructing the new landing stage was £950.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
I have the maintenance budget for the landing stage for 1983.
From the
Hansard archive
Example from the Hansard archive. Contains Parliamentary information licensed under the Open Parliament Licence v3.0
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

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