RFC 3339 vs. ISO 8601 | Hacker News
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RFC 3339 vs. ISO 8601 (ijmacd.github.io)
514 points by rdpintqogeogsaa on Oct 24, 2021 | hide | past | favorite | 172 comments

Note that Python still lacks any way to parse these dates in the standard library. You have to use a third party library to parse them. You might think `datetime.fromisoformat` parsed ISO dates but you'd be wrong; it doesn't support the trailing Z or any other form of timezone information. The docs are clear about this, and the developer discussion I've read basically boils down to "it's too hard to parse ISO dates so we didn't do it here." This discussion has been going on for years.


Plus the naive date times that seem to pop up by default. Frustrating.

Can you elaborate on this?

Parsing ISO 8601 formatted dates doesn't result in naive Python datetimes:

    >>> datetime.fromisoformat("2021-10-24T20:17:41+02:00")
    datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 24, 20, 17, 41, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200)))

Your example demonstrates I'm wrong with isoformat not supporting any timezone info. Sorry about that. Given it can handle +02:00 I wonder why they don't just add support for z and Z and instantly cover 95% of the world's JSON data?

Sorry, was on mobile and didn't elaborate. Was referring to datetime.datetime.now(); why can't it incorporate the local timezone?

Well, it can, it's just not the default:

    >>> from datetime import datetime, timezone
    >>> datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc).astimezone()
    datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 25, 19, 58, 34, 51668, tzinfo=datetime.timezone(datetime.timedelta(seconds=7200), 'CEST'))
Or if you want to use a specific timezone:

    >>> from datetime import datetime
    >>> from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo
    >>> datetime.now(tz=ZoneInfo("Europe/Berlin"))
    datetime.datetime(2021, 10, 25, 19, 58, 34, 51668, tzinfo=zoneinfo.ZoneInfo(key='Europe/Berlin'))

Yes, but who’s more likely to get the code right to determine the system’s timezone: the programmer or the library?

datetime.datetime.now() is by definition local to the system. What motivation is there to not include a timezone with the return value?


from dateutil.parser import isoparse

I’m amazed this is still a problem, it makes it hard to treat python seriously

Python has one of the most exhaustive stdlibs out there. Surely the a handful of useful but trivial missing functions don't make it any less serious than, for example, NodeJS, which barely even has a stdlib.

Python also has one of the most outdated and dead libs in stdlib out there.


The stdlib contains outdated modules, it's not outdated itself. Windows 11 still contains some DLLs dating back as far as at least NT 4.0 and nobody would call it an outdated OS. The stdlib is constantly being improved and I for one am glad that older and rarely used features are being kept around instead of booting them out with the next minor release.

>The stdlib is constantly being improved

At a glacial pace. Generally stuff is being added and left to die.

>rarely used features are being kept around instead of booting them out with the next minor release

Or, maybe, being actively maintained? Python desperately lacked corporate interest and paid maintainership, and I'm glad that this starts to change. Entirely volunteer model sounds cool, until you see that people are only interested in adding "cool" stuff and syntactic sugar like walrus operator.

I would rather they did less well

This is very neat, but maybe not completely accurate. "2021-10-24 11:02:03Z" is outside iso8601 in the figure, but I think it's valid iso8601. True, "T" is the One True date-time separator in iso8601 (IMO its biggest wart, as it looks awful for human eyes: "2021-10-24T11:02:03Z"). But according to the draft standard[1], page 21:

> By mutual agreement of the partners in information interchange, the character [T] may be omitted in applications where there is no risk of confusing a date and time of day representation with others defined in this International Standard

[1] The actual ISO standard is not freely available, but the Library of Congress has free draft standards: https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/iso-tc154-wg5_n0038_i... https://www.loc.gov/standards/datetime/iso-tc154-wg5_n0039_i...

There are some non-trivial changes between the draft standards and the final ISO 8601:2019-1 standard, one of which relates to making the use of T stricter, and the mentioned provision was removed.

Regardless, ISO 8601 has generally discouraged using spaces within expressions. From ISO 8601:2004, section 3.4.1:

> Unless explicitly allowed by this International Standard the character "space" shall not be used in the representations.

Similarly, from ISO 8601:2019-1, section 3.2.1:

> The character "space" shall not be used in the expressions.

However, through looser interpretation of the standard, "2021-10-24 11:02:03Z" could be allowed if treated as a date representation followed by a space followed by a time representation (note that the formal time representation in ISO 8601:2019-1 is T11:02:03Z, but it allows omission of T for extended format as per 5.3.5).

ISO business model is so strange; in order to make money they have to hide the actual standard from the vast majority of engineers that it relates to, so we just assume whatever was proposed was close enough.

Yes, on practice the draft becomes the actual standard.

That is, unless it's in a regulated industry that is required by law to follow the actual standard. Then it disobeys the law most of the time, and "disobey" the market the rest of the time and everything breaks. Also, it leaves the people with a secret law that nobody can know the consequences.

The ISO governance should be changed ASAP. It was never good, and nowadays it's a disaster.

> The ISO governance should be changed ASAP. It was never good, and nowadays it's a disaster.

ISO was founded in 1947, and back then very many of its standards were about physical objects – pipe threads, screws, bearings, belts, film, steel, plastic, rubber, textiles, etc – and even today they still have many standards on those kinds of topics. Imagine you are an aerospace engineer in the 1970s, and you need a copy of the new standard ISO 46:1973 (Aircraft — Fuel nozzle grounding plugs and sockets) – if nobody at your work has a copy, you just order it and pay for it with the company's money (expense it, get your boss to sign the purchase order, whatever). Nobody would have a problem with that and you wouldn't think there was anything inappropriate about it either, it would just seem totally normal to anybody in the 1970s.

The problem is that technology and culture have changed and ISO hasn't kept up – especially for software-related standards. We are an industry in which there are lots of independent contractors and self-employed people and small businesses, it is easy to be self-taught, in which multi-billion dollar companies will charge millions for software packages and then include in their code some open source library that someone maintains as an unpaid hobby, in which many employers baulk at paying for things which in prior decades employers would have just paid for without question. The culture has changed from one in which people are used to paying money for physical books in person or via mail order, to one in which they expect to get information from the Internet instantaneously and for free.

And it is probably mostly in software that people complain about this. I could be wrong, but I would guess that for aerospace engineers it is no more an issue today than in the 1970s. Even if ISO were to charge a few hundred dollars for a standards document, it would still be a lot cheaper than most things aerospace engineers deal with, and your employer will pay for it, who cares. At big firms such as Airbus or Boeing, they probably have some kind of subscription so their engineers just get access to all new ISO standards automatically.

Mandated ISO standards in 1947 was absurd secret law too. Democracy is not that new of a concept.

It's just that both regulations were much lighter so much fewer people would be affected, and at that time the world was in an extremely totalitarian mood, divided by two countries that imposed dictatorships wherever they went. But entrepreneurship existed by then just like it does now, and you can bet many people went poorer because they couldn't access the standards.

Also, they were much less accessible. If you couldn't just go to a library to read them because they weren't free, it meant most people could not get them at all. It was not just a matter of getting in a phone and calling the ISO customer center.

> Mandated ISO standards in 1947 was absurd secret law too. Democracy is not that new of a concept.

In the 1940s, if you wanted to read legislation, there was no downloading it for free off the Internet – either you purchased a printed copy, or found a library that held it – and you may have had to travel some distance to do so, there was no guarantee that your neighbourhood public library did. Most people viewed charging for printed copies of legislation as acceptable, given that it cost money to print them. So, in that sense, legally mandated ISO standards weren't fundamentally different from laws in general. Prior to the 1990s, when the Internet began to change people's expectations, the idea that everyone was entitled to a free personal copy of all legislation was not widely accepted, and few would have labelled that situation as anti-democratic or as "absurd secret law".

> It was not just a matter of getting in a phone and calling the ISO customer center.

In the 1940s, rather than calling the ISO secretariat in Switzerland directly, you would have called your national standards body, who acted as a reseller. Buying standards then was only harder than today in the sense that buying anything back then was harder than today.

> the idea that everyone was entitled to a free personal copy of all legislation was not widely accepted

Was the idea that everyone is entitled to a copy of all legislation at cost widely accepted? Or did most people believe the the publisher (or the legislature?) should overcharge them and stand to make a profit off it?

I don't know how much "at cost" would be for ISO, but something tells me it wouldn't be an identical 158 CHF for both PDF and paper.

Neither. Access to legislation must be possible at no cost for everybody. Otherwise you can't expect people to follow it.

Of course, that doesn't entitle you to a copy, making it available at libraries is already enough.

> Neither. Access to legislation must be possible at no cost for everybody. Otherwise you can't expect people to follow it.

In the real world, most people follow legislation without ever reading it. People build a rough mental model, based on media sources, government websites, common sense, etc, which divides acts into "probably illegal", "probably legal", and "grey area". If they stick to the "probably legal", they are unlikely to have any legal problems. If they are seriously considering venturing into the "probably illegal" or "grey area" zones, a wise person hires a lawyer and gets some professional legal advice first. The majority of the population has no hope of ever understanding legislation – something people on this website tend to forget, because most people on this website are significantly more intelligent and better educated than the average person is. And even those of us who aren't intimidated by legislation and case law and law textbooks, in the way that the average person is, ought to remember the old adage "A man who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client"–if you don't have the formal training and real-world experience of an actual lawyer, it is easy to make a costly mistake–e.g reading some law literally, and unfortunately you never found the case law which interprets it to mean something quite different from what it literally says. Keep the amateur lawyering as a hobby, maybe some real world situations where the cost of being wrong is low (such as challenging a parking ticket), and rely on a professional for anything actually important.

> Of course, that doesn't entitle you to a copy, making it available at libraries is already enough.

Well, ISO standards are freely available at some libraries. Generally national libraries, major public research libraries, university libraries (some of which are open to general public, others restrict admission to staff/students/etc.) Your local public library probably doesn't have any copies of ISO standards–mine doesn't. But, my local public library doesn't seem to have copies of legislation and case law either – my local public library has very little in the way of serious/professional/academic legal texts, just some very introductory stuff aimed at the general reader.

I honestly don't think the average person thought much about the cost of buying legislation. Even today, I think the average person feels intimidated by legislation and doesn't want to read it even if it is all freely available.

As far as the official version of federal/national legislation goes – in 1947, in both the US and the UK, that was sold by a government agency overall at cost or even at a loss. ("Overall at cost" meaning, they might sometimes have made a profit on an individual print run, but profits they made on some print runs were balanced by losses on others, so they didn't make a profit overall.)

However, most lawyers preferred to use private editions published by for-profit publishers, which added copyrighted notes providing cross-references to other relevant legislation, important court decisions, etc. So the "raw" version of the legislation was available at-cost but the version most lawyers actually used was not. And that remains true today – most lawyers don't rely on the freely available versions on the web, they use expensive commercial subscription services (Westlaw, LexisNexis, etc) which add lots of very useful privately copyrighted notes–and you really need the information in those notes to properly interpret the law, because if you don't have cross-references to other legislation and case law, you won't know what it really means in practice–and although you could probably reconstruct those notes yourself to some extent (such as by searching free case law databases for references to a certain section of legislation), doing so is laborious and likely to be error-prone (it is easy to miss something important because you didn't use the exactly right search term, etc). So even now, access to the law is not as "free" as many think it is.

> I don't know how much "at cost" would be for ISO, but something tells me it wouldn't be an identical 158 CHF for both PDF and paper.

I think from ISO's viewpoint, it is "at cost", because they are not just including the cost of printing or hosting the download, but also the administrative and editorial costs of producing the underlying standard. ISO is a not-for-profit body and any profit it makes is reinvested into the standard development process. By contrast, when you buy a copy of an Act/Statute from the government print office, you are not paying for the actual running costs of the Congress/Parliament/etc which produced the legislation – that is paid for through taxation – whereas ISO being a private body can't levy taxes.

That's not to say that ISO has to use their current model. They could make all their standards freely available and try to recover the editorial/administrative costs through some other mechanism – charging membership fees to corporations, government grants, etc. However, while those methods are feasible – other standard bodies use them – I think ISO would respond that they would make ISO more dependent upon and more beholden to corporate and government interests than they currently are. I suppose the critical response to that is that ISO already is quite beholden to corporate and government interests, and it is hard to see how it could get any more beholden, but ISO would not agree with that.

Very good summary. While it is true that ISO is stuck in time, at the same time its model weren't out-of-place when it was implemented, similar to how copyright laws now seems weird or plain wrong to many here while a century back (outside US, because theirs was weirder) it was widely accepted to compensate corporations who have took their time to record and stamp those phonographs.

> software-related standards. We are an industry in which there are lots of independent contractors and self-employed people and small businesses, it is easy to be self-taught

Consider also the pace of innovation in software and networking—the internet at large. I think it's both a consequence and a cause of the change in culture you described.

It should not be legal to incorporate proprietary standards into law.

At least in the US, it's fairly hard to outlaw changing laws in certain ways since the people with the power to pass new laws are equally able to change past ones, including the ones that limit their power. The way to do something like this would be to put it in the Constitution, which isn't able to be changed through legislation alone, but it seems that for the time being, adding new amendments isn't really something we're doing as a country.

To be clear: I'm not requesting any new rights, merely the enforcement of existing legal principles that laws cannot be copyrighted by a private entity and that people have a fundamental right to freely read the laws that bind them.

Carl Malamud has been fighting this point worldwide with some success for decades. For example here's the state or Oregon agreeing: https://public.resource.org/oregon.gov/index.html

Yup, I wonder if an issuing group pays a fee on new versions as well as a maintenance fee would work out.

There are very many things I never would have discovered and learned if IETF RFCs were not free. The most useful knowledge I've acquired about building things on the internet came from there.

Industries that are more reliant on ISO or other non-free standards are surely worse off because of it.

> There are some non-trivial changes between the draft standards and the final ISO 8601:2019-1 standard, one of which relates to making the use of T stricter, and the mentioned provision was removed

Yes, and? The draft standard is the pretty much everyone actually uses. For most purposes it's the "real" one.

Robustness principle. There's no way you should be relying upon a draft to emit things that violate the real standard.

there is never any final difference...since you work in a group, and every change is vetted, it only gets ratified when everyone says 'yep, no more changes'

Couldn't they permit "_" in place of "T" ? It's not a space, and it certainly makes a date_time string quicker to parse at a glance.

Tangent: what’s the point of these “international standards” when I have to pay to know the standard I’m following? Sure, I can use final drafts, but I shouldn’t have to.

It honestly seems like a racket. Businesses collaborate to write a standard that costs hundreds of dollars, and then brand new small businesses can’t afford to assert that they follow them.

If they just sold test validators and certification services instead ("Certified by ISO"), it'd be such a healthier dynamic.

ISO shouldn't sell anything. It doesn't have a profit motive and can be financed by governments without any problem.

Can and will are two separate things, and even if it happens then you get countries trying to influence decisions with the threat of stopping funding.

That's not to say it wouldn't be better, just that it's not without its own problems.

There is a cost to make a standard. Somehow that needs to be paid.

Though iso isn't really spending its own money from what I can tell, so I don't see where their costs are coming from.

ISO doesn't pay to develop standards, they assume others will develop the standards.

Historically, the purpose was to pay for printing & distribution. That makes no sense today, but that was its historical justification.

That’s what I’m getting at. The committees are generally funded by big companies who basically sign the rights over to ISO. ISO then charges you hundreds of dollars for a single PDF of a standard (which may contain over a dozen).

It reminds me of scientific journals that do nothing but charge money for other people’s work. It reeks of rent seeking.

That seems like a great use for taxes. I suspect the economic benefits from the easy accessibility of the standards (just imagine the cost of the approval processes to buy the standards and handle access, plus the cost of the standards remaining inaccessible to smaller players) would outweigh the financial costs.

It is great when standards become free, but then we need to agree how else to fund the standardization process. Taxpayer money?

For the ‘ISO’ standards where I'm aware of the process, development was funded by the participants. ISO is just a rent-seeking gatekeeper, like academic publishers.

As I have encountered it, the vast cost of the standardization process is already borne outside of ISO because creation and update of the standards is done by outside participants. Hosting the standards documents is a minuscule cost and fees seems mostly a holdover when potentially large bound physical document publishing and distribution was involved.

I know they don’t subsidize standard development. But there is still cost for running an organization to manage and coordinate (and maybe translate) what is being standardized over hundreds of topics. Of the 40 million in total income, selling standard documents is 1/4 to 1/3 of their income. You don’t pay for the cost of electronic copies, but for running the organization.

source: https://www.iso.org/files/live/sites/isoorg/files/store/en/P...

That’s a tiny amount. The major nations should each pull a budget line item and support it directly and remove costs of accessing the iso standards. That could go under NIST in the US. (Maybe start a service charging for for cryptographically signed standards doc).

Where's the money going? ISO staff? Who do what?

ISO holds meetings where member delegates improve the drafts and negotiate the standards to be.

Are some people arguing that doesn't need to happen, or can be done cheaper? Is that argument based on detailed attention to the budget?

There's a parallel dysfunction in California, where the legally-enforced version of the electrical code is available on paper only, at a price of $224:


In democracies it seems taxpayer money can only be had for purposes that please some fraction of the legislators.

yes. excellent example of a situation almost identical to mandating ISO standards.

Should the Library of Congress nationalize the NPFA?

I got my local library to buy a copy of the National Electrical Code. I can study it... but only at the Reference Desk at the library.

There are some derived texts that are pretty good, that the library will let me have, so long as I renew the checkout, and nobody else wants it.


Your example is valid in ISO 8601-1:2019.

There are only two possible representations for which "T" is required: hh or hhmm in 'basic' format (i.e. no ":" separator). The former could be confused with a two-digit century, the latter could be confused with a four-digit year. Adding "T" to hh or hhmm solves this.

Any of the following eliminates the "risk of confusion":

  - 'extended' format (hh:mm)
  - decimal fraction (hhmm,m or hh,h; see;
  - UTC designator (hhmmZ or hhZ; see 5.3.3), or;
  - time shift (hhmm±hhmm, hhmm±hh, hh±hhmm, or hh±hh; see 5.3.4).
Also worth noting: hhmmss in 'basic' format (i.e. no ":" separator) does not pose a risk of confusion, as YYYYMM in 'basic' format (i.e. no "-" separator) is not permitted by the spec.

It's correct. Omission means 2021-10-2411:02:03Z, not replacing it with a space instead.

Omitting the hyphens and colons is allowed too (IIRC), so I suppose omitting the T is intended for cases like 20211024110203Z — which IMO is a sensible format when there's no ambiguity that this is a date-time.

That's a sensible format only for interchange - humans need separators to read it...

They don't need it. It makes it easier, but if you know it's a date and time format, it's pretty easy to read as long as you take care to keep track at which characters your looking at.


Okay. Go try quickly scanning a table or spreadsheet with 1000 rows of that. Good luck.

RFC 3339 is concerned with interoperability problems due to date formats. By adding a space you create interoperability problems. And space-based format uses ' UTC' suffix instead of Z suffix.

So that should also be in the dashed circle.

…and none of these do timezones properly! If your birthday party is:


…but tomorrow’s government abolishes daylight savings time, your birthday event has to change to:


If you’d just said:

2022-05-01T16:00 Asia/Eastern_Siberia

…you’d be fine and everyone will show up at the right time.

You're conflating two separate use cases. The point of the numerical-offset notation is exactly to denote a fixed point in time.

For the birthday party example: it's not a given that I want to reschedule it when the local time zone changes (maybe I want to meet before sundown so we can sit outside? in that case, I would want to adjust the local time, keeping the solar timethe same). Sometimes of course, it is desirable (think of the opening hours of a shop, for example), but that's a separate use case.

Similarly with online events involving international guests: if you move an event to keep the local time unchanged, this change might create conflicts on other people's calendars. It's not necessarily the desired outcome.

Another problem with including a time zone name is that not everybody has the same version of the time zone database. At worst, that means that different people will have different interpretations of which point in time is being described. At best, the result will only be eventually consistent.

Exactly. (Fixed objective time) -> (current subjective time) is a problem with enough nuances that you probably don't want your format making assumptions for you.

Look up the Japanese calendar, if you want some fun: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Date_and_time_notation_in_Ja...

Related to Japanese time keeping, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_clock is a fun read!

The international online-meeting corner case is interesting but I think you’re off the mark for the most common use case for these kinds of human readable time stamps: the local event begins when the local calendar shows the given date, and the local wall clock shows that particular time.

My birthday party begins next year on May 1st when both our Siberian clocks say it is 4pm.

> The point of the numerical-offset notation is exactly to denote a fixed point in time.

Then why support timezones at all? UTC-only is a much simpler way to denote fixed points in time; symbolic timezones are needed when you want to denote a human-friendly local timestamp. Numerical offsets are the worst of both worlds.

This is the biggest reason why I had to develop a new time format for Concise Encoding :/



ISO 8601 and RFC 3339 are only useful for times in the past (which works fine for most internet protocols because they're only interested in recording events).

What's wrong with TAI?

Using a date format for precise time types doesn't make much sense because human readable date formats are inherently tied to orbital mechanics[1] (days) and social constructs (timezones, calendars, laws, etc). Better to just record seconds from an epoch.

I see you mention leap seconds in your specification, but you don't address how to handle time in the future given that leap seconds can't be predicted more than 6mo in advance. This is a key feature of TAI -- no synchronization to earth's orbital mechanics. No leap seconds to keep the sun overhead at noon. This means your time spec will likely be off by seconds when using dates more than 6mo out. It seems like your format is also only useful for recording past dates.

[1] TAI is still tied to earth's frame of reference, of course. At some point when we get more serious about space, timestamps will need to include location and velocity. This is already a problem even on the scale of earth satellites and I don't think anyone's yet created a standard.

There are a few reasons:

- The text format is designed for human reading and input. Nobody is going to understand TAI, or bother to look it up. They're going to enter time like they see on their clock.

- Special time representations like TAI require a bunch of complicated machinery to convert to/from a human-friendly format. It's complicated, requires regular maintenance, and implementations have varying levels of buggy. Keeping it human-friendly in the first place eliminates this whole class of problems.

- Leap seconds are already a thing because of the above two reasons, and they're not going away since we're not going to change humanity's understanding of time to something more precise.

We're perfectly capable of handling future dates beyond 6 months without using TAI (and keeping our clocks in sync well enough to be on time).

The special representation isn't TAI (seconds from epoch), the complex and special representations are the human readable formats. It's the human formats that incorporate intractable aspects of solar mechanics, law, and geography. TAI is the simple answer here.

It looks like you have a human readable (CTE) and binary format (CBE), and you use human-style formatting for the computer readable binary format. This seems incongruous to say the least, especially when I look at how you're representing other numeric types.

While human readable formats are complex, there are standard functions which generate them from epoch time. It's trivial to do this in a display layer, and strongly recommended architecturally speaking.

Also, leap seconds do go away if you use TAI. That's the entire point of TAI. Leap seconds are a display layer issue, just like time zones. They can be applied when translating an epoch to a localized format.

You cannot have seconds-level granularity with the way you've designed your time format. Sorry, but this is just a fact.

Yes, the "simpler" representation is TAI, but we still live in a human world, and with humans entering and reading the data we must conform to their ways in some things.

The binary and text encodings both store in Gregorian so that codecs don't have the added responsibility of converting between representations (keeps the implementations simple).

TAI is like lye: useful, but not meant to be handled by humans. And since this format is designed for human usability, human time wins the day.

Well, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.

When I look at human readable logfiles I see a trend towards using epoch seconds for exactly these reasons. It's so easy to convert, it outweighs the anti-usability aspects inherent in formatted strings. I've converted all my own human readable file formats to epoch times for exactly these reasons and my customers seem to strongly prefer it.

with humans entering and reading the data we must conform to their ways in some things

I don't understand what is stopping you from converting from tai to human readable and vice versa at the form/input and display/output layers, respectively.

What's stopping me is that time conversion is complex and incredibly difficult to get right. In order for a format to be successful, it must be usable on all platforms big and small, and across all programming languages. The more complex the task of implementing the format, the less likely it is to be successful.

TAI conversions are not equally available or of the same quality on all platforms and technologies, whereas Gregorian time is available pretty much everywhere and is well tested, robust, and easy to use (relatively speaking. Time is never easy).

If it turns out in future that I've made a serious blunder with this policy, I could just add a new type "TAI time" and bump the Concise Encoding spec version (Concise Encoding documents all specify which version of the spec they adhere to). There are still about 30 or so RESERVED type slots in the binary spec so we're not about to run out. We then get the type, just a little late. The alternative is that I make the format needlessly complicated by pre-emptively adding TAI, and risk destroying its adoption. Being right doesn't mean success...

I was going to give you the usual "now there are 15 different standards" but this is actually really well thought out.

How does it handle leading zeros in the year, like Long Now likes to do? https://blog.longnow.org/02013/12/31/long-now-years-five-dig...

For the text variant, it just parses the year field as an integer, so leading zeroes would generate the same year value as if you'd omitted them.

Nice, that's the parsimonious way to handle it.

I'm really digging this system in general. I hope it gets more traction.

On the other hand, valid data may now be unreasonably long. What if someone gives you a string that starts with 10^12 leading zeros?

This is where security and limits comes in:


Every year when DST ends, there are two hours during which the locale name based time is not unique since it could be both shortly before or after the time got turned back.

But beside that this would make sense when everyone involoved is living in the same timezone, but when coordinating internationally (which tends to be the main focus when the ISO is involved) we really do not want such changes to happen automatically. Everyone in the local timezone is likely to be aware of time changes so they know they have to adapt, but everyone in another timezone might have almost no way of knowing. For them, an event starting at a different (UTC) time is a rescheduling, no matter if it is caused by some timezone adjustment or not. So hiding this behind some tzdb change instead of sending out new dates would most likely mean that they appear at the wrong time.

Also including offsets ensures that the person writing the time knows the right offset. In the last year, I had quite some meetings where the host wanted to be nice and send the time in the local timezone for every participant. Since only timezone names and no offsets were included and the host mostly assumed that their local DST rules apply globally, this resulted in a giant mess. Especially after people informed them about errors, so the times switched back and forth between times assuming DST or not assuming DST. Without seeing the offset, there was no way of knowing which time was actually intended. If a UTC offset is given, most local people can relatively easily verify that it is the expected offset but even more importantly, you can independently convert it to the right zone no matter what the author thought.

That’s still ambiguous, since the government might only abolish DST for part of Asia/Eastern_Siberia, causing the zone to split.

I guess we could just put the lat/long and let people figure it out? But that still doesn't fix the time when the time zone does change... So using UTC is a simple fix

UTC doesn’t fix anything if you meant 6pm my local time on that day, come hell or high water.

Eg: Work at the local library is always 9 to 5 (again “local time”) and you mean precisely one hour after work lets up, regardless of whatever daylight savings or time zone changes occur between now and then.

You need to use either a naive date-time representation coupled with the additional context (“my time”) or use something like lat/long. Or you’re lucky and you live in or near enough to a major metropolis that has its own TZDB entry and it’s virtually impossible for your local time to diverge from that TZ, so you can use that instead (eg you live just outside NYC proper so you use America/New_York as your time zone).

Your example alludes to why there will always be a rift between UTC and local representations. Unless your system can understand "one hour after I end work for the day" correctly, any representation of that time will be subject to not just local timezones changes, but local work conditions for one or a few people (otherwise it can't be assumed a single time instance).

One is a a representation stripped of most ornamentation to be universally agreed upon, the other is a representation with many additional layers of context so it's locally understood.

There will likely always be a trade off between these, as a universal time is useful in all cases for only a small group of people, while a local time quickly loses relevance out of a local context.

One thing has nothing to do with the other. Timestamps are intended to simply record what the time is in a given place - not to telegraph expectations about local business hours.

China has one official time zone that covers five geographical time zones. Tell me, exactly how does saying "It's 6PM in China" tell me anything useful about the local library? You have to go to a local website and find out what time "in that part of China" the library is open. The timezone was never intended to express that.

If your birthday party is 2022-05-01T16:00 Asia/Eastern_Siberia but you said 2022-05-01T16:00+1000 instead, then you made a mistake.

If it's really at 2022-05-01T16:00+1000, then it doesn't matter what DST policy changes occur.

The point of a future timestamp + tzdb timezone is to twofold:

1/ my birthday party will start when my watch shows this local time and date

2/ my local time and date are dictated by the legislative body responsible for this geographic area.

Meh. You live in Gary, IN and you specify the birthday party as 2022-05-01T16:00 America/Chicago but your state representatives lobby to stop using Chicago time because remote work obviated that need and suddenly you’re actually supposed to be using America/Indiana/Indianapolis as your TZ.

It’s ugly whatever you do, unless you use coordinates to specify your time zone (then it’s just hell to decode).

Because the digits are of varying widths in the standard Apple system font, the ticking seconds cause the date strings to jiggle back and forth and the table column widths to jiggle as well!

However, you can use CSS to select the fixed-width variant for digits. This is a perfect example of a use case for:

    * {
        font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums;

I never really thought about six-digits years (I don't really understand what is meant by "by mutual agreement"): is this something in use today and by whom? Who needs six-digits years and only six digit years? I mean: if you're projecting stuff in the future (like, say, continental drift), you'll be stuff at year 99999 and have the exact same problem of wrapping around back to zero when you'd need year 1000000 no?

Or is it "infinite": as in, the spec allows for 8-digits years, 10, etc.?

The spec permits more than 4 digits for 'year' by mutual agreement. This is called 'expanded representation'. There is no limit to the number of digits, but parties need to agree on how many additional digits will be used to avoid ambiguous representations.

Consider that +002021001 could represent:

a) "Oct 1, 202" as a calendar date (proleptic Gregorian), in 'basic' format (i.e. no "-" separator), 5 digits for year.

b) "Jan 1, 2021" as an ordinal date, 'basic' format (i.e. no "-" separator), 6 digits for year.

I wonder how useful more than 4 digits would be. Once our species has achieved interstellar travel, we'll probably use a completely different representation for time.

> Once our species has achieved interstellar travel, we'll probably use a completely different representation for time.

All experience thus far suggests "No." We'll be using all of these formats, plus some new ones.

What date formats from 8000 years ago are still in use?

Solstice and equinox-relative seasons?

Some musea need more than 4 digits to describe their collection...

Yeah, but they also need a minus sign.

By default, ISO 8601-1:2019 does not permit negative years in date representations.

Expanded representation (i.e. five digits or more for the year) permits both positive and negative years (and the sign is mandatory for both positive and negative years).

ISO 8601-2:2019 has provisions for numeric extensions. Subclause permits negative four-digit years (years -9999 to -0001).

Note that both of these options require mutual agreement.

One use: I was teaching some developers COBOL, and I wanted to illustrate for them how the Y2K bug came about.

So I gave them a project to do parsing a file with contemporary dates in. Then towards the end I quietly supplied them with a similar file containing dates from the year 10000+.

Whether or not the devs of years past felt it similarly unlikely that their software would live to the year 2000 as we do the year 10000, I don’t know. But it was a fun exercise!

Don’t forget that when Y2K problems were being created the hardware was _way_ less performant than the hardware of today. There was a reason to be wary of how much memory you are using, now there isn’t much.

I've seen 5 digit years in use online in some places, but not 6-digit (so far). Maybe it's influenced by the Long Now project?

For long timescales (geological deep time) I believe using SI units are more appropriate: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year#SI_prefix_multipliers

RE time standards, I always thought it was interesting how WHATWG took a subset of ISO 8601 since ISO went off the rails wrt poorly defined complexity.


Does anyone know of a website that lets you paste in date strings and it will show you all the possible formats they adhere to along with their format strings?

I often come across a string and don’t recognize the format and would love to just supply a bunch of examples and make a best guess.

This site is notionally devoted to Unix timestamps, but it covers a few popular formats: https://www.unixtimestamp.com/

https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3339 says that rfc339 is a"profile of iso8601" -- shouldn't it be a true subset?

Also, I read through that RFC several times and didn't find where it allows replacing 'Z' with space. Can anyone else find it?

Section 5.6:

> NOTE: ISO 8601 defines date and time separated by "T". Applications using this syntax may choose, for the sake of readability, to specify a full-date and full-time separated by (say) a space character.


Seems to contradict sections 5.2 and 5.5 in spirit...

The use of colon in timestamps is incompatible with several filesystems and this just drives me nuts.

By "several filesystems", you mean Windows? NTFS can handle it, but Windows can't (presumably due to using it for drive letters).

':' was the traditional directory separator on Macintosh systems before OSX, therefore it can't be used on HFS+ either. I remember there being some FS funk when OSX came out since it was very common for people to put dates in their filenames using slashes, and well, UNIX doesn't like that. I don't know what APFS does.

As I understand it, : and / get swapped depending on whether you use unix APIs (/ is a directory separator, : is plain) or mac APIs (: is a directory separator and / is plain)

From what I recall (had a macbook years ago) I could put colons in filenames in the terminal, but not in finder.

NTFS can't have colons in filenames because they are used to name alternate data streams.


Also HDFS. This bit me the first time I tried to write a Hadoop job that wrote every run to a new output dir.

Fun fact: If you download a file containing colons with popular web browsers, they'll try to be helpful and will replace the colons to avoid problems storing the file on filesystems which don't support colons. Took me a while to figure out why the browsers messed with the file names.

chrome's extension api for downloads has the same limitation

filenames that are reserved names on windows (like NUL) or contain characters that are reserved on windows are refused with "Invalid filename", even on platforms and filesystems that don't have the same limitations

this might be desirable for enforcing portability in extensions, but the thing isn't mentioned in the documentation[1] for the api so you had to know about it beforehand (like most extension devs, probably) or find out the hard way when some of your downloads unexpectedly fail (like me)

i was using it on linux in a personal extension i wrote, and i thought it was silly that i had to add extra code to further sanitize and mangle the filenames for an OS i don't even use

[1] https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/downl...

I use 2021-10-24T10_45_32_123456. Never had to store non-UTC so I'm not sure how I'd notate that. I don't use dots for fractional seconds because while that shouldn't get interpreted as an extension, some systems still do.

Me too, I'm usually using 2021-10-24--13-07-59

I use `--` to represent an en dash for date ranges (some_report_2021-01-01--2021-12-31). I don't use times nearly as often, but I separate date from time using an underscore in those instances.

My workaround has been to use alternate Unicode for colons[1] in filenames in Windows, along with similar substitutes for other illegal characters. For ease of input I use Autohotkey bindings (in this example: Alt+colon).

[1] '꞉' (U+A789). On my Windows systems the default typeface renders this identically to a regular colon.

I just wish there was proper support and UX for dates on file systems, so I can actually properly search for date ranges instead of having "iso8601 sorts lexicographically!" as a crutch used within filenames.

It doesn’t take long to get used to the basic format. 20211024T090755, etc.

The one big failure of RFC 3339 is that it doesn't specify the actual rules for the separator:

    Applications using this syntax may choose, for the sake of
    readability, to specify a full-date and full-time separated by
    (say) a space character.
Is separating it by a tab valid? A tilde? An underscore, as this website shows? Since this is so underspecified, there will be receivers that accept only T, and others that accept the T and some arbitrarily chosen character set. The ABNF only allows T.

I don't know how a standard that was specifically written to resolve the issues resulting from such ambiguities ended up with such a crucial issue.

Is the timezone necessary to be compliant? My favorite ISO 8601 format is "%Y%M%DT%h%m%s%", but the table includes a "−Z" on the end and the "Now" column evaluates this as my current timezone.

It says the list isn't exhaustive, but I'm just curious how often others actually embed the timezone rather than just passing around UTC.

If you're looking in the backwards direction and its important what local time in a different location it happened, that's the use case for offset date time. Maybe you're investigating traffic patterns in which case it can be clearer when it's 6pm local time rather than noon utc or whatever. Embedding that in the returned timestamp can save another field.

However, for the forward looking/scheduling one one, if you want it to keep the same time across timezone/DST policy changes, you need to the full on timezone designator (i.e. America/New_York), not just the offset or short, ambiguous timezone code (EST).

There's no allowance in ISO 8601 for this, so you need a side channel like another field to communicate this. I've seen other date formats do something like 2021-10-11T12:13:14[America/New_York] to allow for this. Once you do this, it probably makes sense to elide the offset to avoid the risk of consfusing mismatches between it and the timezone.

As far as I know, there isn't an official standard for timezone names so you need to define which set of names you are using.

IANA tzdb is the defacto standard in the software industry.

In my view what's best is to always pass around utc but include the Z to make it explicit that's what you're doing. It's a very succinct way to represent that and can be very valuable to disambiguate so I think it's worth the extra character.

Sometimes you are defining a date by the local time.

I have a meeting on June 13th 2026 at 15:00 london time.

This could be 2026-06-13 14:00:00 Z

But if the U.K. drops summer time, or makes it double summer time, the meeting will still be 1500 london time, but the UTC time might change to 1500Z or 1300Z

One of the aims of RFC 3339 is to eliminate the ambiguous variants from ISO 8601, so it makes the timezone obligatory. Timestamps without a timezone are in an unspecified local time.

Timestamps with a timezone are in UTC.

It's only needed for disambiguation.

That said, I wish the page had actually taken the local time into account. As in your case the times on the page are in my current timezone (CEST) so the "Z", "00:00", "+00:00" is basically just decoration.

~~Even worse, in the intersection we have formats like %h:%m:%s+Z and %h:%m:%s+02:00 that show the same time simultaneously.~~

Edit: it is correct now.

I'm in the America/New_York zone and I see the proper times for the values with "Z" vs the values with "-4:00". That is, they are off by four hours.

I’m in America/New_York as well and I see them correctly. I think your computer’s time zone may be incorrect.

As someone who frequently works with datetime data, I always felt that in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm±ZZ:ZZ, it should read "this local time plus the timezone offset gives you utc", not " utc plus the timezone offset gives you this local time", so basically invert the signal from how it is now.

But then they wouldn't be lexicographically sortable.

Still missing the best

%F %T %z

(Ie %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z)

Though adding nanoseconds is also recommended.

on Python 3.6, the %X gives 14:09:44. Is this a intended or a bug?

Imho that does sound like a bug. %X should give a dot separated time, like 22.47.30

You can live test according to Linux man-pages project, release 4.14 at emil.fi/p/strftime (sorry about the css, it seems it's broken a little bit, you can use the "use desktop site" selection to have it behave better).

In short, RFC 3339 has all the useful formats we think of when we invoke ISO 8601. The ISO standard has those too, as well as a seemingly endless list of additional obscure and esoteric formats almost no one uses.

I'm surprised that neither of them has standardized the quarter, i.e. 2021-Q1. This is fairly common in business.

Quarter depends on reporting periods, or fiscal year, which does not match calendar year everywhere.

  > which does not match calendar year everywhere
Yes, this is the reason that ISO-8601 ranges are not sufficient and a Quarter indicator is necessary.

The problem is that if you carry the string '2021-Q1' across countries borders, the days it represents change. That makes for a very bad time interchange format.

I agree that this feature makes quarter indicator necessary. But it also makes it required that the string is something more complex.

If you carry the string '2021-10-24' across countries borders, the moments in time that it represents change as well.

That makes doesn't make it a bad time interchange format for certain use cases, though. Just like everything else with time, one must be aware of caveats. Those include timezones, leap periods, culture, DST, formats, legislation (modern and ancient), etc.

But it overlaps. It's off, but less than 100% off.

"2021-Q1" can be a completely different and non-overlapping range between regions, and even between companies in the same region.

2021-10-24 in UTC+14 (Line Islands) and UTC-10 (Hawaii) are, in fact, 100% off.

Yeah the Line Islands are the exception as always.

We could've gone with most of New Zealand (UTC+13 summer time) and any of the US territories in UTC-11. These are marginal cases, not exceptional ones.

Fine, they overlap with the UTC day. They are less than 100% compared to the UTC day, even if they can be 100% off with each other.

ISO 8601-2:2019 defines quarters in section 4.8, "Sub-year groupings". Your example of "2021-Q1" can be represented as "2021-33".

Unfortunately the document is not freely available. Can you elaborate how it works?

The latest standard (2019) is divided into two parts: ISO 8601-1 and ISO 8601-2. Part 2 is titled "Extensions" and includes many different - but optional - ways to extend representations of dates and times. In my opinion, Part 2 represents the "leftovers" - that which was too domain specific or esoteric to warrant broad implementation.

Representations of seasons, quarters, etc. is one of many types of extensions included in Part 2.

These extensions are always used in "YYYY-MM" format (and always include the "-"). For the "MM" field, you use the numbers 21-41 inclusive. The numbers represent, in order, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, in 3 ways: independent of hemisphere (21-24), northern hemisphere specifically (25-28), southern hemisphere specifically (29-32); quarters 1-4 (33-36), quadrimesters 1-3 (37-39), and finally, semestrals 1-2 (40-41).

This, in combination with the fact that the lookup table is paywalled, makes it a great competitor for the "extremely pointlessly overengineered standards" award.

I wonder if there is any software that actually supports that.

Where's the 33 come from?

There is a list of "Sub-year groupings" which assign two-digit numbers to seasons (hemisphere independent), seasons (Northern Hemisphere), seasons (Southern Hemisphere), quarters, quadrimesters (four-month periods), and semestrals (six-month periods). The numbering starts at 21.

The numbers 1 to 12 are already used to represent months in formats such as YYYY-MM, so starting this list higher than 12 allows these (certainly rare) representations to coexist. e.g. "2021-12" represents "October, 2021" and "2021-29" represents "Spring, Southern Hemisphere, 2021".

All this just makes it clear to me that we need a time standard which addresses all the problems and of ISO8601. It’ll be painful until it’s universally adopted, but once it is we’ll be in timekeeping heaven.

I like the concept of ISOs in general, but I personally prefer RFC 3339. The space makes it so much easier to read at a glance, and I can't imagine it makes parsing much different algorithmically?

In what context would you prefer ISO over RFC? The fact that ISO standards cost hundreds to read and apparently change over time, while RFCs are openly available and get replaced if necessary, makes it hard for me to see ISO as more than a crutch. If there's an open standard, I'll use that, and people will actually know what I'm talking about.

I agree with everything you said. I guess I just naively like the idea of an international standards organization in theory, though I suppose that's also essentially what the IETF is too.

Space characters affect processing in shell scripts, so one manages them closely, along with colons, as noted elewhere.

do you now whats ridiculous? that we germans (and europeans) also use the iso 8601 but it's still allowed to use din 5008 and the european date and time notations... WHY??? it's so stupid to use dd.MM.yyyy, it's worse in every way to yyyy-MM-dd. worse than that the old notation is preferred in most official documents..... WHY....

Because unless you start fining or imprisoning people for using the wrong date format, people don't care what you write in a law book and will continue to use what they're used to if it works well enough.

Allowing DIN 5008 simply acknowledges reality. Not acknowledging reality is a good way to make people decide that whatever is telling them they're doing it wrong is just "ivory tower" nonsense and should all be ignored at best, possibly actively opposed.

When using yyyy-MM-dd, I've had two people comment that they'd prefer if I didn't use American dates.

Is there a reason to not just use Unix timestamps? That’s how I’ve been passing datetimes in my api and storing them in my db.

As long as you're sure they're all based on the same start time and not off by +/- 12 hours, no. One of the reasons a UTC+TZ format is useful is that it makes clients be explicit about this.

This may or may not be a problem you need to worry about in your API depending on use and clients. For example, if you're only ever sending times and not accepting them, you can just define that the epoch you return is based on UTC or locally and let clients real with it.

If you don't care about pre-epoch times, then it's a compact and fine representation for the DB, single they all have easy conversion functions to their internal formats

I keep hoping the whole world will switch to a single timezone utc, that way so many things would be simpler

So You Want To Abolish Time Zones


Wouldn’t that be optimising for a very small group of coders and unusually-frequent travellers at the expense of everyone else?

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