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1. an animal or plant that harbors and provides sustenance for another organism (the parasite).
2. the recipient of an organ or other tissue derived from another organism (the donor).
accidental host one that accidentally harbors an organism that is not ordinarily parasitic in the particular species.
definitive host (final host) a host in which a parasite attains sexual maturity.
intermediate host a host in which a parasite passes one or more of its asexual stages; usually designated first and second, if there is more than one.
paratenic host a potential or substitute intermediate host that serves until the appropriate definitive host is reached, and in which no development of the parasite occurs; it may or may not be necessary to the completion of the parasite's life cycle.
host of predilection the host preferred by a parasite.
primary host definitive host.
reservoir host an animal (or species) that is infected by a parasite, and which serves as a source of infection for humans or another species.
secondary host intermediate host.
transfer host one that is used until the appropriate definitive host is reached, but is not necessary to completion of the life cycle of the parasite.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.


The organism in or on which a parasite lives, deriving its body substance or energy from the host.
[L. hospes, a host]
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Biology
a. An organism on which or in which another organism lives.
b. A cell that has been infected by a virus or other infective agent.
2. Medicine The recipient of a transplanted tissue or organ.

host′ly adj.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.


Epidemiology Any organism that can be infected by a pathogen under natural conditions. See Definitive host, Intermediate host, Paratenic host, Transport host Immunology Graft recipient. See Graft, Transplant Informatics A networked computer that performs centralized functions–eg, providing access program or data files to computers in a network; a host may be self-contained or located on Internet; computer that acts as a source of information or capabilities for multiple terminals, peripherals and/or users. See Node, Network. Cf Server.
McGraw-Hill Concise Dictionary of Modern Medicine. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


The organism in or on which a parasite lives, thus deriving its body substance or energy.
[L. hospes, a host]
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012


1. An organism that provides a residence and nourishment for a parasite.
2. A person receiving a graft of a donated organ or tissue.
Collins Dictionary of Medicine © Robert M. Youngson 2004, 2005


  1. the organism on which a PARASITE lives.
  2. the recipient of a tissue transplant.
  3. the recipient of recombinant VECTOR molecules (in GENETIC ENGINEERING) or other genetic elements, which can maintain and propagate them.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005


The organism that harbors or nourishes another organism (parasite). In bartonellosis, the person infected with Bartonella basilliformis.
Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

Patient discussion about host

Q. I was diagnosed with depression and have taken a whole host of antidepressants. I’m Mark, 29 years old male. I was diagnosed with depression and have taken a whole host of antidepressants. My eyes are extremely blurry, I’m worrying about that. Does this side effect go away with time, or is it permanent while on medications?

A. Mark, you really need to consult your doctor. I hope you're not relying totally on the Internet for medical advice. Side effects are common with most drugs, and some are more tolerable than others. "Extremely blurry" eyes seems like it could affect your driving, as cbellh47 wrote, but many other things as well.

Sometimes it does take many, many attempts to discover an anti-depressant or a combination of more than one to achieve a better mood balance. We're all chemically different and react to drugs differently. There's many options and I had to endure years of experimentation before I was satisfied, but I now have the rest of my life to appreciate what I went through.

I also used the help of different doctors and psychiatrists, as well as self-learning. If your doctor doesn't seem to be beneficial, consider asking him/her to recommend a specialist. New treatments come to light regularly and not all docotrs are wise to them.

Just yesterday (01.20.09) a new, control

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References in classic literature ?
A ray of light all at once broke upon the mind of the host as he was giving himself to the devil upon finding nothing.
"I tell you I am sure of it," continued the host. "When I informed him that your lordship was the protege of Monsieur de Treville, and that you even had a letter for that illustrious gentleman, he appeared to be very much disturbed, and asked me where that letter was, and immediately came down into the kitchen, where he knew your doublet was."
"I will complain to Monsieur de Treville, and Monsieur de Treville will complain to the king." He then drew two crowns majestically from his purse and gave them to the host, who accompanied him, cap in hand, to the gate, and remounted his yellow horse, which bore him without any further accident to the gate of St.
Giovanni is an all round TV/Radio host. He worked formerly as host of Starr FM's Drive time show and also as co-host of 'Duvet show on GHOne Tv.
The concept of AKLWEB HOST's reseller hosting program is simple: AKLWEB HOST sells a set amount of disk space and bandwidth; the purchaser then subdivides and resells this allotment as he or she wishes.
Kenya was declared unfit to host the Africa Nations Championships (Chan) in January this year.
At a press conference May 22, Jam said that he didn't "agree" to be the host but that the decision came about during a casual chat with his manager regarding the invitation to be a host.
Puyat said Department of Tourism (DOT) officials had decided not to host the beauty pageant following discussions about programs and projects of the DOT.
mellonella was 0.60 mm and S.litura 0.50 mm when 4 eggs were placed on each host larvae, whereas mean head width of developing wasp adults were reduced when 20 eggs had been placed.
Many hymenopteran species not only parasitize and deposit eggs in their hosts but also feed on their hosts (host feeding), which in some species results in host mortality (Jervis and Kidd, 1986).
Hosted contact center infrastructure solutions are steadily gaining ground in enterprises of all sizes and in a variety of public and corporate verticals, reaching unprecedented levels of customer satisfaction because of the minimal cash outlay required, quick deployments, rapid and quantifiable return on investment, scalability and agility, ongoing investment protection, a reduced maintenance burden, and the opportunity to "try before you buy."
Media Temple hosts 11 of the top 100 blogs, with the runner up, Datagram the proud host of 8 top blogs.