safe haven

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safe haven

1. Designated area(s) to which noncombatants of the United States Government's responsibility and commercial vehicles and materiel may be evacuated during a domestic or other valid emergency.
2. Temporary storage provided to Department of Energy classified shipment transporters at Department of Defense facilities in order to assure safety and security of nuclear material and/or nonnuclear classified material. Also includes parking for commercial vehicles containing Class A or Class B explosives.
3. A protected body of water or the well deck of an amphibious ship used by small craft operating offshore for refuge from storms or heavy seas.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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safe haven

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002

safe haven

nzona sicura or protetta
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
There came many days when fields and shores were dim with misty rain, or shivering before the breath of a melancholy sea-wind--nights, too, of storm and tempest, when Anne sometimes wakened to pray that no ship might be beating up the grim north shore, for if it were so not even the great, faithful light whirling through the darkness unafraid, could avail to guide it into safe haven.
With a heart, then, inclined to believe what I have said to thee, attend, my son, to thy Cato here who would counsel thee and be thy polestar and guide to direct and pilot thee to a safe haven out of this stormy sea wherein thou art about to ingulf thyself; for offices and great trusts are nothing else but a mighty gulf of troubles.
207-215) And on the shield was a harbour with a safe haven from the irresistible sea, made of refined tin wrought in a circle, and it seemed to heave with waves.
Fairfax had bidden me a kind good-night, and I had fastened my door, gazed leisurely round, and in some measure effaced the eerie impression made by that wide hall, that dark and spacious staircase, and that long, cold gallery, by the livelier aspect of my little room, I remembered that, after a day of bodily fatigue and mental anxiety, I was now at last in safe haven. The impulse of gratitude swelled my heart, and I knelt down at the bedside, and offered up thanks where thanks were due; not forgetting, ere I rose, to implore aid on my further path, and the power of meriting the kindness which seemed so frankly offered me before it was earned.
The highs reflected a richening in the Japanese currency's safe haven premium as Asian stock markets sputtered, though European stock markets have held steady-to-firmer, while S&p 500 have pared losses, which has seen the demand for yen abate.
"Northwest Syria remains a safe haven where AQ-S leaders actively coordinate terrorist activities throughout the region and in the West." "With our allies and partners, we will continue to target violent extremists to prevent them from using Syria as a safe haven," the statement added.
Changes have been proposed to the seed potato Safe Haven assurance scheme which would mean brown rot and epitrix would be covered on top of the existing ring rot and dickeya pathogens.
"I'd buy bonds like Aramco if I want a safe haven...
Terrence Lauerman has received as a volunteer at the Safe Haven Pet Sanctuary.
"Safe Haven in America: Battles to Open the Golden Door" by Michael J.
M2 EQUITYBITES-August 31, 2018-Q'Straint Acquires Safe Haven Wheelchair Securement Provider