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1    intr   to eat dinner  
2    intr; often foll by: on, off, or upon   to make one's meal (of)  
the guests dined upon roast beef     
3    tr  
Informal   to entertain to dinner (esp. in the phrase to wine and dine someone)  
     (C13: from Old French disner, contracted from Vulgar Latin disjejunare (unattested) to cease fasting, from dis- not + Late Latin jejunare to fast; see jejune)  

dine out  
      vb   intr, adv  
1    to dine away from home, esp. in a restaurant  
2    foll by: on   to have dinner at the expense of someone else mainly for the sake of one's knowledge or conversation about (a subject or story)  
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1    banquet, chow down     (slang)   eat, feast, lunch, sup  
2      (often with)       on, off or upon   consume, eat, feed on  

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expression meaning "things never change"
a cool way of saying 'for sure', 'definitely'
[US];[informal] popularized among others by the rapper Snoop Dogg. Ex: Hey dude, this party is going to be off the hook, fo’ shizzle!
Acronym for 'As Fuck'.
[Slang] Example: The weather is cold AF.
abbr. acron.
Short for 'What the fuck?'
kerned is a Somerset word meaning 'thickened'
expression used for saying that someone is worth being kept close (as a friend, partner..)
in American English, 'dirt' is what British people call 'soil' ('put some dirt in a plant pot'). In British English, dirt has the connotation of being dirty ('you've got some dirt on your shoe')
a portmanteau of 'employer' and 'voyeurism'. signifies the act of searching for an employer or the practice of an employer when looking to fill positions. The term places an emphasis on the secretive connotation of the word 'voyeur', denoting a clandestine and thus superior form of employment search
[Tech.] Ex.: Employerism is what one must engage in, if one wishes to embark upon a more productive job hunt!
SuperUser Do: used in Unix/Linux by a 'regular' (non-root) user to execute or preform an 'Administrator' (super user, root user) command or task.
a small digital image or icon used to express or convey an idea, a mood or an emotion in electronic communication. It's a loanword from japoneese coming from e 'picture'+ moji 'letter, character'.
[Internet] Althoug being coincidental, the resemblance of the term 'emoji' to the english word 'emoticon' (a facial expression composed of keyboard characters, such as :-)) helps its memorability. 😊
blend of 'British' (or Britain) and 'exit', term (initially) designating the potential departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union and since approved following a referendum on june 2016
Ex: following the general referendum on june 2016, the "leave" side in favour of Brexit won with 51.9% of the vote against 48.1% for the "remain" side.
blend of 'phone' and 'tablet', a phablet is an oversized mobile device having a screen which is intermediate between that of a typical smartphone and a tablet computer
Ex: Your phablet is a little bulky for my taste but I must admit it offers a better visual experience for Web pages than my smartphone.
expression to qualify two or more people who are very close, get along well and share secrets to each other; combined with the fact that, in the old days, 'thick' used to also mean 'close together', who else better understands a thief but another thief, right?
Those two boys are thick as thieves. They’ve been close since they were babies!
in modern usage, especially among young people, also used disparagingly to mean 'rubbish' or 'ridiculous'
that is so gay: c'est nase
An abbreviation of the word 'relationship.' The word describes fans' approval of fictional or desired romances between characters or pop culture figures.
Example: I totally ship Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber.
originally a made-up word from The Simpsons meaning 'fine' or 'acceptable'
excessive fluid from the mouth - combination of 'to slobber' and 'to salivate'
one who arrives first has the best chance of being successful or getting the best deals; often shortened to 'early bird' and also used in the sense of 'early riser'
Ex.: ''The early bird catches the worm, yeah maybe, but it's the second mouse that gets the cheese!'', he argued.
You say 'top that!' when you have achieved something and you want to challenge other people to do better
I know four celebrities - top that!
When something is 'in the air', it means something exciting or significant is taking place or about to happen. Ex.: Spring is in the air - it's time for change!
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