Conversion Cost | Definition, Formula & Examples - Lesson |
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Conversion Cost | Definition, Formula & Examples

Eric Sottile, Beth Loy
  • Author
    Eric Sottile

    Eric Sottile has a bacholors degree in accounting from the University of Kentucky and a bachelors degree in finance from the University of Kentucky. Eric works for a public accounting firm and has passed his CPA exams with an average score of 94.

  • Instructor
    Beth Loy

    Dr. Loy has a Ph.D. in Resource Economics; master's degrees in economics, human resources, and safety; and has taught masters and doctorate level courses in statistics, research methods, economics, and management.

Learn the definition of a conversion cost. Discover how to calculate conversion costs by using the conversion cost formula and seeing examples and walkthroughs. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is conversion cost in cost accounting?

In cost accounting, conversion costs are all the costs incurred to convert raw materials into a finished good. Conversion costs include direct labor and manufacturing overhead.

What is conversion cost example?

A chair manufacturing firm incurs the following costs: $50,000 for wood, $100,000 for production workers, $50,000 for production manager, $100,000 rent for manufacturing building. Total conversion costs are $250,000.

Conversion costs = direct labor + manufacturing overhead

Conversion costs = $100,000 production workers + ($50,000 production manager + $100,000 rent for manufacturing building)

Conversion costs = $250,000

Why it is called conversion cost?

Conversion cost gets its name because the costs that make up conversion cost are all the costs incurred to convert raw material into a finished good. These costs are direct labor and manufacturing overhead.

How do you calculate conversion costs?

Conversion costs are calculated by simply adding up all direct labor costs and manufacturing overhead costs. Direct labor costs are the labor costs that can be directly traced to a product. Manufacturing overhead costs include all costs associated with the manufacturing process, but can't be easily traced to any one product.

A firm manufactures prefabricated stairs, and their manufacturing process begins with a production floor employee cutting the wood to the correct dimensions. Once they are cut the production floor worker starts assembling the stairs with screws and wood glue. This process is overseen by a production floor manager. The firm is trying to lower the costs of the manufacturing process, so they start by looking at the conversion cost. The conversion cost is the cost incurred to turn the wood into the finished prefabricated stair. In this case, the costs would include: the labor costs for the production floor workers to cut and assemble the stairs, the screws and wood glue used for assembly, the cost of utilities, insurance, and rent for the manufacturing facility. The conversion costs would not include the wood used.

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  • 0:00 Conversion Costs in Accounting
  • 1:58 Direct Labor Costs
  • 2:39 Manufacturing Overhead Costs
  • 3:47 Finding Conversion Costs
  • 5:40 Lesson Summary

The formula for calculating conversion costs is the sum of all direct labor and manufacturing overhead costs. Conversion costs can be used to determine production efficiencies. This is because conversion costs are all the costs it takes to turn the raw materials into the product that you sell. Additionally, knowing what it will cost a firm to turn materials into a finished product assists with product pricing. Finally, knowing how to calculate conversion costs is a must for public manufacturing companies that mass produce products. This is because process costing is the costing system used under generally accepted accounting principles for this type of manufacturer. Notice that the direct materials are not included in conversion costs. This is because conversion costs give us information on what it costs a firm to transform that raw material into a finished product.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Conversion Cost

Advantages Disadvantages
Helps with product pricing Cost errors when used in process costing
Helps evaluate production efficiency Doesn't give enough information for effective cost control
Inexpensive and easy to calculate Only useful for manufacturing processes with lots of conversion and processing needed

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A firm manufactures glasses. To make the frames for the glasses, workers must cut the appropriate length of material and then shape the material into the frame with the help of a frame mold. Workers then build the nose piece. Once the nose piece is attached and the frame is completely assembled, the frames get sent to the lens station where workers place the appropriate lens inside the appropriate frames and then fasten them with small screws. At the end of every year, after the firm's inventory count, the firm looks at production costs. For the year, the firm spent $50,000 on material for the frames, $200,000 for the lenses, paid production workers $200,000, paid the production manager $50,000, spent $200,000 on rent for the production facility, and spent $20,000 on rent and insurances related to the production facility.

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Conversion cost is the sum of direct labor and manufacturing overhead costs incurred to turn raw materials into a finished product. Conversion costs are used in the generation of a manufacturing firm's income statement and balance sheet if process costing is used as well as assist in product pricing. Raw materials are not included in conversion costs but are included in prime costs, which are direct materials and direct labor.

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Video Transcript

Conversion Costs in Accounting

If you cook, you already know all about conversion costs. When you make your favorite dessert, do you follow a recipe? Do you go to the store and purchase your ingredients? Do you need tools to make your dish? Imagine you are making a banana split. It takes labor, electricity, water, a refrigerator, equipment, and other supplies. Plus, we have those delicious ingredients. Let's come back to our banana split later and learn about what makes up conversion costs.

Conversion costs are direct labor costs combined with manufacturing overhead costs. Direct labor costs are just the costs to employ those who actually make a product. Manufacturing overhead costs are things like indirect labor, utilities, supplies, equipment, insurance, taxes, tools, and regulatory obligations. We will look at these costs in more detail later in the lesson.

So when we think of the costs that must be incurred to take raw materials and turn them into products, we are referring to conversion costs. The formula for conversion costs is:

Conversion Costs = Direct Labor Costs + Manufacturing Overhead Costs

Conversion costs may also be called production costs. We need to know these costs in order to determine:

  1. The cost of creating one unit of a product, which is used to set a price for a good
  2. The total costs of existing inventory, which is needed for balance sheets
  3. The costs of goods sold, which is required for income statements

Notice that the actual costs of the necessary raw materials are not included in conversion costs. But we want to focus on what is included in conversion costs, so let's look into what makes up direct labor costs and manufacturing overhead costs.

Direct Labor Costs

Direct labor costs may seem to be pretty straightforward; however, these costs don't just include wages. You want to tally all of the costs that must be paid for the labor needed to actually manufacture a product. This means you have to add in insurance (including life, medical, short-term disability, long-term disability, workers' compensation, vision, hearing, and dental), payroll taxes, pension contributions, benefits costs, recruitment fees, and training costs. Direct labor costs should also include all of the expenses necessary to hire and retain an employee who physically works to turn the raw materials into a product.

Manufacturing Overhead Costs

Manufacturing overhead costs are those manufacturing costs necessary to produce a product, excluding the direct labor costs. This includes indirect labor costs, which are labor costs incurred by a company for those employees who are not directly involved in producing the actual good. Examples of employees in this category are managers, nurses, security guards, janitors, cooks, maintenance workers, accountants, executives, trainers, parking attendants, and secretaries.

Manufacturing overhead costs that don't include labor are pretty comprehensive. These include:

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