CONSIDER Definition & Meaning |


[ kuhn-sid-er ]
See synonyms for: considerconsideredconsidering on

verb (used with object)
  1. to think carefully about, especially in order to make a decision; contemplate; reflect on: He considered the cost before buying the new car.

  2. to regard as or deem to be: I consider the story improbable.

  1. to think, believe, or suppose: We consider his reply unsatisfactory.

  2. to bear in mind; make allowance for: The arrest was justified if you consider his disorderly behavior.

  3. to pay attention to; regard: He considered the man for some time before speaking to him.

  4. to regard with respect, thoughtfulness, honor, etc.; esteem.

  5. to think about (something that one might do, accept, buy, etc.): to consider a job in Guatemala.

  6. Obsolete. to view attentively; scrutinize.

  7. Obsolete. to recompense or remunerate.

verb (used without object)
  1. to think deliberately or carefully; reflect.

  2. to view carefully or thoughtfully.

Origin of consider

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English consideren (from Anglo-French ) from Latin consīderāre “to examine,” equivalent to con-con- + sīder- (stem of sīdus) “star-group, sky” (see sidereal) + -āre infinitive suffix

synonym study For consider

1. See study.

Other words for consider

Other words from consider

  • con·sid·er·er, noun
  • pre·con·sid·er, verb (used with object)

Words Nearby consider Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use consider in a sentence

British Dictionary definitions for consider


/ (kənˈsɪdə) /

verb(mainly tr)
  1. (also intr) to think carefully about or ponder on (a problem, decision, etc); contemplate

  2. (may take a clause as object) to judge, deem, or have as an opinion: I consider him a fool

  1. to have regard for; respect: consider your mother's feelings

  2. to look at; regard: he considered her face

  3. (may take a clause as object) to bear in mind as possible or acceptable: when buying a car consider this make

  4. to describe or discuss: in this programme we consider the traffic problem

  5. (may take a clause as object) to keep in mind and make allowances (for): consider his childhood

Origin of consider

C14: from Latin consīderāre to inspect closely, literally: to observe the stars, from sīdus star

Derived forms of consider

  • considerer, noun

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