How To Use "Adulate" In A Sentence: Unpacking the Word Skip to Content

How To Use “Adulate” In A Sentence: Unpacking the Word

How To Use “Adulate” In A Sentence: Unpacking the Word

Adulate, a word that may not be in everyday conversation, but has a powerful impact when used correctly. So, how exactly should one use adulate in a sentence? In this article, we will explore the proper usage of this intriguing term and delve into its significance in communication.

Definition Of Adulate

Adulate is a verb that is derived from the Latin word “adulatus,” which means “to flatter or fawn upon.” It refers to the act of excessively praising or expressing admiration for someone, often with the intention of gaining favor or ingratiating oneself. Adulation can be seen as an exaggerated form of admiration or complimenting, where the praise borders on excessive and insincere.

Throughout history, the concept of adulation has been intertwined with human interactions and social dynamics. In ancient civilizations, such as Greece and Rome, adulation played a significant role in the relationships between rulers and their subjects. Leaders were often adulated by their followers as a means of showing loyalty and seeking favor. However, adulation was also recognized as a potential danger, as it could lead to the corruption of power and the manipulation of individuals.

In modern times, the meaning of adulation has not significantly changed, but its usage has expanded to encompass various contexts. While adulation typically refers to excessive praise of individuals, it can also be applied to objects, ideas, or even events. For example, one may adulate a celebrity for their talent or a piece of artwork for its beauty. Adulation can also be observed in the realm of politics, where politicians may be adulated by their supporters or followers.

How To Properly Use Adulate In A Sentence

When it comes to using the word “adulate” in a sentence, there are certain grammatical rules that need to be considered. Adulate, which is a verb, is commonly used to express excessive admiration or flattery towards someone or something. In order to use this word correctly, it is important to understand its proper usage in different contexts.

Grammatical Rules Surrounding Adulate

Like many verbs in the English language, adulate follows a specific structure when used in a sentence. It typically requires a subject, an action, and an object. The subject is the person or thing performing the action, the action is the verb itself, and the object is the recipient of the action. Let’s take a closer look at some examples to better understand how to use adulate in a sentence:

Sentence Structure Example Sentence
Subject + Adulate + Object She adulates her favorite author by attending all of his book signings.
Subject + Adulate + Object + for + Reason They adulate their boss for his exceptional leadership skills.
Subject + Adulate + Object + as + Noun/Adjective He adulates his wife as a talented artist.

By following these grammatical rules, you can effectively incorporate adulate into your sentences and convey the intended meaning.

Parts Of Speech For Adulate

Adulate primarily functions as a verb, but it is worth noting that it can also be used as a noun in certain contexts. As a verb, adulate describes the action of excessively praising or flattering someone or something. For example:

  • She adulates her favorite celebrity, constantly showering them with compliments.
  • The politician enjoyed being adulated by his supporters during the rally.

On the other hand, as a noun, adulate refers to the act of adulation itself. Here are a couple of examples:

  • The actor’s success led to an overwhelming adulate from fans and critics alike.
  • Her acceptance speech was filled with gratitude and adulate for her team.

Understanding the different parts of speech adulate can take on allows for greater versatility in sentence construction and expression.

Examples Of Using Adulate In A Sentence

When it comes to incorporating the word “adulate” into sentences, it is essential to showcase its versatile nature by utilizing a mix of simple and complex sentence structures. This will allow readers to grasp the various contexts and nuances in which this word can be used. Below, you will find a collection of example sentences that demonstrate the proper usage of “adulate”:


  • Despite his humble demeanor, the renowned author was not immune to the adulation of his fans.
  • The politician basked in the adulation of the crowd after delivering an inspiring speech.
  • The celebrity grew tired of the constant adulation and longed for a more private life.
  • She didn’t want her accomplishments to be adulated; instead, she preferred constructive criticism to help her improve.
  • Some individuals adulate their idols to the point of obsession, blurring the line between admiration and unhealthy fixation.

These sentences exemplify the different contexts in which “adulate” can be employed. From the adoration of fans towards a beloved author or politician to the excessive idolization that borders on unhealthy obsession, the word “adulate” encompasses a range of emotions and behaviors.

Edge Cases Or Things To Consider

When it comes to using the word “adulate” in a sentence, there are a few common mistakes that people often make. Being aware of these errors can help you avoid them and ensure that your usage of the word is accurate and effective.

Common Mistakes People Make When Using Adulate

1. Incorrect Verb Form:

One common mistake is using the incorrect verb form of “adulate.” The correct form is “adulated,” which is the past tense or past participle form. For example, “She adulated her favorite author during the book signing event.” Using the incorrect form, such as “adulating” or “adulates,” can lead to grammatical errors and confusion.

2. Misuse of Adulate:

Another mistake is misusing the word “adulate” by using it inappropriately or in a context where it doesn’t make sense. Adulate means to excessively praise or flatter someone, usually to gain favor or admiration. It is important to use the word in situations where genuine admiration or praise is involved. Using it in a sarcastic or insincere manner can undermine its intended meaning.

3. Lack of Context:

One common mistake is not providing enough context when using the word “adulate” in a sentence. Without proper context, the meaning of the sentence may not be clear, leading to confusion for the reader. It is essential to provide enough information to convey the intended message and ensure that the usage of “adulate” aligns with the overall context of the sentence.

Cultural Or Regional Differences

It is worth considering that the usage and understanding of the word “adulate” may vary across different cultures or regions. While the core definition remains the same, cultural nuances and social norms can influence how the word is perceived and used.

In some cultures, excessive praise or flattery may be seen as insincere or manipulative. Therefore, the usage of “adulate” might be less common or approached with caution. On the other hand, in cultures where admiration and respect are highly valued, the word “adulate” might be more frequently used to describe acts of profound admiration or reverence.

When using “adulate” in a sentence, it is important to be mindful of these cultural and regional differences. Consider the context in which you are using the word and ensure that it aligns with the cultural norms and expectations of your audience.

By being aware of the common mistakes people make when using “adulate” and considering cultural or regional differences, you can effectively incorporate this word into your sentences with accuracy and clarity.

Synonyms Or Alternates To Use

When it comes to expressing admiration or praise in a sentence, adulate is just one of the many words at your disposal. Here are four synonyms or alternate words that can be used interchangeably with adulate, each with its own subtle differences in meaning or usage:

1. Extol

Extol is a verb that means to praise highly or enthusiastically. While it shares the same positive connotation as adulate, extol is often used to emphasize the virtues or merits of someone or something. It implies a sincere and genuine admiration, often accompanied by a sense of reverence. For instance, you might extol the artistic genius of a renowned painter or extol the virtues of a well-crafted piece of literature.

2. Laud

Laud, also a verb, is another synonym for adulate that denotes high praise or commendation. However, laud tends to be more formal and dignified in tone. It is often used in a literary or religious context, where the focus is on expressing deep admiration or glorification. You might laud the achievements of a historical figure or laud the benevolent actions of a philanthropist.

3. Commend

Commend is a verb that means to express approval or admiration for someone’s actions or qualities. While it can be used interchangeably with adulate, commend often implies a recognition of merit or excellence. It is commonly used in professional or formal settings, such as when acknowledging someone’s outstanding performance in a job or commending a student for their academic achievements.

4. Praise

Praise, both a noun and a verb, is a versatile word that encompasses various degrees of admiration and commendation. While it can be used synonymously with adulate, praise is a more general term that can be applied to a wide range of situations. It can be used to express approval, admiration, or gratitude towards someone or something. Whether you praise a colleague for their hard work or praise a delicious meal prepared by a chef, this word allows for flexibility in conveying positive sentiments.

While these synonyms can be used interchangeably with adulate, the choice of word often depends on the specific context or desired tone of your sentence. Extol and laud, with their more elevated and reverential connotations, may be preferred in formal or literary contexts. Commend, on the other hand, is commonly used in professional or academic settings. Praise, being a more general term, can be used in various situations to express admiration or approval.

Related Phrases Or Idioms

When it comes to incorporating the word “adulate” into phrases or idioms, there aren’t many commonly used expressions that directly feature this particular term. However, there are a few idiomatic phrases that convey similar meanings or sentiments related to adulation. Let’s explore these phrases and their significance:

1. Butter Someone Up

The phrase “butter someone up” is an idiomatic expression that shares a similar connotation with adulation. It means to flatter or praise someone excessively, often with the intention of gaining favor or obtaining something in return.

Example sentence: “She tried to butter up her boss by adulating his latest business strategy, hoping to secure a promotion.”

2. Sing Someone’s Praises

Another phrase that can be indirectly related to adulation is “sing someone’s praises.” This expression implies enthusiastic admiration or approval for someone or something, often highlighting their positive qualities or achievements.

Example sentence: “The critics sang the actress’s praises, adulating her remarkable performance in the award-winning film.”

3. Put Someone On A Pedestal

“Putting someone on a pedestal” is an idiomatic phrase that signifies idolizing or excessively admiring someone. It suggests elevating someone’s status or reputation to an almost unattainable level, often overlooking their flaws or shortcomings.

Example sentence: “The fans put the legendary athlete on a pedestal, adulating his extraordinary skills and treating him like a deity.”

While these phrases may not explicitly feature the word “adulate,” they capture the essence of adulation by conveying excessive praise, admiration, or idolization. Incorporating such idiomatic expressions into your language can help you express sentiments similar to adulation in a more nuanced manner.


Using adulate correctly is of utmost importance as it allows individuals to express admiration and praise in a sophisticated and eloquent manner. By understanding the nuances and proper usage of this word, one can effectively communicate their admiration for someone or something, while also showcasing their command over the English language.

Throughout this article, we have delved into the definition of adulate, explored its origins, and examined various examples of its usage. It is evident that adulate holds a significant place in the realm of language and can add depth and richness to one’s communication.

As readers, it is crucial to embrace the power of adulate and incorporate it into our own vocabulary. By practicing using this word in our daily lives, we not only enhance our linguistic skills but also develop a greater appreciation for the art of expressing admiration.

The Importance Of Using Adulate Correctly

Using adulate correctly is not merely a matter of semantics; it is a reflection of our ability to effectively convey our thoughts and emotions. When we utilize adulate in the appropriate context, we demonstrate our understanding of language nuances and our capacity to articulate our appreciation in a sophisticated manner.

Moreover, using adulate correctly allows us to pay homage to the subject of our admiration in a respectful and dignified way. It elevates our speech or writing, lending it a sense of authority and credibility. By choosing the right words and employing adulate skillfully, we can leave a lasting impression on our audience and create a positive impact.

Practice Using Adulate In Your Own Sentences

Now that we have explored the intricacies of adulate and its correct usage, it is time for you, as readers, to put your newfound knowledge into practice. By incorporating adulate into your own sentences, you can refine your language skills and expand your vocabulary.

To help you get started, here are a few prompts to inspire you:

  • Write a sentence adulating a famous author whose work has greatly influenced you.
  • Compose a sentence adulating a mentor or teacher who has had a profound impact on your personal growth.
  • Create a sentence adulating a work of art or a musical composition that captivated your senses.

Remember, the more you practice using adulate, the more natural it will become in your communication. Embrace the opportunity to express your admiration with eloquence and finesse, and watch as your language skills flourish.