Dead Sea Salt Benefits & Usage: Everything You Need to Know | Leaf of Life Wellness

Dead Sea Salt Benefits & Usage: Everything You Need to Know

Dead Sea Salt Benefits & Usage: Everything You Need to Know

After day’s hard work, our body loses so much energy and minerals that it craves to replenish. At that moment, all we want is to take a good, soothing bath and have a good night’s sleep, right? But, my friend, what if I tell you can take a bath using the same ingredients that the famous Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, used as her ultimate beauty and stress solution?

Yes, you guessed it right, today we’re gonna discuss in detail about Dead Sea Salt, which is used for centuries all over the world, and countries had involved in war throughout the history to own its possession. But, with the advancement of science and rapid transportation systems, people from every part of the world can enjoy the miracle product for a variety of purposes.

But, before heading straight to the shop, why don’t you invest some time to learn what exactly Dead Sea Salt is, what benefits it can offer and how you can use it to get the maximum benefits. I can guarantee some of the benefits will make you ask, ‘how on earth I didn’t know about this till today.’

Here’s a summary of the things you can expect to learn from the article

What is Dead Sea Salt?

The salt is extracted by evaporating the water of the Dead Sea, situated in the east of Jordan and west of Israel and Palestine. Scientists confirmed the presence of more than 21 types of minerals in Dead Sea Salt, which are proved very beneficial for the human body.

What are the benefits?

  1. Offer relief from stress.
  2. It can effectively treat rheumatic disease.
  3. It reduces pain from chronic skin conditions.
  4. It can reduce acne marks and dark spots on the skin.
  5. Flakes off dead skin cells.
  6. Reduces large pores.
  7. Detoxifies the body.
  8. Supports healthy hair growth.
  9. Has anti-aging properties.

What are the benefits of infusing BSH (Broad Spectrum Hemp high in CBD, CBG, and CBN) and other essential oils with Dead Sea Salt?

BSH (Broad Spectrum Hemp high in CBD, CBG, and CBN) is a non-psychoactive oil, which contains numerous essential ingredients that can improve your overall health. Some of the key benefits are stress relief, skincare, metabolism increment, etc.

When BSH (Broad Spectrum Hemp high in CBD, CBG, and CBN) and other essential oils are infused with Dead Sea Salt, they can make the treatment even more powerful, productive and enjoyable.

So, how can I use Dead Sea Salt?

You can use Dead Sea Salt in several ways, such as:

  1. while taking a bath,
  2. in face and foot scrubbing, and
  3. while taking a shower.

So many benefits, so easy to use, right? Want to learn in detail? Take a pen and paper. You are going to find many amazing things on the way.

So, without further ado, let’s jump straight to the discussion.

What’s the deal with dead sea salt?

Photo by monicore from Pexels

In case you didn’t hear the name of the Dead Sea, it is one of the saltiest water reservoirs of the world, which is situated in the east of Jordan and west of Israel and Palestine. The salinity rate of the sea is about 34.2%. Salt extracted through evaporating the seawater is known as Dead Sea Salt around the world.

Though mud and salt of the Dead Sea used as a therapeutic solution for centuries, recent science has confirmed its multiple benefits that almost anyone can enjoy.

There are few types of Dead Sea Salt, such as,

  1. Fine,
  2. Coarse, and
  3. Extra Coarse

Despite different variations, Dead Sea Salt packed with minerals and other beneficial ingredients.

Around 21 types of different minerals found in the salt extracted from the Dead Sea. Some of the essential minerals are Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium, Zinc, Potassium, Sulfur, Iodine and Iron, etc.

So, at this point, you should have the grasp why Dead Sea Salt is so awesome.

But, don’t just leave yet.

I have some surprising and unexpected information for you.

Enjoy the latter part of the article!!

09 Stunning Benefits of Dead Sea Salt

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

1. Relief from stress: works like magic

Dead Sea Salt can boost your productivity intensely and can easily make you a workaholic. Why? Because it assures you that no matter how hard your day is, how tired you are, you always have a place to relax and replenish your lost energy.

Presence of Bromide in Dead Sea Salt works like magic when it comes to relaxing your body muscle and making your nerves calm. Apart from this, sulfur is known for its anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties. Sulfur will ensure you will feel relaxed with reduced joint swelling and soreness.

Numerous studies have supported the claim that using Dead Sea Salt while bathing can reduce muscle soreness and increase relaxation. One study found that continuous usage of Dead Sea Salt for ten days minimizes the severity of fibromyalgia significantly.

2. Can treat rheumatic disease

Dead Sea salt can effectively treat several types of rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, knee osteoarthritis.

When this salt is soaked into warm water, its healing properties can penetrate through the skin and can reduce inflammation and joint swelling. The salt found to be effective in improving the blood circulation rate.

Magnesium in Dead Sea salt can increase your metabolism, which in the long run, can reduce the risk of rheumatic disease.

3. Reduces the pain from chronic skin conditions

According to a study, almost 80-90% of people in the world experience acne-related problems in their lifetime. Apart from this, many of us suffer varieties of chronic skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

If you are one of them, I have some good news for you.

In a study published in the International Journal of Dermatology, researchers found that Dead Sea salt is very effective in treating psoriasis and eczema. According to them, the presence of magnesium in high amount improves the skin condition of anyone significantly.

Photo by Ali Pazani from Pexels

4. Reduces acne marks and dark spots on the skin

As you already know, Dead Sea salt contains a large number of minerals. One study found that, when soaked in warm water, it doesn’t only make your bathing experience significantly better but also helps to improve the beauty of your skin.

Magnesium, potassium, sodium, and sulfur work together to remove excess oil and impurities from the body and smoothens the skin.

Using this salt in scrubbing is also proved to be effective in different scientific studies.

5. Flakes off dead skin cells

Using Dead Sea salt in scrubbing flakes of dead cells from your skin. If the dead cells are not cleaned regularly, they can clog up and lead to a different skin condition like acne. Dead Sea salt also proved to be effective in smoothening rough skins and blemishes.

Want to know how to get the best result from Dead Sea Salt? Keep reading. I have discussed it in the next part.

6. Reduces large pores

We all have pores in our skin that help our skin to breathe. Pores are tiny openings in the skin that connect to hair follicles. When the pores clog with impurities, makeup, or increased sebum production, they become larger and more visible. That’s something perfectionists don’t like to have in their skin. So, for them, experts suggest using Dead Sea salt regularly.

Dead Sea salt also minimizes large pores by flaking off dead cells and removing extra oil from our skin.

7. Detoxifies the body

Throughout the day, we get exposed to various polluted environments and eat different foods that can have some sort of toxic effect on our bodies.

Using Dead Sea salt while taking a bath can detoxify our body from outside.

Anti-oxidants of calcium and zinc helps to maintain the balance of lipids. Anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties of sulfur also increase the healing rate of the body.

8. Supports healthy hair growth.

Magical minerals of Dead Sea salt like zinc and potassium can reduce hair fall and increase hair growth. Researchers found that shampoos containing Dead Sea salt can prevent dandruff more effectively than the normal ones. A dandruff-free scalp is one of the pre-conditions of healthy hair growth.

9. Has anti-aging properties

Sodium is found in abundance in Dead Sea salt. Sodium helps to flake off dead cells and offset free radicals by almost 40%. Dead Sea salt also has the reputation of enhancing the youthful glow of skin through reducing skin roughness.

Lack of moisture in the skin is one of the main reasons of pro-aging skin. Magnesium found in salt enhances the healing process of your body, while potassium promotes the balance of moisture in your body and skin.

Zinc found in Dead Sea salt is known for safeguarding skin against windburn and sunburn when appropriately applied.

When all these things come together, using Dead Sea salt properly can not only keep your body younger but also make you feel younger and more energetic.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

BUT….. Wait a minute…..

Here’s a surprise bonus for you, my friend.

In Leaf of Life Wellness, we always want to provide you the best quality authentic information with the hope of helping you be a well-educated citizen. In this part of the article, I want to ask you, why settle for less when you get more at a very affordable price?

Yes, my friend. Let me introduce naturally occurring BSH (Broad Spectrum Hemp high in CBD, CBG, and CBN). BSH is the oil extracted directly from the hemp plant. BSH contains highly effective oils like CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol) and CBN (cannabinol), but you don’t have any risk of getting high at all. That’s because THC (Tetra Hydro Cannabinol) is extracted out of BSH to make it non-psychoactive. When BSH (Broad Spectrum Hemp high in CBD, CBG, and CBN) is infused with other essential oils, it can be a deal-breaker.

Numerous researchers support the thousand years of the claim that CBD, CBG, and CBN can be used effectively in treating multiple health issues. For your easy understanding of how BSH (Broad Spectrum Hemp high in CBD, CBG, and CBN) oil can improve your bathing experience significantly, I’ve created a chart only for you. Have a look…

After knowing all these fantastic benefits, you might be wondering, “Where can I find the best BSH Dead Sea Salt?” Well, today you are in luck, my friend.

Have a look at our very own ‘Muscle Comfort the Dead Sea Salt Soak,’ ‘Lavender Dead Sea Salt Soak,’ and ‘Dr. Shuyun’s Ancient Ylang Ylang & Ginger Bath Soak‘.

These three salt soaks not only sourced from the best quality Dead Sea Salt of Israel and Hemp plants, but also they are infused with many essential oils like virgin olive oil, aloe juice, etc. These products are designed to enhance your recovery process to the optimal level while giving you a sense of comfort and elegance.

Oil extracted from Ylang Ylang is very effective in reducing anxiety1. Linalool found in Ylang Ylang is proved to be effective in killing bacteria, fungus, and reducing inflammation2.

Ginger oil is known for its therapeutic benefits for centuries. Studies found that ginger oil is very useful in eliminating toxins, reducing bowel, and soothing aches.

Furthermore, our Dead Sea Salt Soaks are flavored with Lavender and Rosewood fragrances, which are known throughout the world for their alleviating and relaxing scent.

So, what are you thinking? Grab a soak of your preference.

And, here is another good news for you.

For orders more than $50, we are giving free delivery all over the USA.

So, you grabbed your Dead Sea Salt. Now what?

You can use Dead Sea Salt in a variety of ways like, in the bath, in face scrub, in foot scrub, and the shower. Knowing the practical method of using Dead Sea Salt can enhance the results and experience significantly. And I want you to have it, my friend.

So here are some tips for using Dead Sea Salt effectively from my professional experience.

Photo by Matheus Frade on Unsplash

For ultimate bathing experience

  1. Take Dead Sea Salt as per requirement (I recommend to keep it between a minimum of 1/4th cup and maximum of 2 cups based on bathtub size, skin and body condition). Dissolve it in warm water (optimal temperature of the water is 2 degrees more than your body temperature).
  2. Stir the water to mix the salt evenly and adequately.
  3. Soak in the saltwater for at least 20min for the best result.

While soaking doesn’t forget to rub your skin smoothly to flake off any dead skin cells and other contaminations.

  1. After finishing, dry off your skin and apply a moisturizer of your preference.

Give your face and foot a lovely touch of scrubbing

  1. Take a handful amount of Dead Sea Salt and let it dissolve into light warm basin water.
  2. Then rub it softly on your face to flake off any excess oil, dead cells, or other impurities. Do the same with your foot too.
  3. Then wash your face and foot thoroughly and dry off with soft clothing or tissue paper.
  4. Don’t forget to apply a perfect facial toner on your face and lotion or moisturizer on your feet.

In case you’re wondering where to get an excellent facial toner, here you go.

Give our all-new ‘Leo’s Wicked CBD Peppermint Facial Toner‘ a try.

Lift your showering experience with Dead Sea Salt

  1. Keep a box of Dead Sea Salt near your showering area.
  2. While taking a shower, take a small amount of salt and rub it gently into a whole body.
  3. Cleanse the body thoroughly and dry off with soft clothing.
  4. Don’t forget to apply moisturizer after taking a shower.

So, here my friend, you have the ‘The Ultimate Guide to Dead Sea Salt.’

In this article, I’ve tried to mention as much valuable information as I can while keeping the article concise and relevant. I also backed every claim with data from renowned research findings.

In the end, one last recommendation is that you should try to ensure that your Dead Sea Salt Soak should be carefully cleaned in an all-natural way. In Leaf of Life Wellness, we have done the job for you so that you can enjoy hassle-free young and fresh skin. ?

Image by Marina Pershina from Pixabay

That’s all from me today.

It’s time to lead a stress-free active life and make your skin look fresh & young again.

So, dear friend, have you tried Dead Sea Salt yet? Don’t forget to share your experience and expectations in the comment section. I’d love to hear from you very much.

If you find this article helpful, all my hard work will be successful. Please share it with your friends and family so that they can benefit too.



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