DE FACTO | Bedeutung im Cambridge Englisch Wörterbuch

Bedeutung von de facto auf Englisch

Beispiele von de facto

de facto
With selective re-centralization measures, de facto federalism is gradually being institutionalized.
The main problem in implementing the gas directive is the position of statutory or de facto monopolies in gas transmission.
The second source is owned de jure by the state but where households de facto utilize the area without due concern for ownership.
Allowing water to be traded in an irrigation system with de facto riparian rights can increase the efficiency of water use.
Many congregations, for instance, developed a complex hierarchy of offices, which de facto seemed less personalized than those of the state.
Compared to de facto federalism, the advantages of federalism are obvious.
At the same time, judicial review tends to contribute to a creeping supranationalisation of both de facto and de jure competences.
In this case, the decision to wait for other secondary data is de facto judged as more attractive than investing resources to collect these data.
It was de facto multidisciplinary in character and employed engineers together with scientists of diverse backgrounds.
They speak to the nature of the criteria, not to their de facto status in particular instances.
Subjects obeyed de facto holders of power in exchange for protection.
Although strong enough to withstand it domestically, his influence as the de facto foreign minister of the country was eroded.
Legitimate authorities change protected reasons; merely de facto authorities do not (though they purport to change or are taken to change protected reasons).
Com members assumed that the amicable relations between the two regimes assured them of a de facto dual citizenship. 19.
The governments cannot enforce the original status quo, as the most integrationist government is indifferent between the de facto operation and the de jure rules.
Die Meinungen in den Beispielen repräsentieren nicht die Meinungen der Redakteuere der Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press oder Ihrer Lizenzgeber.

Übersetzungen von de facto

auf Chinesisch (traditionell)
事實上的,實際上的, 實質婚姻中的妻子(或丈夫), 同居伴侶…
auf Chinesisch (vereinfacht)
事实上的,实际上的, 事实婚姻中的妻子(或丈夫),同居伴侣…
auf Portugiesisch
de fato…
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(of a person or an animal) liking to play or full of activity


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