ADA Title II Forms (English)

If you require accommodations due to a disability to visit one of our courts, please call or email the court’s ADA Title II Coordinator as soon as possible to make the request. The ADA coordinator may reach out to you for additional information and will let you know as soon as a decision regarding your request has been made. Some accommodations may require approval by the presiding Judge.

If you need these forms in an alternative format, please contact the Statewide ADA Title II Coordinator’s Office at

ADA Notice of Rights

Pursuant to the ADA, people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access, use, and fully participate in court programs, services, and activities and not be discriminated against because of their disability.

ADA Request for Accommodations Form

Please send the Request for Accommodations Form directly to the courthouse where the case is going to be heard as soon as possible. Find your Courts ADA Title II Coordinator below:

ADA Grievance Procedure

The ADA grievance procedure may be used by anyone who wishes to file a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of disability in court proceedings, the provision of services, or programs and activities of the New Mexico Courts.

ADA Complaint Form

To file a grievance, please send the Complaint Form to the AOC Statewide ADA Title II Coordinator, our contact information is below:

Peggy Cadwell
AOC Statewide ADA Title II Coordinator
111 Lomas Blvd SW Ste. 300
Albuquerque NM 87102

ADA Title II Forms (Español)

Aviso sobre los derechos conforme a la Ley para Estadounidenses con Discapacidades

Formulario de solicitud de adaptación conforme a la ADA

Procedimiento de presentación de reclamaciones conforme a la ADA

Formulario de quejas conforme a la Ley para Estadounidenses con Discapacidades