David Harewood is Directing Supergirl
David Harewood is Directing Supergirl

We've known since San Diego Comic Con that David Harewood (J'onn J'onzz) would take a step behind the camera and helm one of the episodes of Supergirl as director. Well right now, David is filming that exact episode! This season has been a very serious one that is addressing some very big topics but aside from the blu-ray blooper scenes, it's sometimes easy to forget just how much fun this cast and crew have making this show. Just clicking through some of the instagram posts from David, or Mehcad Brooks, or really any of the cast reveal how much laughter and energy the set has. Even after 13 hours straight of filming, David and the team took to the filming process with professionalism and grace. Below is one note David had to share about the experience but we want to encourage all Supergirl fans to visit some of the actor's social media and see the joy and laughter behind the scenes!

1351 instagram

On another note, Natalie Abrams took to her Twitter to finally reveal she was given the opportunity to write an episode of Supergirl! Specifically episode 420. Natalie was a reporter with Entertainment Weekly and used to cover all of the Arrowverse very closely. Last year, she traded her reporter notebook for a clean sheet of paper and began her new role as a staff writer on The CW's All American. Having covered the show for the last four years, seeing someone succeed in chasing their dream to stop covering tv and start creating it is very rewarding. We are very excited for Natalie and wish her the best and continued success writing television shows!

1351 twitter

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Eric Johnston
Author: Eric JohnstonWebsite: https://supergirl.tvEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Executive Editor/Owner
About the Author
Eric is the primary author for Supergirl.tv. He has been covering the Supergirl show since 2014, but been a fan for decades. "Hope, Help, and Compassion for All, El May Arah!"


#8 happy newsZoya 2019-03-11 14:23
I am looking forward to see what David brings, he is a fan of the show and its cast and hopefully this will be like a love letter to it. I am also really pleased to see Natalie take her shot. I have followed her SM coverage of the show and she seems to have truly great insights into what has been wrong with the show and what could/should be done to really make it excel. Here's hoping her vision and instincts are put to good use!
+2 #7 RE: David Harewood is Directing SupergirlSully 2019-03-09 11:32
Really excited to see David's work here. He has a wealth of different types of acting experiences under his belt that I am certain will be of benefit to him as a director. Hoping he brings something different to the table because of those experiences.
+1 #6 RE: David Harewood is Directing SupergirlArgo 2019-03-06 17:59
Good luck David, from the son of a DGA member.
#5 RE: David Harewood is Directing SupergirlRomulus 2019-03-06 15:57
All the best, Dave! I'm sure you'll deliver something the fans will enjoy! 8)
+1 #4 RE: David Harewood is Directing Supergirlmuckle9999 2019-03-06 15:15
I wish David much success in his Directing debut. After all he has a very talented cast to work with and it seems that he's having a blast behind the camera. But the big news is the new writer for episode 20. I think Natalie will do a bang up job. The writing this season has been lazy with no creativity. Hopefully the tide will turn. Hey, maybe the Rooski Melissa will utter a few syllables in her story.
#3 RE: David Harewood is Directing SupergirlRobertAnthony 2019-03-06 14:06
There is one I-Gram post, I think from Space Dad where he reveals a catch phrase whenever something good comes up...MONEY!

Makes me think of The O'Jays classic soul shot "For The Love of Money."

Also saw a picture of Melissa and Nicole giggling at something on Melissa's phone...wonder what that could be?
+3 #2 RE: David Harewood is Directing Supergirljacksc01 2019-03-06 13:43
Happy to hear David Harewood is directing an episode - David is an excellent positive force on the show and I am sure he will do well.

As for a new writer coming to SuperGirl - that is nice to maybe get some new thinking into the show. All I know is that the scenes we usually see with Kara and Alex /SuperGirl and Alex are now becoming Nia instead of Alex. I have nothing against the character of Nia - in fact she could be a fun character but if she is serving as a replacement for the SuperGirl/Alex relationship then my like for the character can easily form into a dislike for the character.
+2 #1 RE: David Harewood is Directing SupergirlLibertyPrime 2019-03-06 12:00
Congratulations to both but particularly to Natilie! Some new blood might be a kick in the pants the show needs going forward.

I hope David brings that BTS fun energy to the forefront of his episode. :-)

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