Time Calculator

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Date Calculator

Time Calculator

Enter your starting and ending time or date and the calculator will add or subtract them to calculate the duration (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years) among them.





Add (+)
Subtract (-)





Add or Subtract Time from a Date

The following calculator adds or subtracts time (days, hours, minutes, seconds) with respect to an initial date. The result shows the new time after the addition or subtraction.

Start Date





Add (+)
Subtract (-)





Time Calculator In Expression

The following calculator lets you input times as expressions and adds or subtracts according to the operator you select.

(Valid Expression: 4d+7h-2m+1s)


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Our simple time calculator tells how many seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, and years are present in duration among any two times or two dates. This calculator has the ability to add or minus the given hours, present minutes, and seconds as well. It also helps you to calculate age that is corresponding to the duration of days between two dates.

Remember that the total time duration between any two events is known as elapse. For convenience, use hour calculator to compute the time among two events such as time duration between sunset and sunrise.

About Time and Date:

Time can be defined as the unlimited and constant progress of events that takes place in an irreversible manner whereas the date can be defined as the day of any month or any year that is represented by any specific number.

How To Add & Subtract Time with this Calculator?

For adding two different times you can take help from time counter or follow below simple steps to have an outcome time between times:


  • Select time from drop down menu
  • Enter starting day, hour, minutes and seconds
  • Now choose add or subtract from the given option
  • Now enter the end day, hour, minutes and seconds
  • Click the calculate button


  • You will have total time in terms of days, hours, minutes and seconds

To Calculate Time Duration:

Elapse represents the time duration between two events that can be calculated with the help of hours calculator as follows.


  • Select time duration from the drop down menu
  • Select time format from the given options i.e. 12 hours or 24 hours
  • Now in the next step Enter total hours, total minutes and total seconds of start time
  • Enter hours, minutes and seconds of end time
  • Click the calculate button


  • Time duration will be given in hours, minutes and seconds

To Calculate Time From Date:

Time form or within specific date can be calculated with the help of date time calculator with ease as follows by a simple step by step procedure.


  • First of all, you have to Select “time from date” option from the given menu of this hour calculator .
  • Select the time format from the given options. i.e.12 hours or 24 hours.
  • Now click on “start date and time”. A colander will be given and you just have to clock the starting date to add it.
  • Enter hours, minutes and seconds in am or pm from present day.
  • Select add or subtract according to your requirement from the given option
  • Enter days, hours minutes and seconds
  • Click the calculate button


  • Staring day date and time will given
  • Added days, date and time will given
  • Resulted days, date and time will be given altogether

To Calculate Date And Time:

Select time & date option form the menu and follow the below step.


  • First of all, select the time format from the drop-down menu i.e. 12 hours or 24 hours
  • Enter the start date
  • Enter the starting hours, minutes and seconds
  • Enter your end date.
  • Enter ending hours, minutes and seconds
  • Click the calculate button


  • The duration calculator provides you with the time and date in terms of weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds among starting and ending time and date


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – Time Definition – units, and much more!

From the source of study – Chapter 23 / Lesson 17 – Transcript | Additional Activities – What is Elapsed Time – Definition & Examples.


Other Languages:Zeitrechner, Calcul Heure, Calculadora De Tiempo, Калькулятор Времени, حساب الوقت, Calculadora De Tempo, 時間計算, Kalkulator Waktu, Kalkulator Czasu, Saat Hesaplama, Kalkulačka Času