Early Years Documentary 'Madonna and the Breakfast Club' First Trailer | FirstShowing.net


Early Years Documentary 'Madonna and the Breakfast Club' First Trailer

March 13, 2019
Source: YouTube

Madonna and the Breakfast Club Trailer

"She wanted to be out there. She wanted her songs to be sung." The Orchard has debuted an official trailer for an indie documentary titled Madonna and the Breakfast Club, which is already available to watch on VOD as of this week. The film tells the "incredible untold story" of pop icon Madonna's struggling pre-fame years in New York, with her first band "Breakfast Club", leading up to her first solo record deal. The band was formed in 1979, and at one point featured Madonna as the drummer. Dan Gilroy, who sang lead vocals, was also briefly Madonna's boyfriend, and he eventually allowed her to sing. Madonna ultimately left to form a new band with avant garde artist Mark Frazier, Emmy and the Emmys. In this film, Jamie Auld stars as Madonna in extended recreation scenes. This looks like a VH1 special, but some fans might enjoy it.

Official trailer (+ poster) for Guy Guido's doc Madonna and the Breakfast Club, direct from YouTube:

Madonna and the Breakfast Club Poster

The incredible untold story of pop icon Madonna's struggling pre-fame years in New York City with her musician boyfriend, Dan Gilroy, and their first band Breakfast Club, leading up to her first solo record deal. Madonna and the Breakfast Club is directed by filmmaker / writer Guy Guido, making his feature directorial debut after a short film previously, and after working as a hair stylist on a few other films. The first film in a new series about "The Bands Before The Breakthrough". The film hasn't premiered at any film festivals or otherwise. The Orchard will release Guido's Madonna and the Breakfast Club in select theaters + on VOD starting March 12th this month. For more info, visit The Orchard's website. Anyone interested?


Find more posts: Documentaries, To Watch, Trailer



I saw one film about Madonna when I was much younger. I think I'm done with that subject for the rest of my life ...

shiboleth on Mar 13, 2019


...lol...well said, shiboleth.

thespiritbo on Mar 13, 2019


I still can't believe she tried to be English for a bit of time.

DAVIDPD on Mar 13, 2019


Not really something I`d watch a movie for info on, but the girl sure looks the part!

ErrorSapiens on Mar 14, 2019

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