ZIP Code 75270 Map, Demographics, More for Dallas, TX

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ZIP Code 75270

Post Office City:Dallas, TX (View All Cities)
Neighborhood: Downtown
County: Dallas County
Timezone: Central (5:20am)
Area code: 214 (Area Code Map)
Coordinates:32.7813, -96.8017
ZIP (~100 yard radius)

Cities in ZIP code 75270

The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 75270. The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. The city for 75270 is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays.

Primary/preferred city:
Dallas, TX

Stats and Demographics for the 75270 ZIP Code

ZIP code 75270 is located in eastern Texas and covers an extremely small land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States.

Population 0
Population Density n/a people per sq mi
Housing Units 0
Land Area 0.00 sq mi
Water Area 0.00 sq mi
Occupied Housing Units 0

Estimated Population over Time

Real Estate and Housing

For more information, see Dallas, TX home prices.

Employment, Income, Earnings, and Work

Average Household Income over Time

Schools and Education

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