After countries in Central America and the Caribbean declared their independence, foreign powers continued -
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After countries in Central America and the Caribbean declared their independence, foreign powers continued to be involved in the region becauseResponses

A. many countries needed foreign investors to help build their economies.

B. many countries decided to become territories of other nations.

C. foreign powers regained political control in many countries.

D. foreign powers declared war on several of the countries.

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After countries in Central America and the Caribbean declared their independence, foreign powers continued to be involved in the region because A. many countries needed foreign investors to help build their economies.

Why did foreign powers get involved in Central America ?

After gaining independence, many countries in Central America and the Caribbean were economically underdeveloped.

They needed foreign investment to help build their infrastructure, develop their economies, and create jobs. Foreign powers were willing to invest in these countries because they saw them as potential markets for their goods and services.

Find out more on Central America independence at


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A. many countries needed foreign investors to help build their economies.


As it stands alone most countries in Central America and the Carribean do not have the industrial capacity of major nations. The countries heavily relied on imports due to the benefit of trade, lack of resources, and the economic benefit of staying connected to foreign powers. Therefore the reason foreign powers involved themselves in the region.

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