How many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean? - Worldometer

Countries in Latin America and the Caribbean:


There are 33 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean today, according to the United Nations. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population and subregion (based on the United Nations official statistics).

Not included in this total of "countries" and listed separately are:

  • Dependencies (or dependent territories, dependent areas) or Areas of Special Sovereignty (autonomous territories)
1 Brazil 216,422,446 South America
2 Mexico 128,455,567 Central America
3 Colombia 52,085,168 South America
4 Argentina 45,773,884 South America
5 Peru 34,352,719 South America
6 Venezuela 28,838,499 South America
7 Chile 19,629,590 South America
8 Ecuador 18,190,484 South America
9 Guatemala 18,092,026 Central America
10 Bolivia 12,388,571 South America
11 Haiti 11,724,763 Caribbean
12 Dominican Republic 11,332,972 Caribbean
13 Cuba 11,194,449 Caribbean
14 Honduras 10,593,798 Central America
15 Nicaragua 7,046,310 Central America
16 Paraguay 6,861,524 South America
17 El Salvador 6,364,943 Central America
18 Costa Rica 5,212,173 Central America
19 Panama 4,468,087 Central America
20 Uruguay 3,423,108 South America
21 Jamaica 2,825,544 Caribbean
22 Trinidad and Tobago 1,534,937 Caribbean
23 Guyana 813,834 South America
24 Suriname 623,236 South America
25 Bahamas 412,623 Caribbean
26 Belize 410,825 Central America
27 Barbados 281,995 Caribbean
28 Saint Lucia 180,251 Caribbean
29 Grenada 126,183 Caribbean
30 St. Vincent & Grenadines 103,698 Caribbean
31 Antigua and Barbuda 94,298 Caribbean
32 Dominica 73,040 Caribbean
33 Saint Kitts & Nevis 47,755 Caribbean

Dependencies or other territories

Dependency of
1 Puerto Rico 3,260,314 U.S.A.
2 Guadeloupe 395,839 France
3 Martinique 366,981 France
4 French Guiana 312,155 France
5 Curaçao 192,077 Netherlands
6 Aruba 106,277 Netherlands
7 U.S. Virgin Islands 98,750 U.S.A.
8 Cayman Islands 69,310 U.K.
9 Turks and Caicos 46,062 U.K.
10 Sint Maarten 44,222 Netherlands
11 British Virgin Islands 31,538 U.K.
12 Caribbean Netherlands 27,148 Netherlands
13 Anguilla 15,899 U.K.
14 Montserrat 4,386 U.K.
15 Falkland Islands 3,791 U.K.