Convenience Movie (2015) –

Convenience Movie (2015)


Urban Way Films

October 21, 2015

Worked on marketing activities and also designed and developed a website for a BAFTA Cymru winning independent feature film called

In the film Two friends try to rob a petrol station, but are so useless that they end up working there all night.

Two men, three hostages, no crisps.

This BAFTA winning Comedy, best described as ‘Clerks‘ meets ‘A Dog Day Afternoon‘ follows best friends Ajay (Ray Panthaki)
and Shaan (Adeel Akhtar), as they attempt to rob a petrol station to clear a debt owed to some Russian gangsters
from a strip club. However, things don’t go exactly to plan when they find out that the petrol station’s safe is on a time
lock and won’t open until 6am. They decide to tie up the supervisor Levi (Vicky McClure),
disguise themselves as workers and wait it out… with outrageous consequences.

View Website

Reached #5 on the Recent Discovery chart
#7 on the Comedy chart on iTunes