Free Enterprise System Definition, Characteristics & Examples - Lesson |
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Free Enterprise System Definition, Characteristics & Examples

Ivan Kennedy, Aaron Hill, Steven Scalia
  • Author
    Ivan Kennedy

    Ivan Kennedy has experience teaching College-level Business Management for the last 4 years. He has an MBA from the University of Kansas and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Economics. He has work experience in Business and Finance and he can relate well to any such related material.

  • Instructor
    Aaron Hill

    Aaron has worked in the financial industry for 14 years and has Accounting & Economics degree and masters in Business Administration. He is an accredited wealth manager.

  • Expert Contributor
    Steven Scalia

    Steven completed a Graduate Degree is Chartered Accountancy at Concordia University. He has performed as Teacher's Assistant and Assistant Lecturer in University.

Explore free enterprise systems. Learn the definition of a free enterprise system and understand its characteristics. Discover various free enterprise examples. Updated: 11/21/2023
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Free Enterprise System - An Essay Prompt:

The following exercise is designed to enable students to apply their knowledge of the Free Enterprise System in a real-life context.


You are an economist working for a large research agency. Your manager has a new assignment for you that you are eager to get started. In the past decade or so, Rwanda, an African country, has introduced extensive economic reforms. This is attracting a lot of attention from both foreign investors and western governments. Some experts have stated that Rwanda may indeed become the economic motor of the African continent. This would be quite an accomplishment for a country that was torn apart by civil war and a terrible genocide just 25 years ago. The question on everyone's mind is, "Is Rwanda the best example of the free enterprise system in Africa?"

Essay Prompt:

Perform online research on the economic development and reforms in Rwanda since the mid-2000s. In a short format essay of at least 150 words, explain how the country's new economic policies are in line (or not) with the characteristics of the free enterprise system presented in your lesson. Note that you must discuss at least two out of the five characteristics.

What is an example of free enterprise?

An example of free enterprise is deciding to establish a new online business. In a free enterprise system, individuals have the freedom to establish new businesses and determine how to operate them.

What is a free enterprise system?

A free enterprise system refers to an economic system where the government places minimal restrictions and regulations. Operations are influenced by demand and supply, not the government.

The free enterprise system definition is the economic model where the government exerts minimal control and restrictions on the economy. What is a free enterprise economy? A free enterprise economy explains the system where the government places very few restrictions on the operations of the economy regarding production, investment, and distribution. When the government does not place many restrictions on the economy, the economic operations are influenced by supply and demand. Due to the economic freedom portrayed in the free enterprise system, the system is also known as a free market system.

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  • 0:00 What Is a Free…
  • 2:05 Characteristics of…
  • 2:45 Free Enterprise in Action
  • 3:55 Lesson Summary

Just as the free enterprise system definition explains it, the system works by allowing consumers to have the liberty to compare the various options of the commodities they seek to purchase based on the prices at which business owners sell them. Business owners also have the freedom to determine the business to venture into and the prices to charge their products and services. Through all these, the government applies minimal influence on how the businesses operate, the pricing of their commodities, and how consumers purchase the commodities.

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A free enterprise system depicts several characteristics concerning its freedom in the market, consumer participation in the market, and the minimal influence of the government on the economy. The characteristics answer the question 'what is a free enterprise system?' by explaining what it consists of. The characteristics are:

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Free enterprise examples are depicted in exercising and maximizing freedom in the free enterprise system. Some of the examples of free enterprise are:

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A free enterprise system defines the model of an economy where the government places minimal restrictions on how businesses operate and the involvement and participation of individuals in the economy. The system is often termed a free market system because the government exerts minimal or no regulations to influence the economy's business operations. The free enterprise system is also associated with the capitalist system, which provides private property ownership. Its market is influenced by supply and demand, not government regulations and restrictions. The capitalist system is unlike the socialist system, where the latter is centrally organized and influenced by the government, and property is not privately owned.

A free enterprise system is characterized by the ability of people to purchase land and buildings with minimal government intervention. Business owners have the liberty to set prices to generate profits. Business owners can also determine who to do business with regarding the suppliers or who to outsource from. Additionally, business decisions are influenced by consumer spending and preferences because consumers decide where to purchase a commodity and how much to spend. Examples of a free enterprise system include individuals pursuing a career based on their self-interests, establishing an online business, and opening a coffee shop.

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Video Transcript

What is a Free Enterprise System?

Do you realize that you are experiencing a free enterprise system every time you spend money buying goods and services in the United States? The price that you pay, the types of goods that you can purchase, where you shop, and the customer service experience that you get are all largely driven by business owners who make free decisions about how to operate their business.

A free enterprise system is an economic system where a government places very few restrictions on the types of business activities or ownership in which citizens participate. This type of system is often referred to by others as a free market, or capitalism. In a free enterprise system, you are allowed to spend your money in the way you want. You often have several different companies competing for your business, which often leads to lower prices and better-quality products. You are also free to pursue any type of job or work that you enjoy. How would you feel if someone told you exactly what you had to do for a living?

There are countries around the world that do not have a free enterprise system. Socialist governments, those that directly manage their nation's social and economic affairs, often direct what kind of work people have to do and also limit the opportunity for many people to own businesses. As a result, these countries also limit what you can purchase. Can you imagine only having one phone carrier to purchase plans or phones from? How about having only one cable television provider that told you what channels you could watch? Part of the reason those in the U.S. do not face this situation is because of the free enterprise system.

It is important to note that free enterprise systems can vary and differ in how 'free' they actually are. The United States and Singapore are two examples of countries that reflect the most free enterprise systems. Many European countries are also considered free enterprise markets, but often have more government regulations and involvement in business transactions when considered necessary.

Characteristics of Free Enterprise

In general, a free enterprise system usually has the following traits or characteristics:

  • Consumer preferences and spending, not the government, drive what types of products and services companies offer.
  • The government allows you to choose any type of business or field that you are interested in owning or seeking employment.
  • The market allows you to buy land, buildings, and property with very few restrictions.
  • As a business owner, you have the right to set your own prices and determine your own profit levels.
  • As a business owner, you have the ability to choose suppliers and other people you do business with.

Free Enterprise in Action

Examples of free enterprise in action include:

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