Economic System | Overview, Types & Examples - Lesson |
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Economic System | Overview, Types & Examples

Hugh Zimmerbaum, Jason Nowaczyk
  • Author
    Hugh Zimmerbaum

    Hugh Zimmerbaum is a prospective PhD student in Slavic Languages and Literatures; After earning his BA degree in Literature with a concentration in Russian Studies in 2018, he spent two years as an EFL teacher in Russia.

  • Instructor
    Jason Nowaczyk

    Jason has a masters of education in educational psychology and a BA in history and a BA in philosophy. He's taught high school and middle school

Compare 4 types of economic systems to learn about different types of economies. Explore the definitions of a market economy, command market economy, and more. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What is an example of a traditional economic system?

Examples of traditional economic systems can be found among indigenous groups who have kept their traditional ways of life alive. Some Inuit people, for example, still practice whale hunting and reindeer herding.

What are the 4 main types of economic systems?

The 4 main types of economic systems are traditional economies, command economies, market economies, and mixed economies. Traditional economies are based on conventional forms of providing sustenance. In command economies, rulers hold the power over production and distribution. In market economies, private individuals and groups hold economic power, rather than the government. In mixed economies, aspects from traditional, command, and market economies are combined.

What economy is called a market economy?

A market economy is an economy which is decentralized. In a market economy, the means of production and distribution of goods and services is shared among private individuals and groups, rather than consolidated in the hands of a ruler or ruling class.

What is a focus of the traditional economic system?

The focus of a traditional economic system is to provide sustenance for groups held together by established social ties, such as bonds between family and tribe members. This does not lead to economic growth, but it also produces little waste.

What are the four economic systems? An economic system refers to the way in which cultures and societies arrange and distribute their material goods and services. Although there are unique social customs and institutions in every society, economic systems are broadly thought of as falling into one of three categories: traditional economies, command economies, and market economies. However, all aspects of any economic system can rarely be said to fall cleanly into one category. Therefore, the concept of a mixed economy is often introduced as a fourth type of economy. The United States economy, for example, is a mixed economy which incorporates aspects of a command economy and a market economy.

Market Economy

A market economy is an economy which is decentralized in its nature. A decentralized economy allows private individuals and groups to control the production and distribution of goods, rather than the government. Historically, the development of market economies meant that economic and governmental power, which had formerly been held in the same hands, was split between different groups of people. Market economies developed in Europe from around the 16th century, and went through several stages over the following centuries: mercantilism, commercial capitalism, industrial capitalism, and, most recently, state capitalism. A pure market economy is known as a capitalist system, although most economic systems that are widely regarded as capitalist require a certain level of government oversight to function fairly and efficiently.

Traditional Economic System

A traditional economy is one in which humans provide themselves with sustenance by customary means, such as hunting, fishing, gathering, or slash and burn agriculture. This has been the most prevalent economic system for most of human history. In a traditional economy, sustenance is distributed by traditional social relations, such as by family ties. Traditional economic systems do not lead to economic growth, but they produce little waste.

A photography of Native American women and their teepees. An example of a traditional society.

Native American Women Teepee Traditional Economy

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  • 0:00 Types of Economic Systems
  • 0:50 A Traditional Economy
  • 1:38 Command Economy
  • 2:28 Market Economy
  • 3:23 Mixed Economy
  • 4:09 Lesson Summary

Today, traditional modes of sustenance can be found in the developing world, in regions such as in Asia, Africa, and South America. Various indigenous groups have kept their traditional ways of life alive. Many of the Inuit people, for example, who live in Artic and subarctic regions of the globe, have retained traditional means of sustaining themselves such as whale hunting and reindeer herding. Even in such cases, however, modern technology such as snowmobiles and money have often become part of people's lives.

The economy of the Soviet Union in the 20th century was largely based on command economy principles. A central economic planning body created goals for the economy that were usually based on a five- to seven-year period. The planned economy allowed for rapid industrialization and repairing of the country after WWII. It also fostered achievements in the space technology because skills could be harnessed regardless of cost. However, major economic failures plagued the civilian economy and lead to supply shortages, even in such critical areas as food production and distribution. The failures of the command economy are frequently cited among the forces which brought about the collapse of the Soviet Union.

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An economic system is how a society organizes the production and distribution of goods and services. Economic systems can be divided into four categories: traditional economies, command economies, market economies, and mixed economies.

In traditional economies, people provide for themselves by direct means, such as fishing, hunting, gathering, and slash and burn agriculture. These are the oldest types of economy and have been the most prevalent throughout human history. Today, traditional economies exist in areas of the developing world. The Inuit people, who practice traditional means of sustaining themselves such as reindeer herding and whale hunting, retain aspects of a traditional economy.

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Video Transcript

Types of Economic Systems

Whenever you buy something at a store, you are participating in the basic transaction found in any kind of modern economy. A modern economy includes the production, buying, and selling of all goods and services, including the people that work to make these activities happen.

Now, imagine your simple store-based transaction happening all across the globe, millions of times a day. Who organizes and coordinates all this buying and selling? Who decides how many employees are needed to handle these transactions efficiently? And who makes sure there's enough products to match the demand?

In this lesson, we'll explore the four different types of economic systems found across the globe. These types include: a traditional economy, command economy, market economy, and mixed economy.

A Traditional Economy

The oldest type of an economy found around the world is a traditional economy, which is based upon a people's belief and customs. In these self-sustaining economies, communities and families grow crops and manage their farms using traditional methods. What they produce is what they get to consume.

Traditional economies can still be found in the developing world, like parts of Asia, Africa, and South America. Although they lead to little economic growth, they also produce little waste, and surpluses are rare. As individuals in traditional economies have clearly defined roles and are invested in their success, these systems also help to keep small communities and societies close together. On the other hand, members of traditional economies often go without things that more complex systems enjoy, like technology and advanced medicine.

Command Economy

Instead of an economy based on tradition, a command system is based on goals passed down from a central ruler or ruling class. In a command economy, the ruling class or government makes all of the economic decisions, such as what goods and services will be produced, how much they should be sold for, and how much workers will be paid for producing them. Modern day examples can be found in many Communist countries, like North Korea and the former Soviet Union.

Other examples, albeit much older, include the medieval feudal system, where the lord provided the land for growing crops. In return, vassals were allowed to live on the land while providing labor and soldiers to the lord. In theory, this economic system may be beneficial if the government has the best interest of its people in mind. However, command economies can also devolve into wide-scale inequality and corruption.

Market Economy

Whereas a command economy is based around a central body, a market economy is a system where pricing decisions are decentralized. When we call something a market, we're talking about anything that brings buyers and sellers together. For instance, e-commerce is a type of market where people are able to use the Internet to buy and sell goods.

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