Fans of Tony Stark didn't know what to make of Iron Man 2020 when it was first announced, threatening to remove Tony from the role and give it to his brother instead. But the biggest surprise has just arrived... now that the battle of brothers has seen Tony Stark killed all over again.

That "again" isn't referring to the first death of Iron Man in Avengers: Endgame, although Tony's latest comic book death is certainly closer to the movie's sacrifice than his first one. In the comics, Iron Man was killed by Captain Marvel as part of the Civil War II event. But the sting of that murder was cut short when it was revealed that a new Tony Stark clone was being grown, eventually born and uploaded with a digital copy of Tony's consciousness.

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This reborn Iron Man returned to the role for some time, but soon realized he was effectively an artificial intelligence. And in Iron Man 2020 #3, this final version of Tony gives its life to protect the true Stark legacy. The real Tony would be proud. But he may get the chance to be proud in person, now the official solicitation for Iron Man 2020 #5 arriving in May confirms the return of Tony. As in, the one fans are waiting to see return. We think. See for yourselves:

Iron Man 2020 Comic Tony Stark Alive Return
  • IRON MAN 2020 #5 (OF 6)
  • 5th Color Fluorescent Ink Cover by PETE WOODS
  • Connecting Variant Cover by SIMONE BIANCHI
  • Variant Cover by RON LIM
  • Heads Variant Cover by SUPERLOG
  • Tony Stark is back! But is this the REAL Tony? How is that possible?! Where did that all-new armor come from?! WHAT’S GOING ON?!There’s no time to explain, human. Just know this: It’s STARK VS. STARK ROUND 2, as Tony takes on SPACE!

Taking the name Mark One, the former Tony Stark has been leading a robot revolution both fueled and, arguably created by his brother Arno's mad belief that all A.I. should be programmed to serve. It was that mission which Brought Tony and his robotic army to Arno's headquarters. But when the trap was sprung, the call was sent to all robotic creatures and intelligences around the globe: join the fight with Mark One, or be made into mindless servants forever. The rallying cry was heard, meaning robots everywhere watched as Mark One gave its life... proving it really did possess Tony Stark's spirit, after all. This heartbreaking conclusion has occurred only halfway through the six issue miniseries, meaning the story is far from over. Will Mark One somehow be restored? Or will the last sacrifice of the Stark legacy be allowed to stand, ensuring a new world for the A.I. Tony helped to create? Until those questions are answered, we'll just have to read along.

Iron Man 2020 #3 will be available at your local comic book shop on March 4th, 2020.

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