What Are Cold Sweats?

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Cold sweats mean you are cold and sweaty at the same time. This type of sweating is not an actual medical diagnosis but instead can be a symptom of health conditions like infections and heart disease.

You may experience cold sweats at night or during the day, and they can occur with or without a fever. Here's what you need to know about cold sweats, including how to treat and prevent them and when to see a healthcare provider.


Cold sweats cause different symptoms depending on the underlying cause, but they're not very different from what happens when you sweat in general. That means you might experience cold sweating on your arms, feet, and palms.

Sweat is a normal bodily function. When your body gets too hot and needs to cool down, your body releases sweat—made up of water, ammonia, urea, salt, and sugar—through the pores on your skin. Your sweat then evaporates and cools your body down.

Cold sweats happen if you become chilly during that process. It's also slightly different from normal sweating because you feel cold as you sweat. Cold sweats also include chills or night sweats.

What Causes Cold Sweats?

Cold sweats are not an actual medical diagnosis but are usually signs of an underlying health condition. This means that cold sweats can have several different causes. For example, cold sweats can be a normal occurrence that happens after exercise or due to menopause. In other cases, cold sweats can point to several health conditions, ranging from minor to severe.

Heart Disease

Cold sweats are one of the symptoms of coronary artery disease, one of the most common causes of heart disease. Also, cold sweats can be a symptom of a heart attack. If you have cold sweats, chest or upper body discomfort, nausea, or lightheadedness, seek immediate medical attention.

Hormone Changes

During menopause, the body gradually makes less estrogen and progesterone. The changing hormones cause various symptoms, such as hot flashes. Hot flashes cause your body to feel very warm suddenly. Your skin may also flush, and red patches may appear. 

After a hot flash, you may have cold sweats. Hot flashes may cause so much sweating and shivering that you wake up in the middle of the night.


A viral infection could cause a fever that leads to cold sweats. For example, cold sweats can be a symptom of the flu. Some evidence has suggested that cold sweats may occur with severe cases of COVID-19. Certain skin infections may be responsible as well. Erysipelas and cellulitis can cause cold sweats.

Low Blood Sugar

Low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, can happen after exercise, not eating enough food, or drinking alcohol. Some people with diabetes may have low blood sugar as a side effect of treatment. Low blood sugar can cause cold sweats, pale skin, headaches, and weakness. People may wake up in a cold sweat if their blood sugar levels drop overnight.


Feelings of stress or anxiety can also lead to cold sweats. Your body reacts to stress by activating your "fight-or-flight" response. Like adrenaline and cortisol, hormones elevate and cause high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, and quickened breathing. As a result, you may also develop cold sweats.

How Are Cold Sweats Diagnosed?

A healthcare provider will likely try to determine the underlying cause of your cold sweats. They may physically examine you, take your temperature, or order blood tests to rule out various health conditions. The provider may also ask about your personal and family health history.

For example, if you have a fever, your cold sweats may be due to an infection. In contrast, hypoglycemia could be the culprit if a blood test shows that you have low blood sugar. Also, if you report feeling stressed lately, your "fight-or-flight" response may be causing cold sweats.


How you treat cold sweats will depend on the cause. It's also a good idea to pay attention to any other symptoms you have, as those can also determine the necessary treatment.

For example, taking a fever-reducing medicine like Tylenol (acetaminophen) may be helpful if you have a fever. A fever may indicate a viral infection, like the flu or COVID, so consult a healthcare provider.


Like treatments for cold sweats, preventing them depends on the underlying cause. For example, one of the best ways to prevent infections is proper handwashing.

Check your blood sugar levels if you frequently have low blood sugar, which can cause cold sweats. Keep snacks handy in case your blood sugar lowers. In addition, if you often feel stressed, try stress-relieving activities like deep breathing to help relax your body.

Other causes of cold sweats may be hard to prevent. For example, with menopause, you may be unable to avoid hot flashes and cold sweats. You can still take steps to make yourself comfortable during those times. Keep a fan on or wear light, loose-fitting clothing while sleeping.

When To Consult a Healthcare Provider

Consult a healthcare provider if the following symptoms accompany your cold sweats:

  • Blood in your stool
  • Feeling confused
  • Headaches
  • Pain or discomfort in your chest, abdomen, or back
  • Recurrent vomiting, especially if there's blood in your vomit
  • Signs of shock, like clammy and pale skin
  • Trouble breathing

Remember that cold sweats can be a heart attack symptom, so pay attention if chest discomfort, nausea, or lightheadedness accompanies your cold sweats. Seek immediate medical attention if you have any of those symptoms.

Talk to a healthcare provider if you regularly have cold sweats. Cold sweats should generally resolve as you treat the underlying cause, like stress or a viral infection. 

A Quick Review

Cold sweats are when you start sweating but feel chilly, and your skin may become pale, moist, and clammy. They differ from normal sweating, which is when you perspire and feel normal.

Cold sweats are not an actual medical diagnosis but a symptom of an underlying health condition, such as menopause, stress, infections, or low blood sugar. In severe cases, cold sweats may signal a heart attack or shock. 

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15 Sources
Health.com uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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