Fractional CO2 Laser 分段式二氧化碳激光 - Medicare HK | 香港綜合醫療保健中心

Fractional CO2 Laser 分段式二氧化碳激光 (二氧化碳飛梭雷射)

  • 韓國著名Daeshin Enterprise CO2 Laser System
  • KFDA認證
  • 國際最新技術,具有大量臨床經驗積累的光學美容治療
  • 專業的註冊醫生主理,過程安全可靠

分段式二氧化碳激光 或二氧化碳飛梭雷射 是一種袪角質增生治療,它是超強沖二氧化碳鐳射通過微孔將能量滲透到肌膚之下,分段應用能量使皮膚發生一連串的生化反應,皮膚的水份吸收光束轉化為50-70度熱能,瞬間內多餘的皮膚組織及皮膚問題的組織會氣化,再針對性及準確地帶走多餘的皮膚組織。



  1. 各種凹陷型疤痕(暗瘡印/暗瘡疤,手術疤痕,燒傷疤痕,燙傷疤痕)
  2. 祛除色素病變(雀斑,太陽斑,老年斑,曬斑,黃褐斑等)
  3. 減淡幼紋(額紋,法令紋,魚尾紋,肚紋,妊娠紋等)
  4. 全面換膚(嫩膚,緊膚,收縮毛孔,結節性暗瘡)
  5. 血管病變(毛細血管增生,酒糟鼻)
  6. 清除皮膚不正常組織(癦,痣,扁平疣,油脂粒,汗管瘤)脫疣詳情請參閱此處

⚠ 二氧化碳激光療程的復原期一般需要 3-7天時間復原 (正常部位會於3-5日甩痂,高度數激光的重點部位如凹凸洞、疤痕、癦痣、油脂粒等則需要5-7日),期間需保持皮膚清潔。療程後傷口會呈粉紅色及較幼嫩,之後會慢慢結痂。在傷口結痂之前盡量避免使用護膚品及化妝品,避免接觸陽光,而在結痂之後,不要擅至將痂刮掉,以免造成疤痕。

Fractional CO2 Laser 分段式二氧化碳激光 VS Pico Laser 皮秒激光


儀器種類Pico Laser
Fractional CO2 Laser
波長532nm/ 595nm/ 660nm/ 755nm/ 1064nm10600nm
脈衝持續時間一般 300-750ps (皮秒)視乎能量大小,由微秒至亳秒不等
輸出模式有多種探頭,以脈衝型式輸出分段式(Fractional) 即是使用點陣式探頭輸出
Fractional CO2 Laser 分段式二氧化碳激光 VS Pico Laser 皮秒激光

皮秒激光(Picosecond Laser)較適合能改善深層色斑及紋身紋眉等色素問題。它的原理是由產生機械震波(Photoacoustic Effect)來達到將色素分子變成粉末,主要用途是去除紋身和各種色斑等黑色素問題,有部分Pico激光儀器配合特定探頭能集中激光,從而改善凹凸洞,但輸出及功效較低,通常只對淺層凹凸洞有改善

分段式二氧化碳激光(Fractional CO2 Laser)的微光束直徑比皮秒激光小,只有100-200微米,激光化細幼光束平均散點擊發,令激光進入皮膚底層。 表皮層與真皮層的水分吸收激光能量後,讓皮膚及疤痕組織加熱,並刺激皮膚組織及膠原蛋白再生與重組,達至煥膚效能。因此,Fractional CO2 Laser對刺激膠原蛋白重組與新生,如嫩膚、緊膚、改善凹凸洞、暗瘡印、去皺、收毛孔等 效果都比皮秒激光更顯著。

Fractional CO2 Laser 分段式二氧化碳激光 VS Fraxel 激光??

不少人聽說 Fractional CO2 Laser 對凹凸洞效果好,但亦有不少人推薦 Fraxel,究竟有甚麼分別?

其實 Fraxel® 是一個品牌名稱,而不是一種激光技術。 Fraxel® 旗下有不同的激光,包括Fraxel® Re:pairFraxel® Re:storeFraxel® Duel

  1. Fraxel Repair就是fractional CO2 Laser的一種,是ablative (汽化型),恢復期較長而效果迅速明顯;適合不論輕微至嚴重皮膚問題人士,尤其適合淺層深層凹凸洞、暗瘡印/ 青春痘疤深皺紋手術疤痕妊娠紋等。
  2. Fraxel Restore是使用1550 nm 較短波長的fractional Erbium laser (分段式鉺激光),是non-ablative (非汽化型),恢復期短而效果慢,適合只有輕微皮膚問題人士,如淡斑、輕微色素沈澱、或淺層凹凸洞等。
  3. Fraxel Duel 是混合Fraxel Restore 的1550 nm fractional Erbium laser (分段式鉺激光) 和 1927nm 的 Thulium laser (銩激光)。 Thulium laser (銩激光) 對皮膚主要是用於改善色素,如雀斑 、賀爾蒙斑、黄褐斑、曬斑、老人斑等。Fraxel Duel 都是non-ablative (非汽化型),恢復期中長及效果中等

因此選擇Fractional CO2 Laser 和 Fraxel 時,首先要分別Fraxel®的哪一種laser,然後分辨你是哪一種皮膚問題 和嚴重程度如深層或淺層,以及是否擔心恢復期。

Fractional CO2 Laser 分段式二氧化碳激光 VS Einxel Plus/ Scarlet RF 微針射頻

我們不少顧客都問過我們Fractional CO2 Laser 和 Einxel Plus/ Scarlet RF 等微針射頻 哪一個對凹凸洞/ 暗瘡印比較好? 因此我們一起分析他們之間的分別。首先我們先介紹常見的凹疤有哪幾種:

滾動型 Rolling邊緣不明顯,呈W型,高低起伏。
車廂型 Boxcar邊緣垂直明顯,呈碗狀。
冰錐型 Icepick邊緣明顯,開口小但很深,呈錐型狀。

Fractional CO2 Laser 是一種激光,而Einxel Plus/ Scarlet RF 等微針射頻是 Radio frequency (RF),兩者都是以能量加熱皮膚以刺激皮膚膠原蛋白再生。

Fractional CO2 Laser 對以上三種凹疤都有改善,特別是對滾動型和車廂型效果十分顯著,能有效刺激皮膚組織及膠原蛋白再生與重組;由於Fractional CO2 Laser 只能到達淺層真皮層,只能對中度深度的冰錐型都有良好改善效果,對於一些較深的冰錐型,由於已達深層真皮層,單靠Fractional CO2 Laser不能打至冰錐型凹疤的根部。因此臨床上醫生一般會建議混合治療,例如先用三氯醋酸(TCA)作化學煥膚破壞整條冰錐,再使用Fractional CO2 Laser治療,或是Einxel Plus/ Scarlet RF 微針射頻 與Fractional CO2 Laser混合使用。

Einxel Plus/ Scarlet RF 等微針射頻 主要是對冰錐型凹疤有較好的效果,因為能量較集中較強,深度最深能打至4mm,直達深層真皮層;但對於滾動型和車廂型這些較淺層而大面積的凹疤,能量太集中太強,對皮膚負荷會太大,近年不少研究指出長期使用RF微針射頻會使臉部皮下脂肪減少,反而加速了皮膚老化。因此RF微針射頻一般不建議做全面療程,較適合針對冰錐型凹疤


1. 幾類人不宜:孕婦皮膚發炎、患嚴重慢性疾病如光敏性疾病包括紅斑狼瘡等的人,以及正服食感光藥物如維他命A酸的人不宜做激光。另外,有增厚性疤痕蟹足腫的人,亦未必適合做磨損型激光療程,因為增加疤痕的風險會較常人高。(註:如有任何疑問,進行激光療程前宜先諮詢醫生意見。)

2. 進行激光療程前後避免曬太陽,因為皮膚中的黑色素會吸收更多激光中的能量,容易產生不良反應如增加皮膚灼傷及「反黑」的可能性。

3. 進行激光療程期間,若出現嚴重痛楚、皮膚感到嚴重灼痛、出現水泡及紅腫等,應立即停止療程。

4. 做完激光療程後,應做好防曬,例如戴闊邊帽、塗防曬霜等,減低皮膚色素沉澱風險。

5. 做完激光療程後,皮膚有少許紅腫屬正常現象,色斑位置可能會結痂,約一周後結痂傷口會慢慢脫落,傷口結痂不應抓破,宜按照醫生指示搽消炎藥膏。另外,皮膚亦會變得比較乾燥,可以加強保濕措施。

6. 做完激光療程後,應避免進食辛辣食物。辛辣食物容易令血管擴張,使皮膚較易痕癢。



fractional co2 laser phuket
Fractional CO2 laser 原理
DSE Fractional CO2 Laser不同模式的功效

一個2015年的外國研究,證 明 Fractional CO2 laser 對 凹 凸 洞 有 明 顯 改 善

Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser in Treatment of Acne Scars
Andrej Petrov and Vesna Pljakovska


The study was carried out in Acibadem Sistina Clinical Hospital, Skopje at the Department of Dermatovenerology. The study included patients with residual acne scars of a different type.

Exclusionary criteria in the study were the use of oral retinoids in period of 6 months prior to the laser treatment; the use of anticoagulation therapy; age under 17; and the presence of systemic diseases in the patient.

A questionnaire was prepared to collect the data needed for the objectives of the study. Every patient gave consent to participate in the study after being informed about the nature of the treatment and the research.

The treatment was carried out by different protocols depending on the type of lesion and its depth. Patients were treated with eCO2 beams of 120 and 300 nm. It used static method directly on the lesion, while the periphery was treated with dynamic module. It used different pulse energy, power, density and number of passes in a single session, and a different number of sessions depending on the clinical features of the patient.

To determine the efficacy and safety of the treatment three methods were used: a questionnaire for subjective evaluation of adverse effects by the therapy (pain, redness, and pigmentation), scale of satisfaction by the treatment and comparison of digital photographs before and after the treatment.


The average age of patients in our study for men and women collectively was 28.2 years – the average age for men was 28.33, and for women 26.26. The average total duration of acne was 4 years in men and 9 years in women.

More severe clinical forms of acne conglobata and nodular cystic acne appeared in men. Comedogenic and papular acne in our material were proportionately presented in 50% of cases, while the other half were the more severe clinical forms of acne – pustular inflammatory acne and nodulocystic acne that leave residual lesions in the form of second, third and fourth grade of scars.

Average age of acne appearance was 15.5 years. They started earlier in women than in men. Average duration of scars was 12 years.


Firstly, Anderson and Parrish described fractional photothermolysis in 1983 in the journal Science.

Secondly, the FDA approved the application of fractional carbon dioxide laser in the treatment of acne blemishes in 2007.

Thirdly, numerous studies on the impact of fractional laser on acne scars indicate great success of the treatment.

Moreover, most patients who participated in the studies noticed improvement of their face condition and loss of blemishes.

Relevant studies indicate that ablative CO2 lasers are ideal for treating grade 3 scars caused by acne.


The more time has passed since the appearance of a certain scar, the more severe and refractory it becomes for therapy in the treatment of scars.

We can conclude that the selection of patients and their response to the therapy in this study coincide with worldwide experiences and the findings of numerous research studies.

In conclusion, the results of this study show that fractional laser treatment in these patients is fast and practical. Depending on the scar condition it could be made 6 treatments, and even if the scar is not completely disappeared after the treatment, it significantly improves the look. In 35% of cases there is a complete reduction of scarring, and in 40% a significant reduction of scars with more than 50%.

The time period between two treatments is one month. Dotted and atrophic scars showed the best response to treatment with CO2 laser. Fractional photothermolysis using fractional eCO2 laser is effective and safe method for treating acne scars. The experiences of our work confirm the world experiences that the best result with this method is achieved in dotted ice pick or V-shaped acne scars.


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