Clown Face Emoji 🤡

🤡 Clown Face

A classic circus or birthday clown. Features a face painted with white makeup, a red nose, exaggerated eyes, a big smile, and two tufts of hair (red or blue). May convey that someone is silly or foolish or something that is fun. Also used to refer to something is creepy or scary. Sometimes references to "It" the killer clown in Stephen King's novel.

Copy and paste this 🤡 emoji:

Also Called

  • 🤡Creepy Clown
  • 🤡Evil Clown
  • 🤡Scary Clown

Apple Name

  • 🤡Clown Face

How emoji looks on Apple Iphone, Android and other platforms

Category 😃 Smileys & Emotion
Subgroup Face costume
Codepoints 1F921

Tags and Keywords:

Clown Face 🤡 emoji codes for devs:

HTML hex 🤡
HTML dec 🤡
URL escape code %F0%9F%A4%A1
Punycode xn--9p9h
Bytes (UTF-8) F0 9F A4 A1
JavaScript, JSON, Java \uD83E\uDD21
C, C++, Python \U0001f921
CSS \01F921
PHP, Ruby \u{1F921}
Perl \x{1F921}