Street Listings Guide - Finance

Street Listings Guide

Street Listings Guide

This Quick Locator is provided for your convenience to quickly determine whether or not a Cincinnati post office address is actually located within the Cincinnati city limits.

In order to determine the location refer to the following steps:

  • Identify the address's ZIP code from the postal directory.
  • If the last two digits of the ZIP code appear in Table 1: ZIP Codes Entirely Within Cincinnati, then the address is located within the city limits of Cincinnati.
  • If the last two digits of the ZIP code appear in Table 3: ZIP Codes Entirely Outside of Cincinnati, then the address is located outside the city limits of Cincinnati.
  • If the last two digits of the ZIP code appear in Table 2, view the Cincinnati Street Listings Guide to verify that the specific address is located within Cincinnati. You will be forwarded to an alphabetical directory of Cincinnati street addresses located inside the limits of the City of Cincinnati. If an address is not listed, please call our office for verification at (513) 352-2546 or you can do a property search on the Hamilton County Auditor website. Tax District  001 - CINTI CORP-CINTI CSD indicates that the property is in the city limits.

Table 1: ZIP Codes Entirely Within Cincinnati

45201 45202 45203 45206
45210 45214 45219 45220
45221 45223* 45225 45226
45228 45232 45234 45250

* = (45223) One block of Shepherd Road is located within Cincinnati. The remaining section of Shepherd Road is located outside of Cincinnati. Check the directory for the street address.

Table 2: ZIP Codes Located Inside/Outside of Cincinnati

45204 45205 45207 45208
45209 45211 45212 45213
45215 45216 45217 45224
45227 45229 45230 45231
45233 45237 45238 45239

Table 3: ZIP Codes Entirely Outside of Cincinnati

45218 45236* 45240 45241
45242 45243 45244 45245
45246 45247 45249 45251
45252 45253 45254 45255

* = (45236) The addresses 6700 and 6701 Grace Avenue are located within Cincinnati.