
  • A Christmas Story is a beloved holiday classic that captures the nostalgia and charm of being a young child during the holiday season.
  • The most memorable quotes from A Christmas Story bring laughter, cozy memories, and holiday spirit to fans even after 40 years.
  • The movie showcases relatable childhood moments, such as longing for a special present, schoolyard dares, and the excitement and disappointment of Christmas gifts.

A holiday classic enjoyed by fans every year, the best A Christmas Story quotes highlight how the legacy of the festive movie has lived on. Based on the novel In God We Trust: All Others Pay Cash by Jean Shepherd, A Christmas Story is a nostalgic look at the holiday season through the eyes of young Ralphie, as the older narrator recounts a particularly memorable Christmas with his family in 1940 as he longs for his dream present -- a BB gun. Despite the time period, the movie wonderfully captures the feeling of being a young child at this time of year with a mixture of warm-hearted charm and sharp wit.

Though it was a box office disappointment when it was released in 1983, A Christmas Story has become one of those favorite holiday movies rewatched by countless fans each year during the Christmas season. 2023 will mark a special year for the movie as it is the 40th anniversary of A Christmas Story's release. After so many years, the most memorable A Christmas Story quotes can still provide laughs, cozy memories, and a bit of holiday spirit.

A Christmas Story is available to stream on Max.

25 "I Want An Official Red Ryder Carbine-Action 200-Shot Range Model Air Rifle!"


A Christmas Story begins with the simple yet brilliant concept of young Ralphie deciding on the number one present he wants for Christmas — an official Red Ryder carbine-action 200-shot range model air rifle. From that point, the movie becomes a series of attempts for him to persuade his parents to get it for him. He's savvy enough to start with subtle messaging, not wanting to overplay his hand too early. However, his boyish exuberance takes hold just long enough for him to blurt out to his mother what he wants for Christmas. The pained look of regret on his face as soon as he finishes saying it is a hilarious moment from young Peter Billingsley.

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24 "You'll Shoot Your Eye Out."

Mother Parker

Ralphie smiling on a slide in A Christmas Story

Ralphie was right to be concerned about his mother's response to his request for a BB gun, as she immediately rejects it as being too dangerous. Though Mother Parker is a caring and kind matriarch for the family, when she dismisses Ralphie, it feels like the final word on the matter. As Adult Ralphie narrates, the claim that he'll shoot his eye is "the classic mother-BB gun block." Of course, "You'll shoot your eye out" becomes an earworm for Ralphie, and he represents every kid whose dreams threaten to be dashed by the cynicism of adulthood.

23 "Flick Says He Saw Some Grizzly Bears Near Pulaski's Candy Store!"



Some of the funniest moments in the movie come from the different ways Ralphie seeks to convince his parents to buy him a BB gun. Sitting down for breakfast, his narration decides the best approach would be a subtle hint at why a BB gun would be useful. Not putting enough thought into it, Ralphie randomly blurts out the improbable lie about bears roaming around town. The way his entire family looks at him "as if I had lobsters crawling out of my ears" is one of the best sight gags in the movie. The fact that even his younger brother Randy can't believe what he heard solidifies Ralphie's miscalculation.

22 "I Triple-Dog-Dare Ya!"


A Christmas Story is a perfect holiday coming-of-age movie filled with these relatable youthful moments. There is something very recognizable in the schoolyard arguments and battles, like daring someone as a way to taunt their unwillingness to do something. The discussion over whether a tongue will stick to a frozen metal pole is taken very seriously as Schwartz and Flick take opposite sides. However, the sudden severity of the situation when the "triple-dog-dare" is introduced makes the scene a classic and the dare becomes the ultimate way to shut someone down or force them to step up.

21 "Schwartz Created A Slight Breach Of Etiquette By Skipping The Triple Dare And Going Right For The Throat!"

Adult Ralphie

schwartz giving a triple dog dare in a christmas story

As a young child, it's clear that there's a hierarchy when it comes to daring other kids to do things, especially when drastic measures are taken to ensure the dare is followed through with. From the standpoint of someone Ralphie's age, it's almost a forbidden act when someone skips past all the niceties of multiple dares and goes - as he narrates - "straight for the throat." The way these young kids take their made-up rules so seriously, with the narrator still recounting the moment as a controversial one, is a brilliant depiction of those small childhood moments that feel much bigger.

20 "Adults Loved To Say Things Like That But Kids Knew Better. We Knew Darn Well It Was Always Better Not To Get Caught."

Adult Ralphie

A Christmas Story Flick Tongue

While many of the best A Christmas Story quotes deal with the wild imaginations and strange perceptions within a child's mind, the narration also provides moments when the children actually seem more reasonable than the adults. After Flick gets his tongue stuck to the flag pole, Ralphie's teacher Mrs. Shields addresses the class, hoping those who put Flick up to it will come forward. When no one volunteers, she reminds them the guilt they feel will be a far worse punishment. The look on Ralphie's face is not of guilt but total relief, as Adult Ralphie's narration confirms children are smarter than that and happy to avoid getting caught.

19 "I Can't Put My Arms Down."


Ralphie's younger brother Randy is at a threshold: still at an age where he reaps the benefits of his mother's coddling but feels the effects of her smothering. Randy and Ralphie's mom's attempt to protect her son from the slightest effects of an Indiana winner is both laughable and endearing. Randy rarely speaks without whining, but it's hard not to feel bad for him as he is stuffed into an over-the-top snowsuit that gives him little to no mobility.

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18 "Only One Thing In The World Could've Dragged Me Away From The Soft Glow Of Electric Sex Gleaming In The Window."

Adult Ralphie