Journeys of Christian Faith and Fellowship

Whether you wish to visit the great religious centers of the world, trace the spread of early Christianity across the globe, or walk in the footsteps of inspirational evangelists or spiritual leaders, all denominations can benefit from WorldStrides' specialized programs that will enable all participants to have a deeper appreciation for the remarkable history of his or her own Christian heritage. From Martin Luther to Ulrich Zwingli, John Calvin to John Knox, George Fox to John Wesley, WorldStrides has unequaled expertise in the diversity and depth of experience that can be offered. Come stand before the church in Wittenberg where Luther nailed his “99 Theses” to the door, or stand in the pulpit of Knox or Wesley. Journey to the heart of Scottish spiritual life, St. Andrews, as you learn about the nation’s ecclesiastical history. Alternatively, travel to John Calvin’s “shining city on a hill,” Geneva. Our Christian tours can also combine visits with church services or meetings with local schools or congregations, or even the opportunity for your choir to sing overseas.

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Religious Study Tours and Spiritual Journeys Catalog

Religious Study Tours and Spiritual Journeys Catalog

Discover all of our travel experiences designed with faith and religion in mind.