Chris Martin's Marriage and Relationship History

Updated April 12, 2024 59.4K views

Who is Chris Martin dating? Many famous women have dated Chris Martin, and this list will give you more details about these lucky ladies. Including Chris Martinā€™s current girlfriend, past relationships, pictures together, and dating rumors, this comprehensive dating history tells you everything you need to know about Chris Martinā€™s love life.Ā 

This list features Chris Martinā€™s ex-girlfriends along with additional information about them, such as when they were born and what they do professionally. These women come in all shapes and sizes, but what they all have in common is that they're all women that Chris Martin has either dated or linked up with. It's not hard to get jealous of these women that Chris Martin has gone out with, so try your hardest to contain your envy.

Chris Martin is currently dating Dakota Johnson.Ā 

This list of Chris Martinā€™s girlfriends includes Gwyneth PaltrowĀ and Jennifer Lawrence.

Check out the list of women Chris Martin has dated below.