Biomechanics NEET 2020 NEET 2021 NEET PG Physiotherapy SVNIRTAR MPT ENTRANCE EXAM

10 MCQs on Biomechanics (Part-X)

In this article we will solve 10 MCQs on Biomechanics (Part-X)

In this article, we will solve 10 MCQs on Biomechanics (Part-X). So, let’s get started.

Questions and Answers (Correct answer in bold)

Q1. A therapist completes a goniometric assessment of a patient’s wrist. Assuming
normal range of motion, which of the following motions would you expect to have the greatest available range?
A. Extension
B. Flexion
C. Radial deviation
D. Ulnar deviation

Q2. A therapist measures passive forearm pronation and concludes the results are within normal limits. Which measurement would be classified as within normal limits?
A. 65 degrees
B. 85 degrees
C. 105 degrees
D. 125 degrees

Q3. A patient status post stroke presents with a hypotonic left upper extremity. While performing sitting activities the position of choice for the left upper extremity is:
A. In the patient’s lap
B. In a sling
C. Weight bearing through the upper extremity with the elbow extended
D. Weight bearing through the upper extremity with the elbow and wrist flexed

Q4. A therapist practices assessing joint end-feel. The therapist would most accurately classify normal elbow
extension end-feel as:
A. Firm
B. Hard
C Soft
D. Empty

Q5. A forearm laceration causes damage to the median nerve. Which muscle not innervated by the media nerve can
flex the wrist?
A. Flexor carpi radialis
B. Flexor carpi ulnaris
C. Flexor digitorum superficialis
D. Flexor longus

Q6. A patient sustained a knife would which severed the distal lateral cord of the brachial plexus EMG testing reveals
no damage to the median nerve. The injury will likely result in impairment of:
A Elbow Flexion and Forearm Supination
B. Elbow Extension and Forearm Pronation
C. Shoulder Flexion and Abduction
D. Shoulder Lateral Rotation

Q7. If the axillary nerve was severed, what muscle could laterally rotate the humerus?
A. Teres major
B. Subscapularis
C Infraspinatus
D. Teres minor

Q8. A physical therapist palpates the muscle bellies of the wrist extensors. The therapist follows the muscles proximally to their common origin. This bony landmark is termed the:
A. Lateral epicondyle
B. Medial epicondyle
C. Radial head
D. Olecranon

Q9. A therapist attempts to palpate the lunate by moving his finger immediately distal to lister’s tubercle. Which wrist motion with allow the therapist to facilitate palpation of the lunate?
A. Extension
B. Flexion
C. Radial deviation
D. Ulnar deviation

Q10. A therapist palpates the bony structures of the wrist and hand. Which of the following structures would not be identified in the distal row of carpals?
A. Capitate
B. Hamate
C. Triquetrum
D. Trapezoid

(Note: Correct answer in bold)

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