Chief of State | Definition, Role & Examples - Lesson |
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Chief of State | Definition, Role & Examples

Anthony Hope, Flint Johnson
  • Author
    Anthony Hope

    Anthony completed his M.A. in International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He is primarily interested in how the various functions of a state help or hinder both state and human security from the international and state-level. He previously taught the following subjects as a TA: International Political Economy, US Foreign Power, and US Politics.

  • Instructor
    Flint Johnson

    Flint has tutored mathematics through precalculus, science, and English and has taught college history. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Glasgow

What is a chief of state? Learn the definition and role of a chief of state, about head of state vs head of government, and view chief of state examples. Updated: 11/21/2023
Frequently Asked Questions

What does Chief of State mean?

A Chief of State is the symbolic representation of the state in one person. They are also called the Head of State and have ceremonial duties.

Does the US have a head of state?

Yes, the US does have a Head of State. The US President is both the Head of State and Head of Government.

What is the President's role as chief of state?

As President, they hold both the title of Chief of State and Head of Government. As Chief of State, the US President is the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and represents America abroad.

The President of the United States serves as both Head of State and Government.

President Joe Biden.

A Chief of State, otherwise known as a Head of State, is the highest representative of a sovereign state. The Chief of State can also be the Head of Government, but this isn't always the case, particularly in states that have a Westminster Parliamentary government (i.e. the United Kingdom, Canada). The Chief of State is typically a symbolic or representative role, as they are the embodiment of the state on the international stage. They are usually called upon to meet with foreign leaders and heads of state as the spokesperson for their own state.

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  • 0:01 What Is a Chief of State?
  • 0:49 Chief of State vs.…
  • 1:25 Different Chiefs of…
  • 2:29 Lesson Summary

When the roles of Head of State and Government are separated, the Head of State usually exercises their authority on the advice of the Head of Government.

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The Chief of State is often symbolic. As such, their functions are often limited to what is outlined in a state's constitution. Common functions of the Chief of State are:

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The Chief of State often derives their power from a state's constitution. Their functional power is generally more limited than the Head of Government, who can be directly elected by the citizenry of a state or can assume the office via birthright or another mechanism. As such, the following are generally functions of the Head of Government that the Chief of State is not directly involved in:

  • Forming a government, including cabinet
  • Setting the strategic direction of a country, including drafting and passing key domestic and foreign legislation
  • Meet with foreign leaders and dignitaries to negotiate international deals
  • Provide advice to the Head of State on key appointments

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The British monarch is an example of a Head of State, but not Head of Government.

Queen Elizabeth II

In federal republics, like the US, the Chief of State and Head of Government are usually the same individual. For example, US Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden are or were the Chief of State and Head of Government. Federal republics aren't the only styles of government that have both positions filled by the same individual. Saudi Arabia is another example of a country whose Head of State and Head of Government are one and the same - King Salman embodies both positions.

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A Chief of State is the symbolic embodiment of a state who, depending on the political system of the state, may or may not also be the Head of Government. The Head of State is responsible for commanding the armed forces of a state, signing legislation into law, and performing certain ceremonial duties as outlined in the constitution of that state. They also may meet with foreign leaders and dignitaries and provide hospitality to help Heads of Government negotiate deals and pass international policy.

In the US, the Chief of State and Head of Government are combined and are represented by the President of the United States. For example, Presidents Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden have been the Chief of State and Head of Government. In other countries, like the UK and Canada, the roles are divided. The reigning British monarch serves as the Head of State while the Head of Government is elected and runs the country, and also provides advice to the Head of State.

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Video Transcript

What is a Chief of State?

Elizabeth II, probably the most recognizable head of state in the world who is not also a head of government
Elizabeth II

When you think of a chief of state, you probably go right to the president of the United States. The U.S. president is often called the most powerful person in the world, so you get this picture in your mind of someone who is almost a supreme ruler for however long he (or she) is in office.

Chief of state, or head of state, is really only a part of the president's role, though. Chief of state is the individual a country calls on when it needs a spokesperson to talk with a foreign country. When a country needs to focus all of its national pride on someone at a national celebration, like a holiday or even an important sporting event, the focus is on the head of state. The head of state is the person the world sees. He or she is also the person a country sees when there are national issues that need to be discussed, like foreign policy, healthcare, or taxes.

Chief of State vs. Head of Government

It's important to note that the president of the United States is not just the head of state, the president is also head of government. The U.S. isn't the only country that combines the two offices, but they are two different positions. The head of government is the leading executive officer. In the U.S., the head of government (the president) can select advisors, suggest laws, veto bills, and even provide candidates for the Supreme Court to Congress.

In a country where the two offices are separate, the head of government generally makes the decisions. If the head of state has any official power, he or she is expected to approve them.

David Cameron, Prime Minister of Great Britain and head of government
David Cameron

Different Chiefs of State Around the World

Many countries copy the U.S. South America had its revolutionary wars during the early nineteenth century and borrowed ideas from the U.S. In some ways it's just simpler to give one person all of the public responsibility and executive power than to split them up.

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