Salzburg to Berlin flights from $30 (€26) - Omio

Salzburg to Berlin Flights

Sat, Mar 16
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The cheapest flights from Salzburg to Berlin

Showing times and prices for Mar 17


The best way to find a cheap flight ticket from Salzburg to Berlin is to book your journey as far in advance as possible and to avoid traveling at rush hour.

Salzburg Airport (SZG)
11:30AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
0 transfers
2nd Cheapest
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
04:05PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
08:10PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
11:30AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
0 transfers
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
05:55PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer

Flight schedule from Salzburg to Berlin

Showing flights for tomorrow, Sunday, March 17
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
09:55AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
10:55AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
04:05PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
11:30AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
0 transfers
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
11:30AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
0 transfers
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
02:55PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
01:55PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
05:55PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
08:10PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
10:25PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer

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The fastest flights from Salzburg to Berlin

Showing times and prices for Mar 17

Fastest Journey

1 h 5 m


3 h 27 m

Flights per day



526 km

Of the 10 flights that leave Salzburg for Berlin every day 2 travel direct so it’s quite easy to avoid journeys where you’ll have to change along the way.

Salzburg Airport (SZG)
11:30AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
0 transfers
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
11:30AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
0 transfers
2nd Fastest
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
01:55PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
09:55AMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer
Salzburg Airport (SZG)
05:55PMBerlin Brandenburg Airport (BER)
1 transfer

More than 1,000 travel companies trust us to sell their tickets all in one place.


Overview: Salzburg to Berlin flight

distanceDistance326 miles (526 km)
priceAverage plane ticket price$129 (€111)
changesDirect flightNo
carriersAirlinesTransavia Airlines, Eurowings, easyJet, Lufthansa or Eurowings Europe

Flights from Salzburg to Berlin cover the 326 miles (526 km) long journey with our travel partners like Transavia Airlines, Eurowings, easyJet, Lufthansa or Eurowings Europe. You can get the cheapest plane tickets for this route for as low as $104 (€90), but the average price of plane tickets is $129 (€111). Travelers depart most frequently from Salzburg Airport and arrive in Berlin Brandenburg Airport.

Airlines: Eurowings, Eurowings Europe and easyJet flights from Salzburg to Berlin

Eurowings, Eurowings Europe and easyJet flights will get you to Berlin from Salzburg from $93 (€80). With over 1000 travel companies on Omio, you can find the best flight times and tickets for your trip.

Eurowings is Germany's leading low-cost airline and offers a choice of Smart, Best and BIZclass fares for your next flight between Salzburg and Berlin.

Salzburg to Berlin flight information with Eurowings:

  • Average Duration: 1 h
  • Cheapest Price: $93

Salzburg to Berlin Flights: An Overview

Whenever it's necessary to travel from Salzburg to Berlin, flying will always be a good option to consider. Direct flights cover the 500-kilometer distance between the two cities in one hour 20 minutes, making it a very short trip. And if direct services aren't available at a convenient time, indirect flights will be. They can take as little as two hours 30 minutes, so often represent a good alternative. Travelers can expect a choice of two flights during the week, 1-2 options on Saturdays on Sundays, and 9-10 indirect flights with journey times under five hours.

Which airlines fly from Salzburg to Berlin?

Direct flights from Salzburg to Berlin are available from a couple of airlines, both of which provide low cost connections to the German capital. The first option is to book fares with easyJet, which runs flights into Schonefeld Airport. Alternatively, Eurowings flies into Tegel, and together the two budget carriers offer at least one direct flight per day. Indirect flights may be necessary at times, and can be booked with Austrian or Lufthansa, with stops in Vienna or Frankfurt am Main.

How long is the flight from Salzburg to Berlin?

Flying from Salzburg to Berlin won't take long. The two cities are only a few hundred kilometers apart, and when planes travel direct, the journey time will be as little as one hour 20 minutes. That should be ideal for early morning business flights, and Friday getaways. Sometimes, flying indirectly will be required. In that case, expect the fastest flights from Salzburg to Berlin to reach either Tegel or Schonefeld Airports in two hours 30 minutes, although most indirect services will take a little longer - usually around 3-4 hours in total.

How many flights are there from Salzburg to Berlin?

There are relatively few direct flights from Salzburg to Berlin, but services fly all year-round on a daily basis. From Monday to Friday, passengers can book a couple of flights to Berlin, while the frequency dips a little at weekends (although there will be at least one direct option on Saturday or Sunday). Additionally, whenever travelers need to visit Berlin, they can expect as many as 9-10 indirect journeys with journey times of between two hours 30 minutes and five hours.

What are the departure and arrival airports for flights from Salzburg to Berlin?

Departure airport: All flights from Salzburg to Berlin will leave from Salzburg Airport (SZG). Bus numbers 2 and 10 run from central locations to the departure terminals, and take only 15-20 minutes. There are also 3,400 parking spaces on site, and parking lots are five minutes' walk from the terminal, so driving is a convenient option. Within the terminals, passengers can dine, drink, buy essentials, and benefit from free WiFi courtesy of "Freewave internet."

Arrival airports: Flights from Salzburg will arrive at either Berlin Tegel or Schonefeld Airports (as of October 2019). The TXL and X9 buses run into central Berlin from Tegel, while express trains run from Schonefeld to Berlin Hauptbahnhof, leaving every 30 minutes. Car rental outlets and reasonably priced taxi services are present at both airports. Both arrivals halls offer free WiFi connectivity, if passengers need to arrange onward travel or accommodation. Both Tegel and Schonefeld have notoriously limited services, and even less so at night, so passengers are advised to keep this in mind before flying to Berlin.

Cheap flights from Salzburg to Berlin: when to book to save $

Time Price Savings
1 week earlier 46 €
2 weeks earlier 36 €28.%
3 weeks earlier 28 €64%
1 month before 27 €70%
2 months earlier 25 €84%
3 months earlier 27 €70%

When it comes to booking flights, planning ahead always pays off! Both scheduled and low-cost airlines often release promotional prices and discounted fares—so by buying in advance—you can get access to the cheapest airline tickets. Use Omio to check prices and flight offers Salzburg - Berlin: look for the most attractive fares and choose the most suitable solution for you. But hurry up—if you want to buy cheaper airline tickets from Salzburg to Berlin timing is everything.

Flight prices can fluctuate massively. However, we have studied price trends to help you find cheap flights from Salzburg to Berlin and save as much as possible on ticket prices. In general, when you book a flight:

  • Buying your air tickets from Salzburg to Berlin 3 weeks in advance means you could save up to 64% compared to the price available on the day of departure.
  • If you book a flight from Salzburg - Berlin 2 months in advance you save up to about 84% compared to the initial price.
  • By booking 3 months in advance you could save up to 70%
  • Check back to our website where you can explore airline offers and cheap flights to travel all over Europe, the U.S. and Canada.

FAQs: Salzburg to Berlin Flight

FAQs: Take a flight from Salzburg to Berlin hassle-free. Whether you want fast, cheap or something entirely different, our travel experts have collected everything you need to know so you can find the best option from Salzburg to Berlin.
Cheap plane tickets from Salzburg to Berlin can start from as little as $104 (€90) when you book in advance. The average flight ticket price for Salzburg to Berlin is $129 (€111); however, prices vary depending on the time of day and class and they tend to be more expensive on the day.
The first flight from Salzburg to Berlin leaves at 5: 00 AM. Plan your trip with the Journey Planner   from Omio.
The last flight from Salzburg to Berlin leaves at 8: 30 PM.
For the route from Salzburg to Berlin you can take a flight with Transavia Airlines, Eurowings, easyJet, Lufthansa or Eurowings Europe. Be sure to check out all possible airlines that offer services between Salzburg and Berlin on Omio to compare what amenities they may have.

Flights from Salzburg to Berlin generally leave from Salzburg Airport and arrive in Berlin Brandenburg Airport.

Salzburg Airport is 5.2 km away from Salzburg city centre and Berlin Brandenburg Airport is 25.8 km from Berlin city centre.

The cheapest month for a flight from Salzburg to Berlin is November.
It's helpful to compare your options as there are 2 ways to travel between Salzburg and Berlin including taking a flight or train.

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