Resale Tickets With No Service Fees for Events & More - Ticket Club
Ticket Club

Save big on tickets with no service fees.

Most ticket sites try to hide the true cost of tickets with surprise "service fees." You think you're getting cheap concert or sports tickets, only to pay hundreds more.

With Ticket Club, you don't have to put up with that. Get a premier membership, and you won't pay a dime of service fees. Ever.

Ticket Club member savings add up quickly - often saving you more than the membership cost with your first purchase! Don't believe us? Compare prices after fees and learn the Ticket Club member advantage for yourself.

Event Qty x Section / Row StubHub: You Save:
Hamilton NY 8/3 2x Front Mezz, Row F $720 $914 $194 (27%)
Taylor Swift - 10/26 2x Sec 122, Row 32 $4,342 $5,914 $1,574 (36%)
Dodgers at Yankees - 6/9 2x Field 137, Row 2 $518 $918 $400 (77%)
Prices as of 3/26/2024