ENSEMBLE | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary

Meaning of ensemble in English

(Definition of ensemble from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)
(Definition of ensemble from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

Examples of ensemble

It is worth examining an ensemble of feature vectors to maximise the creative potential of the system.
This confirms our thesis that by varying the content of the plasma probabilistic ensemble one may advance diver se opinions regarding some physical phenomena.
How will this sonic presence of the instrument work within the context of the whole ensemble?
Within its half-hour duration, each ensemble performs nine musical statements or 'messages' which are sent to the others.
Quantification of modelling uncertainties in a large ensemble of climate change simulations.
Solvated ensemble averaging in the calculation of partial atomic charges.
I learned to comprehend the museum itself as an artistic and indirectly political ensemble in a complex historical and economic setting.
Human beings living in the different regions of our planet share all the diseases of that area, the ensemble of viruses, bacteria and parasites.
They found that the exercises engendered rhythm, balance, spatial awareness, and receptivity within their ensemble.
So far, the exercises have an obvious value to actor training and possibly to ensemble rehearsal.
Factually, the idea of the ensemble method had exerted a key influence on the formulation of the most fundamental of the plasma physical theoretical notions.
The tape recorders, in essence, become contributing members of a performing ensemble.
As a consequence, viral populations are heterogeneous and dynamic structures composed by ensembles of different genomes evolving in response to environmental alterations.
A sergeant, three drummers, and ninety-eight soldiers rounded out the ensemble of supernumeraries, constituting a vast expense.
Ensemble has continued to evolve, often in dramatic ways.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Collocations with ensemble


These are words often used in combination with ensemble.

Click on a collocation to see more examples of it.

brass ensemble
Sheldon (1991) presented university students with a half-minute excerpt of a piece arranged for brass ensemble that featured a constant or changing tempo.
chamber ensemble
The score requires ten players, divided into part jazz ensemble (saxophone, trombone, drums bass and piano), part classical chamber ensemble (clarinet and strings).
choral ensemble
A strong core would have provided stability in an otherwise flexible choral ensemble, the additional members of which changed from opera to opera.
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

Translations of ensemble

in Chinese (Traditional)
全體,整體, 劇團, (尤指)樂團…
in Chinese (Simplified)
全体,整体, 剧团, (尤指)乐团…
in Spanish
conjunto, conjunto [masculine]…
in Portuguese
conjunto, grupo [masculine], conjunto [masculine]…
in more languages
in Turkish
in French
in Japanese
in Dutch
in Czech
in Danish
in Indonesian
in Thai
in Vietnamese
in Polish
in Swedish
in Malay
in German
in Norwegian
in Ukrainian
in Russian
(müzik, oyuncu vb.) grup topluluk, takım…
ensemble [masculine], ensemble…
合奏団(がっそうだん), 調和(ちょうわ)…
ensemble, geheel…
komplet, sborový výstup, soubor…
ensemble, sæt, dragt…
pakaian, ansambel, kelompok pemusik…
ชุดผู้หญิงที่ตัดเสร็จสมบูรณ์, การเล่นดนตรีประสาน, การเล่นดนตรีทั้งวง…
bộ quần áo, khúc đồng diễn, đoàn nhạc công…
zespół (muzyczny), grupa (muzyczna ), zestaw…
ensemble, complet, ensemblespel…
pakaian, kumpulan pemuzik, lengkap…
das Komplet, das Kostüm, das Ensemble…
ensemble [neuter], gruppe [masculine], ensemble…
ансамбль, туалет, хор…
ансамбль, труппа…
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